realllly pisses me off when I can't find a coin.
ghost houses drive me nuts. Can't find the coin on the 1st secret world ghost house.
also, is there a way to detect on what level the secret exit is? Is it always the tower level?
most hated enemy in a mario game?
for me its a shortlist of three
- lakitu lobbing spiky turtles at me. Mainly because his path isn't predictable and he's always in my face. fuck off.
- those strange mini chomps that follow you around somewhere in world 6. aargh. same reason as lakitu I guess, nowhere to hide.
- boomerang guy. Two boomerangs is just annoying, barely gives you any space to get through.
- Hammer guy. Similar to boomerang guy but slightly less annoying. Don't think I've seen him in NSMB2 yet though?
Lakitu and his spinies haven't been really threatening since SMB1... well except for W Star-5 in this game.
Fire chomps have always been kind of a pushover. Unlike regular chain chomps you can defeat them by jumping on their heads.
Boomerang Bros are definitely the most challenging of the bros koopas.
The real answers are Phanto, Boss Bass, and Angry Sun.
most hated enemy in a mario game?
for me its a shortlist of three
- lakitu lobbing spiky turtles at me. Mainly because his path isn't predictable and he's always in my face. fuck off.
- those strange mini chomps that follow you around somewhere in world 6. aargh. same reason as lakitu I guess, nowhere to hide.
- boomerang guy. Two boomerangs is just annoying, barely gives you any space to get through.
- Hammer guy. Similar to boomerang guy but slightly less annoying. Don't think I've seen him in NSMB2 yet though?
So I mustve died 8 times in one level (looking for a secret exit), and now every time I go into that level there's a gold super leaf block at the start. I didn't know it was there initially (I would have liked to -- so that I could shut down the game without saving), and this is obviously because I didn't enter the level on the 9th try.
Since I've saved the game since then, it's there pemanently!
Does anyone know if I will lose shiny star status, or can I just avoid using the special block?
Why I oughtta...just replay that level and finish it without sucking.
review from the #1 Sonic and Mario fan
if your a sonic fan you know all about this guys reviews, but i think this is his first review where he tears apart a Nintendo game
Enjoying the game but about the bosses and mini-bosses:
Are all the mini-bosses the rhinos? I'm only at W2 and I just fought the same mini-bosses! Please don't tell me it's only rhinos for the rest of the game!
Enjoying the game but about the bosses and mini-bosses:
Are all the mini-bosses the rhinos? I'm only at W2 and I just fought the same mini-bosses! Please don't tell me it's only rhinos for the rest of the game!
Well, it seems I'm mostly done with the game, at least for now.
All the fundamentals are great, but the game is clearly lacking something. It's quite fun for most of the time, but I'm not entirely sure if it's worth the full price.
I'll still cling onto opinion that the main quest is too short and too varied enough. Platformers always have a lot of great of post-game content, but that doesn't exempt this game. Nearly every other platform game I played over the last few years, be it 2D or 3D, had been rife in both aspects, but still had an immensely fun and fairly lengthy main quest. Be it NSMBW, DKCR, both Galaxies, they all had a lot to offer before post-game collectible hunt. That's not really the case here. This is why I have a gripe with bare 3 hours it took me to complete NSMB2. That's all.
"poor in creativity and good at fun" is such a stupid thing to say about this. Aren't the old SMB games still fun? Then why not play those games instead? Anyone that could say they are tired of all of the old SMB and NSMB games is going to say they are tired of this one before they even touch it, because without the creativity to make this something fresh, then there is no point to this game existing at all.
realllly pisses me off when I can't find a coin.
ghost houses drive me nuts. Can't find the coin on the 1st secret world ghost house.
also, is there a way to detect on what level the secret exit is? Is it always the tower level?
Quick question: how did you get the game for $10? Just curious.
Again, I'm getting close to it (I still lack around 10-15 star coins and 3 or so secret exits), but I play at different pace than you guys do (I first rush through the main quest and then replay levels to completion over time, few star coins/stars/puzzle pieces at a time).
For comparison, I still think I have more to unlock in NSMBW than I already did in NSMB2. And I had that game for over 2 years now. Every now and then I play several levels and still marvel at some of the cool ideas that they fit in the game. Here, I see nothing of that sort. The game is massively lacking in that respect. I just don't know, I'm looking for it, but it lacks that "oomph" that some of NSMBW levels had.
The damning world based comparison in my eyes comes with comparing NSMB2 sky world to NSMB Wii Skyworld, it's like a gulf of difference, Wii has floating water bubbles, rotating platforms, Parabeetles, tilt control platforms (in two forms) and the airy spike pillar castle with the awesome Ludwig fight. Meanwhile NSMB2 has that scrolling coin ship stage which isn't that enjoyable really (kind of like the giant wiggler in NSMB, interesting but actually uneventful), the sky ruins with the cannon pipes and an okay Ludwig fight that would be much better if he started swinging on the chains earlier in the fight.
It certainly does look better than the wii game with greater background variety but it's still only a small step forwards so ultimately it doesn't mean that much. I'd say the reason people get so hung up on backgrounds and music in these games is really because a few missteps aside the core gameplay is pretty well nailed down with solid level design so these are the next most important things to deal with, one of the main reasons i'm very much looking forward to NSMBU is because it looks to solve this issue, it will play very similarly I imagine but have a much fresher feel to it by virtue of the improved audiovisual side.The more I play it, the less I understand the "bland" criticisms.
Yes, the art style is the same, but it looks even better than the Wii entry to my eyes with the subtle 3D and depth effect (I particularly love the floating bits of fire in lava stages).
More importantly, the level design is perfect. If anything, this game has left me more confident about the future of the franchise, for I can see that this younger group of designers at Nintendo is more than capable of pulling off the level of polish and subtle innovation required of top-tier Mario levels.
Minor changes in incentive are very important here. The recorded coin tallies per level make me much more inclined to perfect my run and grab everything, and there are other little details that go a long way towards changing my play style: those classic boxes containing a time-based number of coins, for which you must jump repeatedly, were always a chore in past Mario titles, so that I'd often just grab the first coin and keep moving. Here, there's the significant added bonus of a possible coin-hat (?) if you reach the total fast enough, which then gives even further incentive to keep running nonstop and milk that bonus. All of these changes chain up so that I'm perpetually trying to maximize profits instead of just running through the scenery.
The biggest disappointment for me was Winter World. I always liked ice/snow-themed levels in games, as frustrating as they might be. They usually have very soothing music and some nice vistas.
What did I get here?
Snow level - Ghost House (???) - Snow level - Tower - Ice level (that takes about a minute to complete together with all star coins) - Mushroom level (BWAH BWAH) - Underwater level (!?!?) - Castle
And that's it. Sure, there are still two alternate levels I have to unlock (one was an icy level... underground. It wasn't that bad though), but that was disappointing. I love to actually do some platforming in a platform game. Here I have to stop constantly and scan the environment for any ledge that looks off or pipe that seems different. There is no flow to the game in most of the levels, and it's interrupted constantly if you want to experience these other levels.
3-B I think? if all else fails there's always one in a mushroom house but you can't get one in reserve that way.What is the level that gives out the little mushrooms? Thanks in advance.
What is the level that gives out the little mushrooms? Thanks in advance.
More importantly, the level design is perfect. If anything, this game has left me more confident about the future of the franchise, for I can see that this younger group of designers at Nintendo is more than capable of pulling off the level of polish and subtle innovation required of top-tier Mario levels.
You can get a little mushroom from any mushroom house.
Why would I do that? Can't you only use them once? They are like items in a jrpg, I will NEVER use them.
Stumpokapow, really depth and interesting review.
Quick question: how did you get the game for $10? Just curious.
Canadian retailer had "Trade 1 qualifying game to get NSMB2" promotion. Qualifying games were mostly $20+, but one of them was "Jockey Champion" for Wii, a horse racing game. I checked EBGames and the closest one to my house had a copy for $10. Ta-da.
The people I was with got 3DS XLs for $75-90 abusing a similar "trade 5 qualifying games" promotion. Hell, Wal-Mart in Canada was selling Max Payne 3 for $20, and that qualified for both promotions, so even if you weren't an expert at abusing the system, you'd still get it half off![]()
I did it! Five shiny stars on my save file!
I've only got ~50,000 coins though. I can't imagine reaching a million, that takes some serious grinding.