Didn't you see the ant video from the BBC with all that fungus stuff??
Vid with riots, people in quarantine and another vid of ants affected by a fungus... c'mon...
FPSMMO* thank you very much...
Didn't you see the ant video from the BBC with all that fungus stuff??
Vid with riots, people in quarantine and another vid of ants affected by a fungus... c'mon...
This is something I can get behind. Do it.District 9 The Game.
Would you lmfao if GOWIV supports Move?
Also, there is no such thing as a "Move game". There are casual and hardcore games, Move compatible/required or not.
Would you lmfao if GOWIV supports Move?
Also, there is no such thing as a "Move game". There are casual and hardcore games, Move compatible/required or not.
Another thing, a Move compatible/required game doesn't necessarily mean "OMG I need to stand up and waggle?!?". Nope.
If Infamous 2, Killzone 3 or Resistance 3 were Move-only games, what would be the problem? They can be played with it just the same or, realistically better than with the normal controller.If it supports it, no problem. But if GoW IV was a Move-only game I'd cry, but that won't happen.
Well, a Move required game is what you can called a Move game.
If Infamous 2, Killzone 3 or Resistance 3 were Move-only games, what would be the problem? They can be played with it just the same or, realistically better than with the normal controller.
The anti-Move crowd are an odd bunch, I haven't got one yet, don't know if I will but the double consensus seems to be that:
a) Move sucks and Sony better not make any decent games Move only
b) I'll only get a Move if it has any decent Move exclusive games!
So Which one is it and how can Sony possible win with the Move?
I wouldn't mind this being a high production values Move exclusive survival horror/adventure game.
If Infamous 2 or Killzone 3 was a Move-only game, what would be the problem? They can be played with it just the same or better than with the normal controller.
c) Kill the fucking thing already, no one gives a shit about it anyway
Had inFamous 2 been a Move-only game it would've sold even worse![]()
The anti-Move crowd are an odd bunch, I haven't got one yet, don't know if I will but the double consensus seems to be that:
a) Move sucks and Sony better not make any decent games Move only
b) I'll only get a Move if it has any decent Move exclusive games!
So Which one is it and how can Sony possible win with the Move?
I wouldn't mind this being a high production values Move exclusive survival horror/adventure game.
Didn't inFamous 2 sell pretty well?
According to AmeriGAF it pretty much bombed IIRC. Dunno about Europe.
Huh? It sold just under 400K it's first month in America. Hardly a bomb.
Really? That's not bad at all. Dunno why AmeriGAF made it sound like the game barely sold half a copy.
because its a sony game, and sony games have a stigma of not selling well
because its a sony game, and sony games have a stigma of not selling well
can you send me over that rapport of how Sony games sold? with numbers and all that fine stuff?
People need to remember that no one really knows WW sales unless sony lets you know. And NPD does not = WORLD. And VGCbullshit has no fucking clue.
Besides GT, Uncharted, GOW say hi. O wait those don't sell 20 million = FLOP
can you send me over that rapport of how Sony games sold? with numbers and all that fine stuff?
People need to remember that no one really knows WW sales unless sony lets you know. And NPD does not = WORLD. And VGCbullshit has no fucking clue.
Besides GT, Uncharted, GOW say hi. O wait those don't sell 20 million = FLOP
can you send me over that rapport of how Sony games sold? with numbers and all that fine stuff?
People need to remember that no one really knows WW sales unless sony lets you know. And NPD does not = WORLD. And VGCbullshit has no fucking clue.
Besides GT, Uncharted, GOW say hi. O wait those don't sell 20 million = FLOP
The ant movie is about a real-life fungus that "infects and controls" mind of those who are exposed to it and let's them die a couple of weeks later. From a BBC doc I believe (not sure which one, will check tonight).
EDIT. nvm way lttp on the bbc thing
Mind Control and zambies made me giddy for a SCEA interpretation of Siren on American soil. Never gonna happen but fuck it.
That ant has a virus, btw. I can't remember exactly but that video is from a documentary that details and plant or bacteria that infects the ant's brain and turns it into a zombie, essentially. It makes it crawl towards light and then kills it and feeds off of the light I believe.
Scientists have identified four new species of brain-controlling fungi that turn ants into zombies that do the parasite's bidding before it kills them.
Identified from samples collected at two sites in Brazil's tropical rain forest, each of the four species specializes in controlling a different species of carpenter ant.
The original zombie-ant fungus, Ophiocordyceps unilateralis, was first identified in 1865, and it seems to exist around the world...
Once it infects an ant, the fungus uses as-yet-unidentified chemicals to control the ant's behavior. It directs the ant to leave its colony and bite down on the underside of a leaf — the ant's soon-to-be resting place. Once it is killed by the fungus, the ant remains anchored in place, thanks to its death grip on the leaf.
Ultimately, the fungus produces a long stalk that protrudes from the ant's head, shooting spores out in the hopes of infecting other ants. Two of the four newly discovered species also sprouted smaller stalks elsewhere, including from the victim's feet and lower leg joints – the equivalent of knees.
you probably shouldnt get so worked up about things like this. its bad for your blood pressure
Didn't inFamous 2 sell pretty well?
The original idea was that the spores want to be carried aloft on the wind, and it needs to start from a high vantage point to do that, so they zombify the ants to crawl up a tree and get eaten by a bird or just expire up there and explode with spores. It is just totally fucked up.
I don't mean sales, I mean simply playability. Every one of those games works just fine with Move, and so do a number of games that are impossible without it. I really think Sony should just bite the bullet and make the Move successor the default controller with PS4.Had inFamous 2 been a Move-only game it would've sold even worse![]()
Not quite. You got the major beats right. But the actual thing in all it's gory detail is actually way worse and one of the most disturbing things I've ever seen or read.
The best video documentary of is is in the Planet Earth BBC blu-rays, one one of those discs.
Here is what is going on. And yeah, put down the sammich:
The original idea was that the spores want to be carried aloft on the wind, and it needs to start from a high vantage point to do that, so they zombify the ants to crawl up a tree and get eaten by a bird or just expire up there and explode with spores. It is just totally fucked up.
So how much did Infamous 2 sell in NA in first month?
btw: didn't sony release some statement that infamous 2 dlc was best selling PS dlc ever or something like that?
VGbusllshit has Infamous 2 on less then 1 million
I2 did 369,00 in June of this year.
I'm sorry but if those games were move only, I wouldn't have played them. Videogames are my hobby when I want to have some time to myself and relax with a good game. If I'm going to be productive with my body, it's going to be constructive and not recreational. With a group gathering, it's a different story. But when I'm alone, no.
I think most sony games with sequels end up profitable, I think the only notable flop is Motorstorm Apocalypse, Folklore, Heavenly Sword (actually not sure about this, but team ninja sure don't like the sales number), Lair, and probably Haze.
wait, maybe White Knight Chronicles too
Flicking a wrist is not really that different from flicking a thumb. I actually find more comfortable to play shooter with Move as I need to move my thumb around much less frequently.
But to me, it's a matter of fun and playing those games with the Move is immensely more fun than with the DS3. Heck, Move support brought me back into MAG back in the days. And I hated MAG.
Flicking a wrist is not really that different from flicking a thumb. I actually find more comfortable to play shooter with Move as I need to move my thumb around much less frequently.
I think HS sold pretty well, especially so early in the systems lifecycle. But Ninja Theory wanted more, and abandoned the IP in favor of Enslaved, which was a true bombah even being a multiplatform title. You probably know the rest of the story, DmC and all that.
Hum, I find moving my wrist much more tiring than moving my thumb.
The Move itself works very well, it's that damn camera which is the problem.
Not quite. You got the major beats right. But the actual thing in all it's gory detail is actually way worse and one of the most disturbing things I've ever seen or read.
The best video documentary of is is in the Planet Earth BBC blu-rays, one one of those discs.
Here is what is going on. And yeah, put down the sammich:
The original idea was that the spores want to be carried aloft on the wind, and it needs to start from a high vantage point to do that, so they zombify the ants to crawl up a tree and get eaten by a bird or just expire up there and explode with spores. It is just totally fucked up.
if it turns out to be that flashlight move game I am going to be so disappointed. Geoff can't hype this much some linear move title, or can he? Can HE!?!!
You have already played it?
Tell us more.
if it turns out to be that flashlight move game I am going to be so disappointed. Geoff can't hype this much some linear move title, or can he? Can HE!?!!