So wait does attaining region/ww coin milestones unlock content?Did anyone else get the SpotPass notice?
Apparently 400 million coins have been gathered so far and.you can now play as Luigi in single player
So wait does attaining region/ww coin milestones unlock content?Did anyone else get the SpotPass notice?
Apparently 400 million coins have been gathered so far and.you can now play as Luigi in single player
Did anyone else get the SpotPass notice?
Apparently 400 million coins have been gathered so far and.you can now play as Luigi in single player
So wait does attaining region/ww coin milestones unlock content?
Did anyone else get the SpotPass notice?
Apparently 400 million coins have been gathered so far and.you can now play as Luigi in single player
So wait does attaining region/ww coin milestones unlock content?
Did anyone else get the SpotPass notice?
Apparently 400 million coins have been gathered so far and.you can now play as Luigi in single player
Its a cool idea but I'm going to wait and see what other unlocks are given besides ones that were witheld from the game that were standard in previous titles.lol at this point Nintendo is going to have to release a PR statement clarifying just what coin-related features are in the damn game thanks to the early Japanese release.
It's like, if it was such a big deal or something that had to be kept secret until everyone had the game, they should have just done a worldwide simultaneous release.
Idk it might be too hard for nintendo because of his fart gameplay. Lol....
The usual always negative Doomed!-GAF oughta feel ashamed now. Once again...WOW
This is gold.
Probably not. If it did, I imagine we'd get something at every milestone: 1 million, 10 million, etc, etc.
Also, that number I posted above should be 4 billion and not 400 million. I'll edit my post.
Er... regarding that second bit...Luigi was always playable, you just have to beat the game first, then do the same thing you did in NSMB DS (Hold L&R at the file select screen.)
Yea I haven't played the game but thething has been in the game before this if the Gamefaqs cheat section is to be trusted.play as Luigi
in the case I want to play a mario game for 3DS, 3D Land or this one?
is it possible to use a NTSC 3ds and somehow access the jpn shop to purchase their digital release!??!
Japan was NTSC too, ya know, which doesn't apply to handheld devices.
eShop server addresses are likely embedded in the firmware, which is apparently encrypted and as such has yet to be cracked. Short answer: no.
I don't agree with that in my Cubed3 review that went up a couple of days ago. Nintendo simply made it trickier to get run-ups, which makes it all the more satisfying when you achieve them. I liked the challenge, rather than endless long stretches...
One TRILLION coins to unlock Bowser
This is basically the only 3DS game I'm getting for $40 instead of NewEggs $30, haha
4-7 day shipping just isn't fast enough for me. I need this day 1!
Also, test_account,all it is is a title screen change. Sucks :/
No, I'm in Texas. Central coast, I think? I dunnoDo you live in the East Coast?
I'm happy. The game got a very respectable 8.5 from IGN. I can't wait!
Thanks for the info regarding what happened when you collect one million coinsAlso, test_account,all it is is a title screen change. Sucks :/
"But it’s also impossible not to be disappointed that it’s over so quickly, and doesn’t offer anything really new. The best Mario games reinvent themselves at the same time as paying loving homage to what went before; they take something you know and love and make it feel new all over again. New Super Mario Bros doesn’t do that."
veeeeeeeeery generous score given the written review.
not at all
"It is impossible not to be drawn in by the simple perfection of New Super Mario Bros 2s mechanics and level design this is as pleasurable and effortless as 2D platforming gets. But its also impossible not to be disappointed that its over so quickly, and doesnt offer anything really new. The best Mario games reinvent themselves at the same time as paying loving homage to what went before; they take something you know and love and make it feel new all over again. New Super Mario Bros doesnt do that - but its a delightful game while it lasts, and still the best 2D platformer on the 3DS."
gameplay 9.5
not at all
"It is impossible not to be drawn in by the simple perfection of New Super Mario Bros 2’s mechanics and level design – this is as pleasurable and effortless as 2D platforming gets. But it’s also impossible not to be disappointed that it’s over so quickly, and doesn’t offer anything really new. The best Mario games reinvent themselves at the same time as paying loving homage to what went before; they take something you know and love and make it feel new all over again. New Super Mario Bros doesn’t do that - but it’s a delightful game while it lasts, and still the best 2D platformer on the 3DS."
gameplay 9.5
7-10 scale, shocking!
The extra line doesn't mean shit. They're back peddling.
"This game is the same tired bullshit everyone is starting to get sick of when it comes to the NSMB series. But it was still great for the 5 hours it lasted!"
*ridiculously high scores to the contrary of the written review*
It's like they're incapable of being negative with a 2D Mario game just because it's a 2D Mario game. This reminds me of the Star Wars on blu ray debacle. "The special edition changes are awful, and the transfers aren't that great... but it's Star Wars. On BLU RAY. 10/10"
Something can be fun and not innovative at the same time time. They're not mutually exclusive concepts.
What is your evidence that they're giving it a pass because it's a 2D Mario and not because they...had fun playing it even though it's nothing "new". Which arbitrary review score do you think it deserves?
The extra line doesn't mean shit. They're back peddling.
"This game is the same tired bullshit everyone is starting to get sick of when it comes to the NSMB series. But it was still great for the 5 hours it lasted!"
*ridiculously high scores to the contrary of the written review*
It's like they're incapable of being negative with a 2D Mario game just because it's a 2D Mario game. This reminds me of the Star Wars on blu ray debacle. "The special edition changes are awful, and the transfers aren't that great... but it's Star Wars. On BLU RAY. 10/10"
Something can be fun and not innovative at the same time time. They're not mutually exclusive concepts.
What is your evidence that they're giving it a pass because it's a 2D Mario and not because they...had fun playing it even though it's nothing "new". Which arbitrary review score do you think it deserves?
Edit: I should explain myself better. If the score does not match the text in your opinion, then ignore it. The text seems in line with most expectations of a fun game that wasn't breaking any new ground. The game was not given a 10/10. Perhaps IGN weighted the fun factor more than the innovation factor in scoring it. The text should explain the score more, I agree. But I don't see how an 8.5 on IGN's scale is analogous to the Star Wars example.
IGN Game Reviews Guide said:7.0/7.5 - Good
Sure, there are some issues, but the overall experience is still good enough to recommend. Maybe it lacks ambition or it's repetitive or has too many technical glitches, but we had fun playing it nonetheless and think you will too.
"best 2d platformer on the system"
"Only the lack of novelty detracts from the perfection of this formula."
" simple perfection of New Super Mario Bros 2’s mechanics and level design"
"....it doesn’t move the series forward. When it’s as good as it was to begin with, though, it’s hard to find much else to complain about."
Wow those contradictory fools. They need to stop hiding behind the Mario name and give the game the score it really deserves.
I don't think so. She says game is tremendously fun but not innovative, something we already knew. Her review is much more balanced than your overreacting post about "tired bullshit". If you like to think game is getting a pass because its Mario then so be it
also, SM3DL can be completed in more or less the same amount of hours
IGN 8-8.5 said:If you play a lot of games, then you have got to play this one. It might not be among the very best available, but it's worth your time. If this is the type of game that appeals to you, then this one should be an automatic purchase.
I think their review lines up more with what they consider a 7/10:
but it gets a bump because it's Mario.
That is some very high praise for the NSMB series. Perfection? Jeez. Then what's Mario 3?
Even fellow IGN employees wouldn't agree.
From what I've heard, this game is the easiest Mario of all time. There are onlyworlds, including the unlockable ones. 3D Land has 16, and the final stage is possibly the hardest Mario stage ever made. It sounds like 3D Land takes a lot longer to complete, but I'll have to play NSMB 2 to know for sure.spoilers 9
This may sound crazy but i'm going to wait until I play the game to form my own opinion on its quality.
Skyward Sword deserved a high score though?It's kind of annoying when even 80-85% titles are totally flawed these days. Game reviews are completely unreliable. I also noticed that game ratings are higher if there's a certain franchise attached or if it's heavily hyped (examples: Skyward Sword, GTA IV).
Another example? New Super Mario Bros. for DS, which received a 9.5 from IGN.
[This post is not discussing the quality of NSMB2 as I haven't played it. I don't expect too much though.]
Skyward Sword deserved a high score though?
Skyward Sword deserved a high score though?
get the kevlar, mate, one for you and one for me!
they take something you know and love and make it feel new all over again
Skyward Sword deserved a high score though?