why are people saying this >_____>
there's no evidence one way or another. people being dramatic for no reason.
Oh nice, I had $16 in credit, bought.
why are people saying this >_____>
Damn, no Spectre.
I'm only buyin from WASTE I can wait an hour
Why are people say that this might bethe final album from Radiohead?
Why are people say that this might bethe final album from Radiohead?
Why are people say that this might bethe final album from Radiohead?
People are just freaking out Radiohead finally put True Love Waits in an album
Because one person on Neogaf said so, for no reason at all.
how can you spoil an album? I don't understand
I'm glad it wasn't. too affiliated with that movie in my eyes.
it's good as a standalone/b-side for the album
Perhaps. I could've sworn I see it pretty often and in non-spoiler threads, but you know your post history better than I do. Either way, this isn't the hill I'm going to die on.No you don't. For whatever reason, when I do do it, it jumps out at you, but I certainly don't do it every other thread. Or even close to it.
Maybe your experience is skewed by the number of spoiler-filled movie threads you read, I dunno.
I don't wanna buy this via Google Play, any other markets got it up yet?
Yeah, is that based on anything more concrete that fan theory?There is no reason to believe that simply because the album ends with True Love Waits and features other songs you've heard them fuck around with in concert, that this is their last album.
I'm glad it wasn't. too affiliated with that movie in my eyes.
Yeah, is that based on anything more concrete that fan theory?
Here we go!
Yeah, is that based on anything more concrete that fan theory?
Is this going to be on Spotify?
No you don't. For whatever reason, when I do do it, it jumps out at you, but I certainly don't do it every other thread. Or even close to it.
Maybe your experience is skewed by the number of spoiler-filled movie threads you read, I dunno.
I don't wanna buy this via Google Play, any other markets got it up yet?
Not at all.
Haha, shocker.It's based on nothing but random conjecture.
I'm listening to True Love Waits.
Why are you people hyping up this song, exactly?
I'm listening to True Love Waits.
Why are you people hyping up this song, exactly?
I'm listening to True Love Waits.
Why are you people hyping up this song, exactly?
I'm listening to True Love Waits.
Why are you people hyping up this song, exactly?