That's why I called that his argument was a strawmen. I specified cross-gen vs gen-aware, and Riky didn't address it, he simply brought something I hadn't even discussed.
Also, convenient that you ignore the argument he made around "Village runs better" on 1 section, but then you point out the same for Hitman. At least be coherent with your criticism.
Finally, I stated the differences and said they both trade blows. The argument that one is "clearly superior / superior" is just a lie. I don't care what console people buy, whatever makes them happy.
My main problem is the hypocrisy around Xbox's defence force and the amount smokescreens being thrown just because they can't be happy with what they have is insane. This is not about "what console is better", this is about "playstation must be worse". This is about me stating that the Xbox is the superior console for BC and that not being enough for little console warriors, because it must not only be the superior BC machine, it must reign supreme amongst everybody, and don't you dare suggest otherwise. This is why Sony getting a timed exclusive is considered capital punishment, but MS buying Zenimax is A-OK. (I'm against timed exclusives btw).
People should be grateful they have two very powerful consoles, each with their own strengths and weaknesses, but instead I find myself commenting and either being called a pedophile (btw, one week ban for calling someone a pedophile

) or dealing with bad faith arguments that completely derail the original topic. The amount of toxic discussion, mostly (not all of it) coming from "one side" is absolutely insane.
"all gang up on one dude". Are you for real? He's the one that can't have a civil discussion, blatantly lies on his comments (as pointed by many users), cherry pics and misrepresents data to suit his narrative... I'm sorry, but that doesn't make him a victim. People dog pile on him because he can't hear the words "PS does X better than Xbox" without going ballistic. Also, the immature LOL and Triggered emojis everyt ime someone politely disagrees with him show that he is not looking for a discussion, but trying to get a reaction.
Btw, no matter how triggered I may get, there's certain lines I'll not cross. Calling someone a pedophile is one of them.
That said, end rant and end mentioning Riky. I'm blocking him, and that's that.