them challenges...
them bloody challenges
yep, just read in Constantine's voice
them challenges...
them bloody challenges
I didn't pick up the 3DS one but I don't know how you could make any kind of argument for the original NSMB and NSMBWii being better than this. If you want to talk about Mario games sucking, direct your fire towards those two. Honestly if you don't think the level design is about on par with SMW then you've either got some nostalgia glasses on or you haven't finished the game yet.
My only real criticism is not knowing which levels have secret exits. You can guess a few (ghost houses are always worth exploring nooks and crannies), but some are in normal levels with no particular hints.
Fuck you, Super Guide. I don't need your help. I just make stupid mistakes because I rush or get cocky.
That's nothing, wait until the Superstar Road version.
I know, right?
I 100%'ed NSMBWii and felt so proud never seeing that green block...
This time around, however, I've seen it a couple of times, and every time because like Nintendo's programmers are laughing in my face.
I've got a $25 coupon for gamestop so i'm gonna be picking up this game tomorrow. Excited to try out the challenges.
Got through the first three levels of Peach's Castle and most of the fourth with all star coins, and then I triggered the ! block because I kept making silly mistakes. So...looks like I'm going to have to re-play those levels and get the coins again! I'm afraid of the penalties of triggering the !.
Fuck you, Super Guide. I don't need your help. I just make stupid mistakes because I rush or get cocky.
As far as anyone can tell, the Super Guide showing up has no effect on anything. Nor does using it, seems like.
But please, continue and be the definitive answer on this.
(You're definitely going to die more than eight times on some of the special levels, keep in mind.)
They're quite addicting, and fast to jump in and out of.
It determines if your stars shine on the file screen, I believe.
Does using a P-corn, that I won fair and square by catching Nabbit, stop my stars shining?
Suh-weet.Nope! I used them plenty of times to get Star Coins.
So what happens when you hit the big green box? P-corn or golden acorn?
Holy shit! He just rocks up and plays for you?! That is crazy cheap. Can I play as him otherwise?Luigi mode. Luigi automatically plays the level for you, but you can stop at a certain point to play the level at that area you stopped him at.
Holy shit! He just rocks up and plays for you?! That is crazy cheap. Can I play as him otherwise?
Got through the first three levels of Peach's Castle and most of the fourth with all star coins, and then I triggered the ! block because I kept making silly mistakes. So...looks like I'm going to have to re-play those levels and get the coins again! I'm afraid of the penalties of triggering the !.
Fuck you, Super Guide. I don't need your help. I just make stupid mistakes because I rush or get cocky.
So no shining stars if the Super Guide appears? Because I've had it appear a lot, especially while hunting star coins.![]()
Gah! 93 flags! I have no idea what's missing. I'm sure I got them all in Soda Jungle, and it appears as though all my ghost houses have two paths coming out of them. Does the Star World have a secret exit?
Acorn Plains-2: Tilted Tunnel (to Acorn Plains-Blooper: Blooper's Secret Lair)
Layer-Cake Desert-4: Spike's Spouting Sands (to Layer-Cake Desert-Ice: Piranha Plants on Ice)
Sparkling Waters-Ghost House: Haunted Shipwreck (to Sparkling Waters-Leaf: Skyward Stalk)
Frosted Glacier-Ghost House: Swaying Ghost House (to Frosted Glacier-Fliprus: Fliprus Lake)
Soda Jungle-2: Bridge Over Poisoned Waters (to Soda Jungle-. [to Soda Jungle-6/7])
Soda Jungle-Ghost House: Which Way Labyrinth (to Soda Jungle-Para-Beetle: A Flight of the Para-Beetles)
Soda Jungle-4: Painted Swampland (to Soda Jungle-. [to progress in the world, normal exits loop around])
Soda Jungle-5: Deepsea Ruins (to Soda Jungle-. [to progress in the world, normal exits loop around])
Rock-Candy Mines-Fortress: Grinding Stone Tower (to Rock-Candy Mines-6: Thrilling Spine Coaster)
Rock-Candy Mines-Fortress: Screwtop Tower (to Rock-Candy Mines-. [Rock-Candy Mines-Castle: Roy's Conveyor Castle, backdoor])
Meringue Clouds-Ghost House: Spinning Spirit House (to Meringue Clouds-Castle: Ludwig's Clockwork Castle)
Peach's Castle-1: Meteor Moat (to Peach's Castle-4: Firefall Cliffs)
Appreciate the list, but it wasn't any of those! A bit of Googling revealed another secret exit inNope.
Keep in mind there are normal exits for Soda Jungles 2, 4, and 5. Here's the secret exits for all the levels:
4. Baby Yoshis. The pink one especially. They seem to get in the way more than anything.
1. That music is just awful, even if it is better than past games.
2. Presentation still leaves MUCH to be desired.
3. Still takes way too long for the difficulty to happen. It didn't start getting difficult at all until the Mountain world.
5. Lack of online co-op (Though, if it's technically unfeasible, like Nintendo and others say, then that's completely understandable).
All in all, this is easily the best 2D Mario game made since probably World. I'm very impressed.
Beat the game, and am in the process of collecting all the star coins, hidden exits, etc.
1. Fantastic level design
2. Healthy amount of difficulty towards the end of the game
3. Music is BETTER than past NSMB games
4. The acorn suit. It controls wonderfully, and I hope it makes appearances in future games.
5. Challenge mode. They weren't kidding when they said challenge
6. Dem backgrounds
7. Bosses, while still being very "meh" were better than past NSMB games.
8. Love the overworld a lot
1. That music is just awful, even if it is better than past games.
2. Presentation still leaves MUCH to be desired.
3. Still takes way too long for the difficulty to happen. It didn't start getting difficult at all until the Mountain world.
4. Baby Yoshis. The pink one especially. They seem to get in the way more than anything.
5. Lack of online co-op (Though, if it's technically unfeasible, like Nintendo and others say, then that's completely understandable).
All in all, this is easily the best 2D Mario game made since probably World. I'm very impressed.
Beat the game, and am in the process of collecting all the star coins, hidden exits, etc.
1. Fantastic level design
2. Healthy amount of difficulty towards the end of the game
3. Music is BETTER than past NSMB games
4. The acorn suit. It controls wonderfully, and I hope it makes appearances in future games.
5. Challenge mode. They weren't kidding when they said challenge
6. Dem backgrounds
7. Bosses, while still being very "meh" were better than past NSMB games.
8. Love the overworld a lot
1. That music is just awful, even if it is better than past games.
2. Presentation still leaves MUCH to be desired.
3. Still takes way too long for the difficulty to happen. It didn't start getting difficult at all until the Mountain world.
4. Baby Yoshis. The pink one especially. They seem to get in the way more than anything.
5. Lack of online co-op (Though, if it's technically unfeasible, like Nintendo and others say, then that's completely understandable).
All in all, this is easily the best 2D Mario game made since probably World. I'm very impressed.
Appreciate the list, but it wasn't any of those! A bit of Googling revealed another secret exit in!Walking Piranha Plants
So, 13 secret flags.
I also like how the screen pixelates when you enter or leave.
They're quite addicting, and fast to jump in and out of.
Personally, I don't see that as a con. Having a universal difficulty and all, the game is pretty well balanced and has a nice, smooth difficulty curve that's a bit steeper than in previous games.CONs
3. Still takes way too long for the difficulty to happen. It didn't start getting difficult at all until the Mountain world.
I thought the difficulty scaled up perfectly. I started dying in the second world, and I can think of some hard levels starting in the Ice place and that's only the third world. The Boo Castle + Boss gave me hell there. I suppose it depends on your playing style because I'm not really cautious when I play.
I'm happy I'm not the only one.
There were a couple of levels where I would die repeatedly going for a Star Coin or just because I was being an idiot and hearing the "ding dong" of the Super Guide is literally Nintendo saying "You suck".
I haven't used it but still, it makes me feel like I'm not as good at platformers as I hoped I was.
If you playing multiplayer, the difficulty starts on Level 1-1 lol. Also, I loved the baby Yoshis. They were so cute and singing along to the music was a nice touch and the biggest change to the presentation for me.
And its a tribute to Forest of Ilussion when it goes inside the forest and turns into its little world map enclosed of the rest.
If you playing multiplayer, the difficulty starts on Level 1-1 lol.
yep, just read in Constantine's voice
Too true. Multi is like training in 10 times gravity. You're forced to platform in so many different (harder) ways than you might be used to. Truly my favorite type of platforming.
TV all day, better sound. I did use the gamepad once sitting on the can though.Do you prefer to play on the gamepad or TV?
Gamepad for me. I think it's made for it.
Actually all the games that feature off TV play I use the gamepad. Works in the toilet too.