Do yourselves a favour and listen to this GOAT of an album instead of the phoned in trash from Weezer
Do yourselves a favour and listen to this GOAT of an album instead of the phoned in trash from Weezer
Will this be good Weezer or bad Weezer?
This is really good and all, but we just got two good Weezer albums in a row, so this new direction is a big bummer. An Endless Bummer, it seems.
not a weezer thread without random trashing of weezer from people who don't listen to weezer.
New single Happy Hour is up on Google Music, should be up everywhere else shortly.
It's horrible. Worse than feels like summer..
Happy Hour is the kind of song that's playing when you're trying on jeans in an Old Navy fitting room and the tags are scraping against your hip.
I've liked a couple of the songs but I'm really not feeling optimistic about the album.
Looks like this could be the worst Weezer album yet.
Ah, there's the hyperbole I was hoping for.