You can keep those up, I guess.
You're not giving me much confidence, breh.
Without including NSBMU, Where does NSMB: Wii rank on your Mario scale?
You can keep those up, I guess.
Y'all better stop getting your hopes up for SMW Part 2.
It'll be on G4's website. And *zips mouth shut*
Y'all better stop getting your hopes up for SMW Part 2.
I was never expecting anything as good as SMW, but I haven't truly played through a Mario game in full since 64, so I'm sure nostalgia levels will be high. Tried to play the galaxy games but the waggle and sub hd was just too much for me. I really really hope they make e shop versions of MG 1 and 2 and DKCR that I can play on the gamepad. I bet they would look great on that screen.
*respek knuckles*Nothing against feep, but I rarely agree with his criticisms. He could give the game a 2/5 and I would still feel comfortable knowing that I will love this game.
Well I probably would have kept the wii, but the waggle was so annoying. And 480p just doesn't look good on a 50" 1080p set. I am kind of surprised this game won't be running in 1080p, but after seeing it on the demo stations a few times I'm not worried, it looks great. Rayman had less jaggies though.
*respek knuckles*
What about my hopes that it's at least as good as NSMBWii?
You can keep those up, I guess.
It could have been done, but I'm 100% sure it would have been a laggy, irritating mess, be it through legitimate difficulties with the technology or simply Nintendo's ineptitude. Online play in general is probably the most disappointing aspect of the current console generation for me. So many of the games I'm particularly fond of play terrible online.Gotta bitch about the lack of online co op. I know it was never promised, but I figured it was a given at this point. I didn't get a chance to follow the thread on the feasibility of the whole thing, but I have to believe that 2 player online could have been accomplished. This or a DK game online co op would be a great middle ground for me and and my not so hardcore gaming friends/family.
It'll be on G4's website. And *zips mouth shut*
Nothing, I guess, but I don't want to burn any bridges. It's a very connected world. = DIf you're leaving, fuck the embargo, what are they going to do?
Nothing against feep, but I rarely agree with his criticisms. He could give the game a 2/5 and I would still feel comfortable knowing that I will love this game.
If you're leaving, fuck the embargo, what are they going to do?
Given Feep is a gentlemen and a scholar, I'm sure he'd like to retain a positive attachment to the industry he enjoys, and not needlessly tarnish his reputation with unreliability and mistrust at the last minute.
I think NSMBWii is pretty much on par with SMW, what now?What about my hopes that it's at least as good as NSMBWii?
This is surely his last chance to receive threatening and hurtful comments for disappointing people with a less than acceptable score so he's going out with a bang.Feep told me his review he gave it 1/10 said it was the worst game he's played all years and a travesty to Nintendo's portfolio and the entire industry.
I'm expecting better than SMW because NSMBWii was. It's not a difficult task.Yeah, don't think anyone was expecting anything like SMW. People just like the fact that the overworld resembles SMW's. Otherwise why would anyone expect something close to it? This is still the same core NSMB gameplay, through and through.
You know that feature in Brawl that lets players set which music a stage plays at whatever probability they want? They should do that here, or make old music unlockable by doing perfect runs since veterans who's played those old games are far better than the newcomers, why not reward them?
did anyone really expect this game to come close to smw? lol
i'd be happy if it's as good or better than nsmb 2
Feep told me his review he gave it 1/10 said it was the worst game he's played all years and a travesty to Nintendo's portfolio and the entire industry.
That's really what separates New Super Mario Bros. U from its "New" predecessors: It adds something to the Mario formula. It's exciting and full of inventive ideas. Until now, the New Super Mario Bros. games have been a fun but mostly mindless reminder of how great Mario was back on the NES or SNES.
New Super Mario Bros. U actually feels like it's from that era. It's where the series would have gone next if the transition to 3D had never happened, and it feels great to be back on that track.
In the meantime, you should know that the offline parts of the game (which is probably 99 percent of it) are way awesome.
Can someone make a thread about review scores? I would but my damn galaxy s 3 doesn't let me copy paste at all lol
How is "Satisfactory visuals, audio" a minus?
The New Super Mario Bros. series may have taken the beloved Nintendo franchise back to its 2D roots, but New Super Mario Bros. U reintroduces what made the original games so good in the first place. It proves that there's more to the formula than just impeccable platforming. There's a sense of wonder again, of exploration and discovery. I'm not quite prepared to say New Super Mario Bros. U fully recaptures the spark of Mario's 2D heyday, but it's an impressive step in the right direction.
Now, Nintendo, about that cape ...