"We worked really hard to build on the diversity of the characters"
"You have Nina, who is this muscle badass and is driving around in her cars."
"You have Eli, who loves his podcasts."
"You have Kev, who loves to cook and that's his biggest thing, he loves to cook.
No Johnny Gat.. The Saints now have a podcast and love to cook! - Twitch
Saints Row 2 was developped before the first (I mean, the project is more ambitious than the first game and took more time). I don't think is "lucky"... just one big project divided on two game.So this announcement is really not surprising if you've been following this series for the years. Saints Row 1 and especially 2's quality were probably a fluke considering that everything else the developers has put out after has pretty much been garbage. Just look at this trash, it's a disgrace to not only the series but gaming in general. This game seems meant to appeal to Fortnite fans and your average Redditor who lacks any decent taste and loves and defends any ugly, soulless corporate trash that is forced on them.
Saint row is dead since the second game... LolMy condolences to the SR fans.
oh no, Chicago street gang vs. California street gang, makes the game so different.They had their own 2000's Chicago street gang vibe that no GTA game had.
Also, comparing Saints Row the Thirds sales to the first two games is disingenuous considering Saints Row 1 was an early 360 exclusive and even the sequel were released when the consoles had smaller install bases and digital gaming didn't take off on consoles yet. Saints Row 1 & 2 had higher attach rates when we look at percentages at the time the games were released and digital gaming wasn't yet mainstream. By the time The Third was released the series already built up a positive reception, it was released on more platforms with huge install bases and it was constantly on sale digitally throughout the years for like $5 which leads to tons of impulse buys by people who purchase it and never even bothering installing it. Maybe if they kept the same direction then Saints Row 3 would have outsold The Third for all we know by that point in time, but we'll never know because the developers abandoned the fanbase that made the series a success in the first place
"We worked really hard to build on the diversity of the characters"
"You have Nina, who is this muscle badass and is driving around in her cars."
"You have Eli, who loves his podcasts."
"You have Kev, who loves to cook and that's his biggest thing, he loves to cook.
No Johnny Gat.. The Saints now have a podcast and love to cook! - Twitch
There actually is a big difference between an early 90's California gang setting and a 2000's Chicago gang setting. Saints Row was obviously inspired by GTA but is by no means a clone. If you want a San Andreas clone then take a look at something like this:oh no, Chicago street gang vs. California street gang, makes the game so different.
The first two SR games are so very obvious inspired by the style of San Andreas, you have to cap really hard to not see it. People back than said it was the next gen San Andreas and they did so for obvious reasons.
It's okay to accept something is a copy without doing mental gymnastics. Doesn't make the game bad. I fully accept Crash Team Racing to be a Mario Kart clone and personally I like that game better than most Mario Kart games. It's still a clone.
Thats speculative in the highest regard, but just to let you know: Saints Row: The Third sold most of its units in the first year, way before the rereleases on other platforms and way before you could get the game for 5 bucks. Not to mention that Saint's Row 2 was also very often on sale. You can get it right now on Steam for 10 bucks. Before the Saint's Row 3 Remaster it was literally on the same platforms too. Now I am not saying that the bigger install base and the positive reception didn't help, but the momentum moved over to SR4 that had the biggest opening week of any SR game and possibly even outsold SR3.
There are also nuanced differences in the style and gameplay mechanics of Crash Team Racing compared to Mario Kart. It's still a clone.If you want a San Andreas clone then take a look at something like this:
Also, I don't see proof that the series sold better over time. I found a source that claims these are the sales figures for the series:
Saints Row - 2 million
Saints Row 2 - 3.4 million
Saints Row the Third - 5.5 Million
Saints Row IV - N/A other than it hit at least a million and then no reports after
That's a question I can't answer, but what we do know is that Saints Row 4 had the best opening week of any game in the franchise, had a stand alone expansion, several rereleases and plenty editions. It most likely sold pretty good. Possibly better than SR3, at the very least at a similar level.If IV sold so well then I don't understand why official numbers weren't posted
Annnnd it's dead. No one will care. So tired of these Epic exclusivity deals.Haha I just saw that it's Epic Exclusive on PC. Nice get Tim, this'll be the one that converts the Steam crowd, for sure.
25 to Life was a generic urban themed game meant to try to capitalize off the success of GTA San Andreas. It tried to desperately clone the theme and feeling of the game despite not being exactly alike. Saints Row plays more similarly to GTA but it has it's own feeling despite being directly inspired by the other series. Dead or Alive and Tekken technically look and play the same to people who don't understand fighting games but anyone who knows about fighters knows that's not true. Saints Row and GTA are the same way. Strong first week sales are not indicative of the total success of a game. There's been cases where a game debuts strongly only to drop like a rock soon after.There are also nuanced differences in the style and gameplay mechanics of Crash Team Racing compared to Mario Kart. It's still a clone.
Saints Row 1 in particular took a ton from GTA in almost every angle you look at it. And no, different gang culture doesn't make it not a clone. Yes, that is a difference, but not nearly as big as you are making it out to be. That's like saying Vice City is totally different than San Andreas because they have a different setting.
25 to Life is a level based third person shooter and a really bad one at that. The setting is comparable to San Andreas, but that's about it. It's not open world, it doesn't share many similar mechanics, the story is underdeveloped in comparison. It's definitely not a clone, because with the exception of the setting it doesn't share much with San Andreas. That is not the case with Saints Row.
So no, its not like comparing Tekken to Dead or Alive, Final Fantasy to Dragon Quest etc.
It is more like comparing NFL 2k with Madden, Need for Speed Underground with Juiced, Max Payne with Strangehold.
That's a question I can't answer, but what we do know is that Saints Row 4 had the best opening week of any game in the franchise, had a stand alone expansion, several rereleases and plenty editions. It most likely sold pretty good. Possibly better than SR3, at the very least at a similar level.
It very obviously was inspired by San Andreas, but it was more so an attempt to capitalize from the success that San Andreas' theme brought. San Andreas had the theme from movies such as Boyz in the Hood and Menace to Society. Around the time there were several gangster themed games and because of that its fair to say that without the success of San Andreas there wouldn't have been 25 to Life. It's definitely not a clone though. If it would offer you a sandbox with same-y gameplay mechanics, then sure. As it is though it's just a poor third person shooter capitalizing on the success of San Andreas by using the same setting.25 to Life was a generic urban themed game meant to try to capitalize off the success of GTA San Andreas. It tried to desperately clone the theme and feeling of the game despite not being exactly alike. Saints Row plays more similarly to GTA but it has it's own feeling despite being directly inspired by the other series. Dead or Alive and Tekken technically look and play the same to people who don't understand fighting games but anyone who knows about fighters knows that's not true. Saints Row and GTA are the same way. Strong first week sales are not indicative of the total success of a game. There's been cases where a game debuts strongly only to drop like a rock soon after.
These devs just don't fucking get it. I hated Saints Row 3 and 4. They just can't stick to a coherent vision for the game. Saints Row 1 and 2 nailed it. They had the right idea then and should've just built on top of the world they created.They changed the look back to old Saints Row which is good but the mood of the game seems to be like Saints Row 3+4 which spelled the death of the old series. I'm not a doomposter who will immediately call this trash without seeing gameplay...
But the gameplay teaser seriously worries me. Saints Row was much better as a GTA clone with the unique gang banging vibe that made people fall in love with Saints Row 1 and 2. At this point, I'd rather just get a Saints Row 2 remake in the new engine if they refuse to change the series back to what made it popular in the first place.
the data suggests that they have had more success with the route of SR3 and SR4 and critically the PC version of SR4 is the best rated with SR3 being the most even.These devs just don't fucking get it. I hated Saints Row 3 and 4. They just can't stick to a coherent vision for the game. Saints Row 1 and 2 nailed it. They had the right idea then and should've just built on top of the world they created.
How fucking hard is it to see what worked, go back and expand on those ideas. Surely they must have the hard data on hand to see the series falling from its high in the first two entries.
Then you have to question why its falling out of favour with gamers.
yes they are.Are Saints Row 1/2 BC on Xbox One/Series S/X?
Not gonna lie, loved 3/4 played them multiple times. If SR goes woke and the raucous humor and game play goes away, well then there goes its most loyal fan base.the data suggests that they have had more success with the route of SR3 and SR4 and critically the PC version of SR4 is the best rated with SR3 being the most even.
without the political incorrect humor and over the top gameplay it might as well be another Watch Dogs game. I don't think that one trailer is enough to judge the whole game though, but they definitely fucked up the reveal.Not gonna lie, loved 3/4 played them multiple times. If SR goes woke and the raucous humor and game play goes away, well then there goes its most loyal fan base.