Anyone have a list for which stages have secret exits without spoiling how to get them. Need to get levels for the first 3 worlds but I don't even know where to look.
Acorn Plains 2: Tilted Tunnel
Layer-Cake Desert: Spikes Spouting Sands
Sparkling Waters: Ghost House Haunted Shipwreck
Frozen Glacier: Swaying Ghost House
Soda Jungle: Bridge over Poisoned Waters, Which-Way labyrinth, Painted Swampland, Deep Sea Ruins
Rock Candy Mines: Grinding Stone Tower
Meringue Clouds: Spinning Spirit House
Peachs Castle: Meteor Moat
Layer-Cake Desert: Spikes Spouting Sands
Sparkling Waters: Ghost House Haunted Shipwreck
Frozen Glacier: Swaying Ghost House
Soda Jungle: Bridge over Poisoned Waters, Which-Way labyrinth, Painted Swampland, Deep Sea Ruins
Rock Candy Mines: Grinding Stone Tower
Meringue Clouds: Spinning Spirit House
Peachs Castle: Meteor Moat
how do I know those, you may ask? Well, I found 'em
on a guide, half of them actually