I Love Rock 'n' Roll
They are rebooting themselves and making a new SNES 4k with gba support. We all know that dude.you dont know what i heard from my friend who had nanny work at nintendo yet said!
They are rebooting themselves and making a new SNES 4k with gba support. We all know that dude.you dont know what i heard from my friend who had nanny work at nintendo yet said!
I hope Phil saying it is enough for people to believe it.Summary of the interview:
On Matt Booty no exclusive games for XSX
Our vision is to have the player at the center, not the device. We want to create the broadest platform so everyone can play, wherever whenever they want. We want to give the most possibilities for developers by giving them the XSX, but we don't want to put constraints on the gamers themselves.
Why launch XSX at game awards
Try something bold, for marketing purposes.
Why create a subscription based service like Game Pass
Back to more games to more people. Currently too many games are hyped and people don't go back to them if they missed them after a couple of months. This gives them the possibility to play them, and those gamers on Game Pass are buying and playing more games than the other gamers.
Why is the XSX your primary console at the moment
For testing purposes. UI/UX, console performance, etc.
What do you think about Destiny
Big Bungie fan, top first person shooter game. Love the experience and grind. Great example of cross-gen game that will work on every platform and doesn't focus on exclusivity.
Is the door open to VR on XSX?
Previous comments of me (Phil Spencer) were overstated, main point is that he wants to be clear to customers. We currently are not developing a VR headset and planning on selling one. VR isn't a current focus, and they wouldn't want to do it half-assed. This might change in the future, we are still a Windows company, and most VR happens on our platform. We keep our eyes on it, we hope the VR platform grows.
Why did development for Fantasy Life Online stopped for Xbox
Developer wasn't able to get it to come together properly for consoles.
On Japan
This topic
Osiris, any more impressions off stuff you’ve seen running to get us by?
I hope Phil saying it is enough for people to believe it.
Was on the line earlier didn’t see anything new but he is hyped as fuck for the score I think they’re getting Jason to do it. He also talked at length about how the engine handles physics. And how excited and nervous he was for the trailer reveal. “Much more destruction and gory body deformation.” I’ll get to see something before the weekend is over just don’t know when.
I hope Phil saying it is enough for people to believe it.
Was on the line earlier didn’t see anything new but he is hyped as fuck for the score I think they’re getting Jason to do it. He also talked at length about how the engine handles physics. And how excited and nervous he was for the trailer reveal. “Much more destruction and gory body deformation.” I’ll get to see something before the weekend is over just don’t know when or what.
Our vision is to have the player .......Phil saying what exactly? I hope we get dam gameplay from next gen soon aha
Our vision is to have the player .......
you make a lot of strong points, and have convincing evidence....
timdog said 8 TFlops based on downclocked GitHub leaks.
insider Colbert confirms 8TF....have you seen his chart that he’s revised a few hundred times?
8 GCN TFlops. That’s all we’re getting. $399 because inflation isn’t a thing and Sony always does 399, except for when they used to do 299
i am betting the bigger differences are the stuff we have been hearing about backward compatibility going back to ps1 with ray tracing and 4k 60 fps.I wonder what this surprise could be.
PS5 – unique, unannounced features teased by Sony Interactive Entertainment president
Business Insider Japan has published a new interview with Sony Interactive Entertainment president and CEO Jim Ryan, who touches briefly upon the newly revealed PlayStation 5 logo; teases unique, u…www.gematsu.com
Can I get a link to sp5's better rtall insiders have said its faster than xsx by a small margin, within 10% or so. also RT is a lot better.
Curious about something not trying to be insulting or anything but you tend to be more Sony focused on what you post on here. I know you said positive things about both in the past, just curious on if that is a indication on the info you provide based on what knowledge you know.
Here's a few things I've noticed about the insiders who are saying the Xbox Series X is going to be a more powerful console than the PlayStation 5.
- They're putting a lot of faith in the Github leaks.
- They don't have any sources outside of the Xbox camp and they admitted to not knowing what the PS5 specs were going to be.
Insiders who are saying both consoles are going to be on par with each other are coming from developer themselves.
After the days have gone by, I've been leaning more towards both consoles being on par with each other.
I hope Phil saying it is enough for people to believe it.
Was on the line earlier didn’t see anything new but he is hyped as fuck for the score I think they’re getting Jason to do it. He also talked at length about how the engine handles physics. And how excited and nervous he was for the trailer reveal. “Much more destruction and gory body deformation.” I’ll get to see something before the weekend is over just don’t know when or what.
I love how some people act like its almost a crime for someone to suggest XSX might be more powerful than PS5.
I love how some people act like its almost a crime for someone to suggest XSX might be more powerful than PS5.
Well damn lmaogo to the window. that white van is there for you, but it isnt too late if you follow my instructions to the letter. you need to sneak outside, DONT LET THE MORMONS SEE YOU! oh and wear sweatpants without underwear. Find a park or other spot with soil. Next, dig a hole 3.5 “ in diameter, and 6.5” deep. now you must fill your heart with love for all living things and fuck mother earth until you ejaculate. Once you have impregnated the planet, sneak back into your home and play purple lagoon by frank zappa, but listen only to the left speaker. Frank will give further instructions.
Well i think/hope they will be almost identicle, at least then console warring can be kept mostly about the games, which is the important thing.9 vs 12 makes 0 sense according to insiders who spoke to devs. They’re either 9+10, 10+11 or 11+12.
I love how some people act like its almost a crime for someone to suggest XSX might be more powerful than PS5.
Here's a few things I've noticed about the insiders who are saying the Xbox Series X is going to be a more powerful console than the PlayStation 5.
- They're putting a lot of faith in the Github leaks.
- They don't have any sources outside of the Xbox camp and they admitted to not knowing what the PS5 specs were going to be.
Insiders who are saying both consoles are going to be on par with each other are coming from developer themselves.
After the days have gone by, I've been leaning more towards both consoles being on par with each other.
I love how some people act like its almost a crime for someone to suggest XSX might be more powerful than PS5.
I love how some people act like its almost a crime for someone to suggest XSX might be more powerful than PS5.
Just like it’s “SonyGAF hurr durr” if it’s the other way around.
The persecution complexes man, I swear.
Moving on from this insane discussion, i wanted to bring back the hype cycle. Not calling anyone here an astroturfer but last gen around this time, i was at the gamespot forums and there was this guy who continually turned up in next gen threads to first tout the xbox specs, then misdirect after the rumors of it being less powerful and then finally resorted to bringing down the whole vibe of the place because people were actually excited about the ps4 specs. around the same time, a mod here received a list of members who were supposedly astroturfers and they were purged. Pretty sure that guy was an astroturfer because he disappeared after the consoles came out and i was told by an older member that he had turned up during the ps360 launch period too.
Again, not calling anyone here an astroturfer, but the end result is the same. This thread feels eerily like those gamespot threads where any positive ps4 discussion got shutdown by concern trolling, dismissal of rumors (ms would never release an underpowered console!!) and just all around shitty behavior that sucked all the joy from these threads which should be about hype for whats possible next gen.
- EVERYONE in the industry has said that the PS5 is a beast. the very first rumors were ruthenticcookie breaking the news that sony wasnt attending e3, and that the ps5 is a monsters. $499 with a $100 loss monster.
- WCCFTECH in November of 2018 said the ps5 would be using a bigger gpu than the 40 cu navi 10. he was the only one who said navi wont be gcn but an all new arch.
- Digital foundry heard that the devs are 'quite happy' with the ps5 specs.
- Jason schrier said that both guys are aiming to beat Stadia's number.
- Colin and Andrew Reiner said that the ps5 is more powerful at E3. Colin said definitively more powerful.
- Klee said that the game he saw was made on a ps5 devkit and had destruction, ray tracing reflections, ray traced global illumination and ray traced shadows.
- Cerny said that the ps5 had an ssd that was faster than any ssd on the market. this confirms a 4+gbps ssd.
- klee then said both consoles are double digit tflops.
- then a few months later, clarified that the ps5 was slightly stronger. difference was launch x1 to x1s. 1.3 vs 1.4 tflops. 10-15%. 10% of 12 tflops is 1.2 tflops, 15% is 1.8 tflops. so 13.2 - 13.8 tflops.
- wccftech doubles down on both consoles using bigger navis.
- jason comes back to era to gloat about his stadia number prediction after tom warren confirmed that the xbox is 12 tflops.
- jason later says hes heard and believes that both console makers are going with something even more powerful than the 2080 because they want to future proof this time.
all this points to an insanely powerful console. we know what sony could do with a $399 console design with a BOM of $381. we know what cerny did with a $250 vita. imagine what they can do with a $499 console with a $599 bom.
- 13-14 tflops
- 5gbps ssd
- fucking hbm. they have revealed everything except for ram? sony has a history of picking expensive ram. i wouldnt put it past them. ms has already announced it, sony hasnt. at the very least, this is exciting. do not let anyone take this excitement away just because they dont have anything to look forward to.
Let's not forget, before Sony did the wired article, the detractors laughed at us suggesting that ssd and ray tracing could be in next gen console. it was sony who made it standard and yet instead of us gushing over the possibilities, the conversation was hijacked and became about how the xbox is more powerful, and how the ray tracing in the ps5 isnt for visuals.
do you guys see? dont let these guys bring you down or shift the conversation. i can promise you, this will not stop even after the specs are officially revealed. it will only get worse. they will get more abrasive, more personal, and start making shit up like gpus in the power brick and power of the fucking cloud. You cannot win with these people so do not let them control the conversation. we have already seen this with team realistic and team thermals being complete dicks to us for over a year then after the MS 12 tflops reveal, do a 180 without conceding they were dead wrong. they threw away all their theories about thermal draw after seeing that console, but only for MS. Sony is still 9 tflops. They will never admit they were wrong. so why bother?
be excited. this is supposed to be fun. speculate away with hbm and 13 tflops. everything these nerds said wouldnt come true has already come true. ssd, ray tracing, move away from gcn, 12 tflops, 8 core 16 thread cpus. why not hbm and 13-14 tflops? the other forum systematically discredited and silenced posters who dared to dream bigger even after ms proved us all right. thankfully mods here arent controlled by that mob. go crazy. have fun. this is going to be the best gen of all time.
lets bring back hbm and 12.9 tflops.
THIS is persecution complex -
And seeing Sony fanboys cry about being treated badly, on this forum of all places, well like i said, zero self awareness.
Its called patheticly cringe. Poor Sony fanboys being treated badly by Xbot insiders, and spoiling their speculation.No, it’s called irony.
Its called patheticly cringe. Poor Sony fanboys being treated badly by Xbot insiders, and spoiling their speculation.
Thankgod i'm sticking to PC next gen.
Our vision is to have the player .......
Quick! We got a new clue as to what it could be!"Much more destruction and gory body deformation"
I think github leak will most likely be correct, other wise DF with all it's inside sources would have never posted a video and article about it, use common sense guys.
I would suggest you take the time to understand what's going on instead of telling people to use common sense.
No one is saying it's fake, people are saying it's outdated. Outdated doesn't mean it's not real.
specs don't change in a year or even 2 from what i understand. regardless DF is connected BIg time, shit they might even know the specs but they can't say anything, and them putting the article and video makes be believe those specs are real, i would love to be wrong.
They confirmed the test came from AMD, not that it was 9.2TF. They also said it lacks context and we know no RT was found on the test.
If devs and insiders are saying they're similar or the PS5 is more powerful, then these tests may have been for something else.
specs don't change in a year or even 2 from what i understand. regardless DF is connected BIg time, shit they might even know the specs but they can't say anything, and them putting the article and video makes me be believe those specs are real, i would love to be wrong.
They confirmed the test came from AMD, not that it was 9.2TF. They also said it lacks context and we know no RT was found on the test.
If devs and insiders are saying they're similar or the PS5 is more powerful, then these tests may have been for something else.
Preach brotha!Moving on from this insane discussion, i wanted to bring back the hype cycle. Not calling anyone here an astroturfer but last gen around this time, i was at the gamespot forums and there was this guy who continually turned up in next gen threads to first tout the xbox specs, then misdirect after the rumors of it being less powerful and then finally resorted to bringing down the whole vibe of the place because people were actually excited about the ps4 specs. around the same time, a mod here received a list of members who were supposedly astroturfers and they were purged. Pretty sure that guy was an astroturfer because he disappeared after the consoles came out and i was told by an older member that he had turned up during the ps360 launch period too.
Again, not calling anyone here an astroturfer, but the end result is the same. This thread feels eerily like those gamespot threads where any positive ps4 discussion got shutdown by concern trolling, dismissal of rumors (ms would never release an underpowered console!!) and just all around shitty behavior that sucked all the joy from these threads which should be about hype for whats possible next gen.
- EVERYONE in the industry has said that the PS5 is a beast. the very first rumors were ruthenticcookie breaking the news that sony wasnt attending e3, and that the ps5 is a monsters. $499 with a $100 loss monster.
- WCCFTECH in November of 2018 said the ps5 would be using a bigger gpu than the 40 cu navi 10. he was the only one who said navi wont be gcn but an all new arch.
- Digital foundry heard that the devs are 'quite happy' with the ps5 specs.
- Jason schrier said that both guys are aiming to beat Stadia's number.
- Colin and Andrew Reiner said that the ps5 is more powerful at E3. Colin said definitively more powerful.
- Klee said that the game he saw was made on a ps5 devkit and had destruction, ray tracing reflections, ray traced global illumination and ray traced shadows.
- Cerny said that the ps5 had an ssd that was faster than any ssd on the market. this confirms a 4+gbps ssd.
- klee then said both consoles are double digit tflops.
- then a few months later, clarified that the ps5 was slightly stronger. difference was launch x1 to x1s. 1.3 vs 1.4 tflops. 10-15%. 10% of 12 tflops is 1.2 tflops, 15% is 1.8 tflops. so 13.2 - 13.8 tflops.
- wccftech doubles down on both consoles using bigger navis.
- jason comes back to era to gloat about his stadia number prediction after tom warren confirmed that the xbox is 12 tflops.
- jason later says hes heard and believes that both console makers are going with something even more powerful than the 2080 because they want to future proof this time.
all this points to an insanely powerful console. we know what sony could do with a $399 console design with a BOM of $381. we know what cerny did with a $250 vita. imagine what they can do with a $499 console with a $599 bom.
- 13-14 tflops
- 5gbps ssd
- fucking hbm. they have revealed everything except for ram? sony has a history of picking expensive ram. i wouldnt put it past them. ms has already announced it, sony hasnt. at the very least, this is exciting. do not let anyone take this excitement away just because they dont have anything to look forward to.
Let's not forget, before Sony did the wired article, the detractors laughed at us suggesting that ssd and ray tracing could be in next gen console. it was sony who made it standard and yet instead of us gushing over the possibilities, the conversation was hijacked and became about how the xbox is more powerful, and how the ray tracing in the ps5 isnt for visuals.
do you guys see? dont let these guys bring you down or shift the conversation. i can promise you, this will not stop even after the specs are officially revealed. it will only get worse. they will get more abrasive, more personal, and start making shit up like gpus in the power brick and power of the fucking cloud. You cannot win with these people so do not let them control the conversation. we have already seen this with team realistic and team thermals being complete dicks to us for over a year then after the MS 12 tflops reveal, do a 180 without conceding they were dead wrong. they threw away all their theories about thermal draw after seeing that console, but only for MS. Sony is still 9 tflops. They will never admit they were wrong. so why bother?
be excited. this is supposed to be fun. speculate away with hbm and 13 tflops. everything these nerds said wouldnt come true has already come true. ssd, ray tracing, move away from gcn, 12 tflops, 8 core 16 thread cpus. why not hbm and 13-14 tflops? the other forum systematically discredited and silenced posters who dared to dream bigger even after ms proved us all right. thankfully mods here arent controlled by that mob. go crazy. have fun. this is going to be the best gen of all time.
lets bring back hbm and 12.9 tflops.
Penciling in the weekend.......
Was on the line earlier didn’t see anything new but he is hyped as fuck for the score I think they’re getting Jason to do it. He also talked at length about how the engine handles physics. And how excited and nervous he was for the trailer reveal. “Much more destruction and gory body deformation.” I’ll get to see something before the weekend is over just don’t know when or what.
Verified insiders are telling us what some devs are saying. We're not going to know which devs because they want\need to remain anonymous.Not to sound like a dick but which devs said they are similar? Lol not trying to be an asshole but i literally dont know which
Microsoft is killing it isn't Sony focused. It's just that Sony specs are more of the elephant in the room. It's what everyone wants to know. To either cheer on or dominate. Osirisblack is super neutral in here. Microsoft has been showing more cards than Sony is all.Curious about something not trying to be insulting or anything but you tend to be more Sony focused on what you post on here. I know you said positive things about both in the past, just curious on if that is a indication on the info you provide based on what knowledge you know.
Calling that place a video game enthusiast forum is a disgrace to all existing video game enthusiast forums. It’s overrun my twitter retards and mods that try too hard to be funny. Can’t believe I’m saying this but...the 2017 site was better when it first launched. At least they still had an ounce of integrity left
Do many games on Xbox one x hit 60 FPS?
Nearly shat myself a few timesThts what I thought. I fucking loved Dead Space 1 one of the best Sci fo horror games ever. Tht atmosphere was crazy.
Oh man! How much I want to thank you for writing this poetry! It's like you entered my brain and extrapolated everything from it, phenomenal writing!Moving on from this insane discussion, i wanted to bring back the hype cycle. Not calling anyone here an astroturfer but last gen around this time, i was at the gamespot forums and there was this guy who continually turned up in next gen threads to first tout the xbox specs, then misdirect after the rumors of it being less powerful and then finally resorted to bringing down the whole vibe of the place because people were actually excited about the ps4 specs. around the same time, a mod here received a list of members who were supposedly astroturfers and they were purged. Pretty sure that guy was an astroturfer because he disappeared after the consoles came out and i was told by an older member that he had turned up during the ps360 launch period too.
Again, not calling anyone here an astroturfer, but the end result is the same. This thread feels eerily like those gamespot threads where any positive ps4 discussion got shutdown by concern trolling, dismissal of rumors (ms would never release an underpowered console!!) and just all around shitty behavior that sucked all the joy from these threads which should be about hype for whats possible next gen.
- EVERYONE in the industry has said that the PS5 is a beast. the very first rumors were ruthenticcookie breaking the news that sony wasnt attending e3, and that the ps5 is a monsters. $499 with a $100 loss monster.
- WCCFTECH in November of 2018 said the ps5 would be using a bigger gpu than the 40 cu navi 10. he was the only one who said navi wont be gcn but an all new arch.
- Digital foundry heard that the devs are 'quite happy' with the ps5 specs.
- Jason schrier said that both guys are aiming to beat Stadia's number.
- Colin and Andrew Reiner said that the ps5 is more powerful at E3. Colin said definitively more powerful.
- Klee said that the game he saw was made on a ps5 devkit and had destruction, ray tracing reflections, ray traced global illumination and ray traced shadows.
- Cerny said that the ps5 had an ssd that was faster than any ssd on the market. this confirms a 4+gbps ssd.
- klee then said both consoles are double digit tflops.
- then a few months later, clarified that the ps5 was slightly stronger. difference was launch x1 to x1s. 1.3 vs 1.4 tflops. 10-15%. 10% of 12 tflops is 1.2 tflops, 15% is 1.8 tflops. so 13.2 - 13.8 tflops.
- wccftech doubles down on both consoles using bigger navis.
- jason comes back to era to gloat about his stadia number prediction after tom warren confirmed that the xbox is 12 tflops.
- jason later says hes heard and believes that both console makers are going with something even more powerful than the 2080 because they want to future proof this time.
all this points to an insanely powerful console. we know what sony could do with a $399 console design with a BOM of $381. we know what cerny did with a $250 vita. imagine what they can do with a $499 console with a $599 bom.
- 13-14 tflops
- 5gbps ssd
- fucking hbm. they have revealed everything except for ram? sony has a history of picking expensive ram. i wouldnt put it past them. ms has already announced it, sony hasnt. at the very least, this is exciting. do not let anyone take this excitement away just because they dont have anything to look forward to.
Let's not forget, before Sony did the wired article, the detractors laughed at us suggesting that ssd and ray tracing could be in next gen console. it was sony who made it standard and yet instead of us gushing over the possibilities, the conversation was hijacked and became about how the xbox is more powerful, and how the ray tracing in the ps5 isnt for visuals.
do you guys see? dont let these guys bring you down or shift the conversation. i can promise you, this will not stop even after the specs are officially revealed. it will only get worse. they will get more abrasive, more personal, and start making shit up like gpus in the power brick and power of the fucking cloud. You cannot win with these people so do not let them control the conversation. we have already seen this with team realistic and team thermals being complete dicks to us for over a year then after the MS 12 tflops reveal, do a 180 without conceding they were dead wrong. they threw away all their theories about thermal draw after seeing that console, but only for MS. Sony is still 9 tflops. They will never admit they were wrong. so why bother?
be excited. this is supposed to be fun. speculate away with hbm and 13 tflops. everything these nerds said wouldnt come true has already come true. ssd, ray tracing, move away from gcn, 12 tflops, 8 core 16 thread cpus. why not hbm and 13-14 tflops? the other forum systematically discredited and silenced posters who dared to dream bigger even after ms proved us all right. thankfully mods here arent controlled by that mob. go crazy. have fun. this is going to be the best gen of all time.
lets bring back hbm and 12.9 tflops.