Can anyone tell me what you get for earning 1 million coins?
A new title screen.
Can anyone tell me what you get for earning 1 million coins?
What does this mean?
Well I don't know what his opinion is but I feel the credits tune in this managed to surpass the already catchy Wii version.
It's all about the "DOOS" to go alongside the "BAHS"
Also I much preferred the credits minigame here.
Gah, screw it. Can someone just tell me what level I should be looking for secret exits in in World 1? Not where to find it, just the level.
It's a hint that "DOOS" will be the new addition to the New Super Mario Bros theme with the WiiU version.
Well I don't know what his opinion is but I feel the credits tune in this managed to surpass the already catchy Wii version.
I noticed that some of the background assets seem to be be low-res bitmaps that are being upscaled. That's what you're mistaking as compression. Very sloppy work by Nintendo, for sure.Why does the background for World 1 (blue sky) look like a low quality .jpg, with artifacts and stuff?
Both in 2d and 3d.
I assure you that's not the .jpg, it's the same as in-game.
Blur effect (unrelated) is actually nice, by the way.
Just bought this today as it comes out tomorrow in Italy (retail version, we had the dd version on the shop as of last week but... lol dd)
I noticed that some of the background assets seem to be be low-res bitmaps that are being upscaled. That's what you're mistaking as compression. Very sloppy work by Nintendo, for sure.
I have no problem with partially duplicated powerups. Ice Flower/Penguin just mirrored the old Raccoon Tail/Tanooki setup, I thought it was a nice throwback.
1. It isn't arbitrary. Those were the three most recent 2D Marios before the NSMB series*. I didn't "window in on particular ones".Not that I don't have some agreement but the way you present it is flawed:
Your 90-95 trio is not only an arbitrary date grouping but contains a non-Mario game. There were basically 6 2D Marios prior to NSMB. SMB, SMB:LL, SMB3, and SMW. There was also Mario Land 1 and 2 on Gameboy. I think if you really wanted a comparison it makes most sense to choose SMB1-3 (specifically since we're talking about the first 3 NSMB games) rather than windowing on a particular ones. And that argument would mostly be on the strength of 3 (since 1 and 2 reused almost all assets) which while immense doesn't really demonstrate much.
Also another way to look at it is times have changed, as has the franchise and these comparisons are going to be weighted to the early franchise because they ignore those changes. The expanded Mario series has also seen NSMB Wii, SMG 2 and SM3DL in a span of less than 3 years. Essentially it's gained so much variety it's being split into sub-series (and really sub-sub-series since handheld NSMB is actually different than console NSMB).
What does that even mean? Can't accept? Obviously NSMB is a sub series. That doesn't mean we have to be apologists for it.3D Mario didn't exist during the era you cite. Things are different now.
Instead of NSMB, NSMB Wii, NSMB 2, it's actually:
NSMB, Mario Galaxy, NSMB Wii, Mario Galaxy 2, Mario 3D Land, NSMB 2 - a little more variety there.
Some people can't seem to accept that NSMB is its own sub series. It is not the be-all, end all of Mario, or indicative of the nature of the franchise today. In addition to the fact that Nintendo only makes one NSMB entry per platform, and other Mario entries on the same platform are different.
That's not it. It's extremely random and annoying to find.Before I drive myself mad trying to figure out if I'm correct:
In World 2, when looking for the secret exit, is the solution toThat's the only place I'm seeing the makes sense right now, but it's also a huuuuuuuuuge pain so I don't want to destroy myself trying to do this only to find out I was barking up the wrong tree.Fly to the area over the exit door in the "big ghost is chasing you" section?
A new title screen.
While I'm thinking of it: they didn't do anything insane like put an exit/star coin in what looks to be a pit unless you take a leap of faith, right?
2. If you want to use SMB1-3 instead, fine! My point remains exactly the same since those three games are completely different from one another in every aspect.
---------- If you want to refer to The Lost Levels instead, that gets kind of muddy since Nintendo had been planning Doki Doki Panic as the actual sequel initially (NoA honoured this), not to mention that Nintendo hadn't really sorted out its philosophy on what a sequel would be. But OK. So there was a time (1985-1986..) when Nintendo did something similar to what they're doing now.
You've gone into more detail, but I'm not sure what you're rebuffing exactly. Of course the contexts are different. That doesn't change what we're talking about, though.Not really. They were extremely limited by the technology and were essentially forced to re-examine their approach each time. They were learning new programming tricks, developing new methods for scrolling the screen or using color palettes more effectively.
The question becomes, if they weren't constrained by the hardware at all and had previous experience in what worked and what didn't, would they still have made games with the same amount of difference between each other? And of course nobody can answer that question.
There's simply a massive difference between all surrounding circumstances of that era and this one, and you can't compare the two effectively.
You've gone into more detail, but I'm not sure what you're rebuffing exactly. Of course the contexts are different. That doesn't change what we're talking about, though.
Oh wow, just found the secret exit in World 2 by pure chance. What the hell, haha.
Hmm, I think trying to convince you would be a wasted effort -- you'd come to the conclusion you have after going through the first 3 worlds (only 1/3 of the game) - if not before. And of course those are the simplest courses, as Mario gets progressively harder by design.
But a lot of the mini-mushroom stuff was pretty cool. Some of the medals have been clever. Spider web stuff is alright as is the rope swinging. I like the coin head and gold flower. But it's more about good level design, coupled with the already tried & true.
But if you were looking for NSMB 2 to reinvent the wheel or something, you probably should have researched your purchase, since the screen shots & hype all pointed to what you're complaining about. I won't argue that there could be some variety or innovation behind the game, but this has been a lot of fun and certainly not something I'd want to try to refund.
Plus... It is a portable game. I've always looked at consoles to be the main-line Marios, so actually getting "new" levels on a portable is a nice thing. Maybe that's not an excuse (especially since NSMB started on DS), but it's nicer than simply getting an NSMB Wii port.
For example, it's well known that Miyamoto wanted Mario to ride a dinosaur even in the earliest SMBs. Perhaps if he hadn't been constrained by the technology, Yoshi would've been in all the games, and they wouldn't be all that different from each other.
I'm saying that they reinvented the wheel because they had to, and not necessarily because "old Nintendo was better," "they were so much more creative back then," etc. I don't think they've lost anything, and honestly I'd even say that, setting aside tech leaps that changed things like the graphical style, each game in the NSMB series thus far feels about as different as the early games did.
I'm going insane trying to figure out how to get through the blocks close to the beginning of stage 1-5.
I'm going insane trying to figure out how to get through the blocks close to the beginning of stage 1-5.
You need Gold Mario
Gold flower I think. That's all I can think of that could break blocks while in the water.
Can someone tell me what the requirements are to get stars on your profile.
Geez...this is one thing about Mario games, the rewards never seem to be worth the effort.
I don't think they've lost anything, and honestly I'd even say that, setting aside tech leaps that changed things like the graphical style, each game in the NSMB series thus far feels about as different as the early games did.
16:30 on the Activity Log, and I looked up a few of the secret exits/coins. Doesn't seem too short to me. I also thought the final boss was just fine. Not nearly as epic as NSMBWii or SM3DL, but still pretty cool.