People should really really really not expect this. It seems like 90% of the Internet is convinced this is going to happen.
If Nintendo fans can hear a Sakurai talking about non-playable boss characters, see a caption below the screen saying "Other boss character appearances", and yet still think Ridley's shadow means he's a playable character instead of a boss... There is no limits to how unreasonable they can be.
Metroid Varia Soiree: basically a Mario Party clone but for the Metroid world.
Star Fox Tunnel Vision: just regular star fox gameplay but like... all the levels are tunnels.
Kirby Autobahn: A sim city type game where you build Hitler's autobahn in real-time. As Kirby.
Dr Kiwishima's Zelda Quest: self-explantory.
F-Zero x Gizmos and Gadgets
"One more thing"
Picture of the front of the NX as a date slowly fades in, then out.
Nah. If you say it enough it will happenPeople should really really really not expect this. It seems like 90% of the Internet is convinced this is going to happen.
Watch the Japanese stream I guess.So not hyped for this at all. Hoping to see at least 2 unannounced games but totally ready for a series of trailers and info on a bunch of close to release games i.e DQVII, SMTIV:A etc.
The only way too over-deliver in this predicament is to announce NX reveal date at the very end. Anything else played out. Personally for this direct to be good to me I need monster hunter stories in NA before end of year with the amiibos. I dont play that shit
One idea I just had: could we see a Shovel Knight 2 announcement or is that being saved for NX?
I don't know if I should be happy or disappointed. On the one hand more Shovel Knight whilst on their other hand a true sequel or a new game from them.Not a chance. Shovel Knight isn't even done yet, Yacht Club is still working on the DLC for the first game, and has given pretty straightforward public statements that they aren't doing anything else yet, and haven't even decided what is next for them (at least as of a poll they did a couple months ago).
Maybe they will announce the date of the NX reveal event at the end of the Direct
We've never heard Kimishima talk or address the customers. It would be nice because if he showed up in the Direct, then I'm expecting NX reveal date to come from himWorld wide Direct I hope so
Kimishima is gonna come out at the end and say "One more thing, we will reveal the new Nintendo NX system, Sept 13, plz stay tuned for more details on the event, thank you"
Good luck with that. I believe morimoto already confirmed for this directWe've never heard Kimishima talk or address the customers. It would be nice because if he showed up in the Direct, then I'm expecting NX reveal date to come from him
Good luck with that. I believe morimoto already confirmed for this direct
The Nintendo Direct splash screen fades away. We are instead shown an image of a door, simply marked "Men's". It opens, and the camera follows it through yellowed tiles. We hear grunting, and the camera follows. Underneath the bathroom stall, we see shoes. The door opens up. Inside, we see Kimishima sitting on his throne, holding a copy of the Yomiuri Shinbun. He folds down the top of his newspaper so that we can see his eyes, and he glares the camera through his glasses.
"We ain't announcing shit."
*Laugh track*
We've never heard Kimishima talk or address the customers. It would be nice because if he showed up in the Direct, then I'm expecting NX reveal date to come from him
I thought he would say something for NX reveal atleast.He never addressed consumers during his long tenure at NoA and I don't expect that to change now that he's president of NCL. It's not his style.
Who's going to be the equivalent of Iwata pulling the 3DS out? Reggie's not the same as that class.He never addressed consumers during his long tenure at NoA and I don't expect that to change now that he's president of NCL. It's not his style.
He never addressed consumers during his long tenure at NoA and I don't expect that to change now that he's president of NCL. It's not his style.
He never addressed consumers during his long tenure at NoA and I don't expect that to change now that he's president of NCL. It's not his style.
Super Mario Galaxy 3DS would be excellent.
I thought he would say something for NX reveal atleast.
Like others have said he's the president of Nintendo. Why would he not speak on a complete brand new product?
Who's going to be the equivalent of Iwata pulling the 3DS out? Reggie's not the same as that class.
Even Yamauchi did Press Conference 's he's going to have to do something at some point.
I'd imagine the game would mostly be played on the bottom screen so you can use the stylus to catch stars. Could be kinda cool but ultimately I'd prefer a new game. I sincerely doubt we'll get a new 3D LandNot sure how that'd work too well, it'd run into some of the same scale problem that Xenoblade 3D had (though, bugs aside otherwise a fantastic port), but with controls that wouldn't work very well on a 3DS imo with those very limited screens.
Also, would the game work without huge downgrades on OG hardware? Galaxy looks awfully nice for an early Wii title.
Considering the event is happening soon (well, it will by the time I wake up in the morning XD), will share an updated list of guesses. Could be dead wrong for some of these but feel confident most of them will happen.
-Announced games like Yokai Watch 2, Pokemon Sun & Moon & Mario Party Star Rush will get new trailers showing off new content and what not.
-Localization Announcements: Monster Hunter Stories (with its amiibo series too) launching early 2017, Dragon Ball Fusions announced for early 2017 alongside the 3DS One Piece Fighting game that came out early this year in JP.
-3DS VC games announced: Pokemon Gold/Silver/Crystal launching after the release of Sun & Moon or early 2017
-(Not likely)- Game Boy Advance games coming to New 3DS VC: Nintendo announces Game Boy Advance games playable on the New 3DS with Mother 3, Metroid Zero Mission & Wario Land 4 being available to download after the direct
-(Maybe?)- Mother 3 Localization Announced: Renamed 'Earthbound: Endings', Mother 3 finally sees a NA release on the New 3DS, 3DS & Wii U this Fall. Will get a special retail version on the Wii U for 39.99 containing all three games in the series (Earthbound Begins, Earthbound, Earthbound: Endings). Digital E-Shop version releases for 19.99$ and Lucas Amiibo unlocks special skin for Lucas in-game.
-(Likely)- Another port comes to New 3DS; Mario Galaxy or Metroid Prime is coming to the 3DS from Monster Games Early 2017.
-Release date for Dragon Quest 8 given during the direct
-New Trailer for Sonic Boom: Fire & Ice and Amiibo Support Announced: Sonic Amiibo unlocks Classic Sonic & Modern Sonic Skins for Boom Sonic in-game.
-Nintendo releases new trailer for Ever Oasis
-Direct closes with Nintendo giving date for new direct for the NX and Wii U platforms.
I'd imagine the game would mostly be played on the bottom screen so you can use the stylus to catch stars. Could be kinda cool but ultimately I'd prefer a new game. I sincerely doubt we'll get a new 3D Land
I'd imagine the game would mostly be played on the bottom screen so you can use the stylus to catch stars. Could be kinda cool but ultimately I'd prefer a new game. I sincerely doubt we'll get a new 3D Land
I'm convinced Mario Galaxy is coming to 3ds,that galaxy related 3ds was just to out of nowhere and obscure
My more realistic hopes for this Direct are a Monster Hunter Generations confirmation for the west and a DQ8 release date.
I do hope they give us some NX tease but I know that's in the realm of dreams.