Here's a gameplay trailer of it:
dark10x said:You don't KNOW what the story will be, though. Darker tones do not necessarily mean the story will be poorly directed.
Let us wait and see before judging so harshly. It isn't as if SoT presented much in the way of storyline to us prior to release. The in game dialog was very well done, but it was something I was not even aware of until the final game. They tried to talk SoT up as a rather casual game as well...but that didn't actually reflect back on the product itself.
StrikerObi said:They said the story will have darker tones. Just saying that is already saying the story probably won't be near as good. The first title didn't sell as well as they wanted it to, despite amazing critical praise. It even won the AIAS award for Game of the Year. Now they're resigned themselves to making the game darker and edgier, and thus more in line with the kind of games that sell well.
I don't want a game that sells well. I want a GOOD game. Lots of the time these critically amazing games sell poorly. They're the fantastic indie movies of the videogame world.
They are goring the game up so it will sell better. Blood != more fun dammit.
I really wish these asshats wouldn't let money get in the way of art.
This isn't just random speculation that they're focusing on combat. They are focusing on it, and it has been said many times already. Otherwise I would have just been holding on for hope that they were just going to be improving on the existing system. This, unfortunately, doesn't seem to be the case.
With POP 2 (working title, btw), we are making a clear genre-shift that will blow away anyone's needs for action and combat.
Eventually, I promise you that all POP's fans will feel the same magic but much more energized from pure thrill-packed action-combat gameplay.
If you say that the previous game was 60 % adventure, 30 % combat and 10 % puzzling, I would say that this new opus is definitely making a real genre shift. Although I really don't like breakdowns, for this time only I will tell you that the game revolves around some very heart-pumping Action. Combat oriented action with the same amount of well thought level design and realization. The initial adventure masterpiece will be replaced by the most incredible action masterpiece featuring an evolved hero. Get ready!
dark10x said:We'll see what happens I suppose, but you really must remember that money IS incredibly important. If they don't make money, they don't make games. It's that simple.
The initial adventure masterpiece will be replaced by the most incredible action masterpiece featuring an evolved hero.
dark10x said:We'll see what happens I suppose, but you really must remember that money IS incredibly important. If they don't make money, they don't make games. It's that simple.
Prospero said:The reason that the possibility of Ubisoft going in this direction is particularly troublesome is that they're in a really good position to do innovative work for the sake of innovation itself. They're cranking out Tom Clancy games left and right, and those are like a license to print money. But they're also doing innovative, imaginative games like Beyond Good and Evil and PoP: Sands of Time, games that are doing a lot to push the artistic limits of the medium. If they stop doing that, and take up the philosophy that profit motive is the primary concern for every single game, that'll be bad news. Think about Lucasarts, and how it's changed from doing games like Day of the Tentacle and Sam and Max into cranking out one repetitive Star Wars game after another--if all major companies take that path, real innovation in gaming will grind to a halt.
SaitoH said:If this new look nets more sales, I'm all for it. Too many people didn't bother with PoP and It was a wonderful game.
SaitoH said:Actually, I want to add something, Mr StrikerObi. You are making an awful lot of assumptions about an unfinished game. A lot of people replying to this thread like the new look. Personally, I don't care what it looks like, because I just want a good game and Prince of Persia was a very good game. I see no reason why the sequel should suck simply because they went for a different look.
6.8 said:While I'll wait to hear impressions and more detail about it, I don't like this new focus on action. I would've agreed on making it better, but PoP needed more puzzles (better ones too), and better platforming as well. Hopefully they'll keep that in mind.
JasoNsider said:That's kind of funny, because it seems you are the one not reading the thread. Mr. Striker has done his homework and read the thread in its entirety. Did you even read the quotes saying the game is not just going for a different look, but rather an entire genre shift?
I think the word you guys used here is "0wned", right?
I don't want a game that sells well. I want a GOOD game. Lots of the time these critically amazing games sell poorly. They're the fantastic indie movies of the videogame world.
mjq jazz bar said:I don't care that it's dark. I care that all the developers and game designers seem concerned with is giving us lots of neat moves with which to fight hordes of boring and derivative enemies. Me, I'm much more interested in some sort of evolution of the previous game's platforming, with an extended emphasis on puzzles.
But that's just me. I know it's crazy to expect a game in the Prince of Persia series to focus heavily on platforming and puzzles; it's always been about combat...
SaitoH said:Combat was a weak element in the first game, so how would focusing on improving that aspect be bad? The way some people are talking you'd think they are removing everything to do with platforming and puzzles.
Because I haven't seen one video, screenshot, paragraph, or mention of platforming anywhere. I'd actually be happy if combat were removed completely. I'm much more fond of environmental interaction than I am of violence.SaitoH said:Combat was a weak element in the first game, so how would focusing on improving that aspect be bad? The way some people are talking you'd think they are removing everything to do with platforming and puzzles.
JasoNsider said:I hate to sound like a broken record here, but have you even bothered to read the thread? Seriously now, this is getting tiring.
The interview with Yannis Mallat dodged almost any sort of talk of platforming completely. Every second word out of his mouth was "combat." He has said on numerous occasions "genre shift."
Genre shift! As in, they are focusing on combat and not platforming! They aren't improving on the combat so much as make it the focal point. Big difference.