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NFL Offseason Thread |OT3| The Long Wait

I used to be a MSFT shareholder, but I lost my shares when I was offline for 24 hours.

Cat Mario is adorable. Yes, I'm a grown ass man saying that. :jnc
I'm so excited about that game. Super Mario 3D Land is honestly the most fun I've ever had playing a Mario game so I'm looking forward to seeing what they can do with a similar formula on a console. It's a little lacking in terms of mind-blowing originality but I've come to expect that from Nintendo, and at the end of the day the bottom line is I have fun with a lot of those formulas.
I think the point of your original question was just to get to that comment which you could have just made without the pretense.

To answer your question (for shits and giggles cause it's not like you actually seem to care), no it's not just DRM but that's certainly a bullet point that's worth supporting. I have far greater faith in Sony's first party studios than anything Microsoft brings to the table. They can go on about spending 1 billion dollars on "new IP" but what happens 4 year from now? 5? They have no legacy or history of cultivating that type of game production and have consistently depended on third parties to fill in the gaps in their line-up. They can't even be bothered to produce titles for that bullshit camera they keep trying to pimp and yet I'm supposed to shell out $100 extra for it? Yeah, that's a bit disconcerting and I don't like and have never liked the direction of motion gaming. Period.

What released for the PS3 may not have been to your liking but I'll vehemently disagree with you that Sony faltered with its first party library on the console. There's a slew of titles that I'll take over 90% of the titles that Microsoft releases from their studios. Bar none. Subjectivity for the win.

I also appreciate that Sony has an actual plan when it comes to backwards compatibility. Gaikai is not perfect but they've chosen to invest in it and mature the technology and with that they have the ability to continually add their back gaming catalog the service when the PS5/PS6 etc. are on the horizon. You may have negative opinions on cloud gaming but the fact is they a roadmap for how to handle that as we move to a more digital future. Microsoft has nothing. They have used game limitations, 24 hour online check and no roadmap whatosever to tell me what happens to my digital purchases when they decide to shut off Xbox One authentication servers 5-8 years from now. That happens to be important to me, yes.

Considering that 90% of third party titles are releasing for both platforms, the DRM stance for both companies and a $100 cheaper price point? Yeah it's an utter no brainer for me to pick up an PS4 at launch over an Xbox One. That's me. Do what you like.

Does that mean I detest Microsoft and will never own the Xbox One? No, that's hyperbolic bullshit but then that seems to be the sentiment your driving at. That we're all Sony shills incapable of "seeing the light". Ok, whatever.
This is an excellent response and even more than what I was hoping for, thank you. I don't know why you guys keep acting like I don't care and have my mind completely made up, I asked the question, didn't I? I haven't cancelled my pre-order so clearly my mind isn't made up. If anything, I'll get both because it maximizes my choices as a gamer and I have the money. I'll just be frustrated if first party is the only thing I care to get for the system, just like Nintendo. PS3 had some great exclusives, just not as many as I'd like and the ones that did exist, were sequels of each other. Uncharted series is great, love the GoW series, I'm one of the people that actually enjoyed MGS4 and I'm very excited about The Last of Us. When I think about it, I guess my issues for the PS3 come down to RPGs which are my favorite genre and were extremely abundant on the past two PS iterations but sadly lacking on the PS3 and that Xbox Live was a better service and community to me which had me choosing cross platform titles for the Xbox. Maybe these two things made the library seem worse than it really was.

I enjoyed your commentary on supporting a library going forth, that is a very good point and something I'll be interested to see unfold. I have no qualms about cloud support. I agree that Kinect is bullshit and that's something I won't even try to defend. No doubt that hiked the price up, I was convinced PS4 would be the same price but suppose I'm still shell shocked that they managed to lock it at 399, very impressive.

Whoa there tiger, see the light? I was referring to GAF gaming side as a whole, not you guys. When I saw some of the same commentary here I guess it was just a boiling point to me and I expressed some of the feelings I had on the matter. If I came off like half of gaming side, I'm embarrassed and apologize. I try to avoid starting flame wars so I haven't responded to most of the posts I've taken issue with and I guess I needed to vent and blew some of it out on you guys. Sorry! Thanks for taking the time to drum up your thoughts on the matter, it certainly is appreciated.
Who gives a shit if some random people on the net hate the Xbone and you don't? This is the thing I'll never be able to wrap my head around. Anyway, I'm not slamming anything. Well, except maybe the industry in general as I'm a jaded, crusty, old fuck. It's just that over the years I've seen your post a hundred times and it always ends the same way, where the poster just winds up defending his initial stance, most of the time rather loudly and kind of crazily. Whether it was intended as flame bait or not, that's usually what it turns into.
You're right and I normally laugh it off. I think it's the repetition that wore me down. I didn't' have an initial stance, I wanted to see what made some of the people in this thread so optimistic about the PS4. I didn't mean for the Xbox One to enter the conversation at all, I was trying to convey why I took issue with the PS3 and preferred the 360 this gen should any of you have a response that would alleviate concerns for next gen. Ultimately after being fed up from gaming side, I got overly defensive at Bionics comment and it derailed from there. Again, apologies for the tone of my posts.
I'm so excited about that game. Super Mario 3D Land is honestly the most fun I've ever had playing a Mario game so I'm looking forward to seeing what they can do with a similar formula on a console. It's a little lacking in terms of mind-blowing originality but I've come to expect that from Nintendo, and at the end of the day the bottom line is I have fun with a lot of those formulas.
We haven't seen too many levels yet either. This being EAD Tokyo on a home console, there's a decent chance they'll pull out a few completely mind-boggling level concepts like Matter Splatter and whatever that level was where you walljump up a goddamn waterfall.

Like I said, high expectations!
We haven't seen too many levels yet either. This being EAD Tokyo on a home console, there's a decent chance they'll pull out a few completely mind-boggling level concepts like Matter Splatter and whatever that level was where you walljump up a goddamn waterfall.

Like I said, high expectations!
Yeah, man! I have faith in those guys, they have delivered time and time again.
I'm so excited about that game. Super Mario 3D Land is honestly the most fun I've ever had playing a Mario game so I'm looking forward to seeing what they can do with a similar formula on a console. It's a little lacking in terms of mind-blowing originality but I've come to expect that from Nintendo, and at the end of the day the bottom line is I have fun with a lot of those formulas.

I agree. I thought 3D Land was amazing. I borrowed it from a friend and i couldn't put it down. It took me back to playing mario as a kid because of how much fun I was having and how i just couldn't wait to see what cool stuff was in the next level. Also thought the 3D was really well done. So far, it is the only 3DS game i've left the 3D slider on


ps4 impressed me so much. i hope infamous is a launch title, that shit looked amazing. i wasn't really expecting the games to look as good as they do.


ps4 impressed me so much. i hope infamous is a launch title, that shit looked amazing. i wasn't really expecting the games to look as good as they do.

I'm worried about a console downgrade. BF4 was probably put together on like quad-SLI Titans and a 3970
I'm worried about a console downgrade. BF4 was probably put together on like quad-SLI Titans and a 3970

I thought that Dice said the console versions would be 60 fps. Hopefully the console ports will be very close to the PC version. I bought BF3 on PC for the graphics and I was sad that I missed out on the mp. Console version for sure this time.


They said 'Launch Window' or 'early 2014'
i need a AAA 1st party title at launch and i'm feelin iffy on killzone. i think i'm just burned out of console military shooters, they don't do it for me anymore.
I'm worried about a console downgrade. BF4 was probably put together on like quad-SLI Titans and a 3970
eh i'm not really expecting much from the multi(-gen)-platform games, i'll probably pick up 2k14 cus it looks like they actually put effort into making it next gen. that shit looks amazing.


Because of being x86 now won't it take like 5 minutes to port games to PC now?

Though I wonder how much of a leap you can get from the current consoles to PC?
Did they release the full launch list yet?

I'll grab Knack for sure and probably Killzone though I'm not really that excited for it. Launch is a weird time. You always end up buying games you would never normally get lol

Honestly I don't even know what the launch games are. I need a list. I'll be getting Killzone at least (that's one I remember).

I'll probably get Killzone or Battlefield,Knack and Diablo 3(if its out).
No don't believe theres Official list yet, I might decide between BF4 and Killzone. I was kinda interested in Drive, but I'll setlle for the Ps+ version. And Gata glad I'm not the only one interested in Diablo
You're right and I normally laugh it off. I think it's the repetition that wore me down. I didn't' have an initial stance, I wanted to see what made some of the people in this thread so optimistic about the PS4. I didn't mean for the Xbox One to enter the conversation at all, I was trying to convey why I took issue with the PS3 and preferred the 360 this gen should any of you have a response that would alleviate concerns for next gen. Ultimately after being fed up from gaming side, I got overly defensive at Bionics comment and it derailed from there. Again, apologies for the tone of my posts.

Hey, it's all good. We all tolerate each other here regardless of what teams we root for, even those classless Pat creeps who think Tebow is going to somehow absolve them of all their sins. So what box you choose to game on really matters not as well. For me, I'm at least waiting till 2014 because the one game I know I will want at some point is Thief. Probably won't get that on day one either because in addition to being old and cranky, I'm also cheap.


Because of being x86 now won't it take like 5 minutes to port games to PC now?

Though I wonder how much of a leap you can get from the current consoles to PC?

I'm curious how this will work. The consoles are so low power that their hardware isn't too stout. What they have that PCs do not is video RAM. You can see that with how detailed and high resolution the textures are in the next-gen only games


Setec Astronomer
I'm curious how this will work. The consoles are so low power that their hardware isn't too stout. What they have that PCs do not is video RAM. You can see that with how detailed and high resolution the textures are in the next-gen only games
Consoles also don't really have to do time-share multitasking and the relentless context switching involved in that, so the higher latency timings of GDDR5 isn't a big deal. Both CPU and GPU can pretty much read/write freely to any part of memory in the PS4 at the same time.
Does anyone in this thread play Black Ops 2 on 360 anymore? I got it a while ago but no one on my friends list plays it so my wife and I always get stuck with randoms, and CoD randoms are the worst randoms on Earth. My god the things you hear during the course of a night are enough to make you want to give up on humanity.
I feel you pain,man.Playing with randoms sucks.Send me a Friend Request.
GT:B1gg Randall


i'm so fucking confused after watching the ffxv video

is that supposed to be gameplay? what the fuck is even happening in that video? it looks like they just made a cg trailer and slapped a shitty hud on it, like the deep down video from last month.


i'm so fucking confused after watching the ffxv video

is that supposed to be gameplay? what the fuck is even happening in that video? it looks like they just made a cg trailer and slapped a shitty hud on it, like the deep down video from last month.
that's exactly what I said on IRC yesterday
Because of being x86 now won't it take like 5 minutes to port games to PC now?

Though I wonder how much of a leap you can get from the current consoles to PC?
Maybe not 5 minutes but now it won't be a complete pain in the ass. Plus now this means we might get much better console to PC ports.


I'm curious how this will work. The consoles are so low power that their hardware isn't too stout. What they have that PCs do not is video RAM. You can see that with how detailed and high resolution the textures are in the next-gen only games
PCs still win easily in computing power though. We will see though.

Also interesting to see how Gamestop promotes the Xbone. Nintendo might actually have a chance to get closer to the front of the store than MS!


Mecklemore Is My Favorite Wrapper
GAF was down all day yesterday and today. So, you know. Let me weigh in on the Tebow in the division thing real quick.



GAF was down all day yesterday and today. So, you know. Let me weigh in on the Tebow in the division thing real quick.

you won't be laughing much when he crushes the bills fans souls this year

tebow for comeback player of the year, mvp, super bowl mvp, time's person of the year, jesus.


Mecklemore Is My Favorite Wrapper
you won't be laughing much when he crushes the bills fans souls this year

tebow for comeback player of the year, mvp, super bowl mvp, time's person of the year, jesus.

You can't be jesus of the year

A Bills fan laughing at someone?


At least the country my team is eventually moving to is adjacent to our own and not across the pond, you limey bastard
Hey, it's all good. We all tolerate each other here regardless of what teams we root for, even those classless Pat creeps who think Tebow is going to somehow absolve them of all their sins. So what box you choose to game on really matters not as well. For me, I'm at least waiting till 2014 because the one game I know I will want at some point is Thief. Probably won't get that on day one either because in addition to being old and cranky, I'm also cheap.
Yeah I generally just get it all so I have the best of all worlds and I already knew I was getting both systems. I guess FF and KH being multi surprised me into wanting more positive reinforcement for the PS4 haha The only game at launch for either system that's of any real interest to me is Watch Dogs. Open world zombies is kind of intriguing but I haven't played the first two Dead Rising games. I'll keep an eye on it, need to have at least one game per system at launch to try out my new toys!
i'm so fucking confused after watching the ffxv video

is that supposed to be gameplay? what the fuck is even happening in that video? it looks like they just made a cg trailer and slapped a shitty hud on it, like the deep down video from last month.

It's a combination of CG cut scenes and a unique portion of the game that controls differently than battles do. All the game play portions seem to be from the same act, just different portions of the city. Looks like you're on the run for that segment and it just has specialized controls (compared to the battle system) to get through that portion. There was supposed to be a new game play vid/demo at the private Square conference this morning that I expect to be revealed by a journalist at some point. Thought it'd be out by now. Maybe it is, I'll have to check but it should hopefully show what the battle system is actually like.
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