Troy Baker is the voice of video games.
Oh wow. Hamill isn't doing the Joker voice any more?
Yeah. I literally said "Fuck!" out loud and damn near sulked at a certain point in the game with how certain characters progressed. I won't say more.well he really nails it. i also like that the game doesn't pull any punches. not going to post specific spoilers but there are times where in other games they would take the "friendlier" route to a situation but not in this game
Man, you literally just started the game "proper". The rest of what you played was the tutorial. :jncI'm not far in the game. But I thought the part where she is trying to whistle was pretty charming. I'm barely just past that I think.
yea. I could kind of tell that's how it was working.Man, you literally just started the game "proper". The rest of what you played was the tutorial. :jnc
Sounds too real for me brah.I'm a good 12-13 hours in and about 65% complete. It's a lengthy game.
You genuinely give a shit about these characters and the game is brutal at times and you'll ride that emotional roller coaster.
No hyperbole - this is the best voice acting I've had the pleasure of experiencing in a video game. It doesn't need the "in a video game" qualifier either.
Please don't conflate English food with European cuisine.I went to an English style bar the other day. Nothing but soccer and rugby on.
Now I know why the Yurups hate America. They're jealous of our food. It actually has flavor.
What do you guys think were the best game devs this gen?
I would have to go with Naughty Dog, Rockstar and Bethesda in no particular order, with an honorable mention for ThatGameCompany.
That's what I mean. Reading the latest Knack thread, I just can't see where else the love for the game comes from. It looks clunky and uninteresting. His recently acquired semi-God status on GAF is the only explanation I can come up with.
I went to an English style bar the other day. Nothing but soccer and rugby on.
Now I know why the Yurups hate America. They're jealous of our food. It actually has flavor.
The one thing I love about the game the most is that it gives me just enough "open world" while still providing a linear course of action. It's the perfect balance. You have enough freedom to explore and scrounge for resources but not enough to go off doing aimless shit that has nothing to do with the story. It's really impressive how they've managed to make what is for all intents and purposes a linear stealth game but it never feels like you're artificially "blocked" off from seeing the world around you. Stuff is where it is because it makes sense, etc.i even like the melee combat a lot. the animations, sound and rumble all combine so well and it feels good beating the shit out of a soldier or just destroying a zombie with a crow bar
FIFA >>>>>>>>>>> Madden.whoever made john madden football
What do you guys think were the best game devs this gen?
I would have to go with Naughty Dog, Rockstar and Bethesda in no particular order, with an honorable mention for ThatGameCompany.
What do you guys think were the best game devs this gen?
I would have to go with Naughty Dog, Rockstar and Bethesda in no particular order, with an honorable mention for ThatGameCompany.
I went to an English style bar the other day. Nothing but soccer and rugby on.
Now I know why the Yurups hate America. They're jealous of our food. It actually has flavor.
Sounds too real for me brah.
I will play it one day when I am ready. Sounds like the Wire. That shit was brilliant but you can't just jump into it like it is MarioKart! Got to get ready for it. At least I do.
They can eat a pallet of dicks.What do you guys think were the best game devs this gen?
I would have to go with Naughty Dog, Rockstar and Bethesda in no particular order, with an honorable mention for ThatGameCompany.
AS much hate as they EA has made some fun games.
They can eat a pallet of dicks.
FIFA >>>>>>>>>>> Madden.
Sorry but its true.
I went to an English style bar the other day. Nothing but soccer and rugby on.
Now I know why the Yurups hate America. They're jealous of our food. It actually has flavor.
infinity ward made 2 of the best multiplayer games of this gen in cod2 and 4, they are in my top 4 with bungie, epic, and valve.
tear away for vita looks so good! a real shame that sony hasn't dropped the price of vita. it is such a great machine with an awesome library of games (especially if you count the PSone games!) but it seems no one has it and at $250 i can't blame them too much
They're just jealous of our freedom.
COD 4 was an amazing game. That SP blew me away, it was one of the coolest rollercoaster rides in a game. The first part of that sniper level will never stop being awesome. From a MP perspective I really loved Blops 1 the most of the COD games.
Like 95% of "American" food is based on foreign influences.
But at least you guys have genuinely American stuff like the KFC Double Down and Taco Bell craparitos.
Seeing as the only native Americans are Native Americans, yes, most of the food is influenced by foreigners. You say that like it's a bad thing.
Eww, gross and conflating is a sin.Please don't conflate English food with European cuisine.
I got COD4 at launch and after about a week all of my friends had their own copy. It was just so incredible for its time. That sniper mission was just unbelievable.COD 4 was an amazing game. That SP blew me away, it was one of the coolest rollercoaster rides in a game. The first part of that sniper level will never stop being awesome. From a MP perspective I really loved Blops 1 the most of the COD games.
I must be a super minority. I see almost no redeeming value in the Halo series. The game play feels very dated, and technically the games weren't very good either. Upscale graphics just to reach 720p.infinity ward made 2 of the best multiplayer games of this gen in cod2 and 4, they are in my top 4 with bungie, epic, and valve.
I'll never forget the first time I saw the ship mission. I was thinking "Holy shit, this looks awesome" and that was the first mission, basically the warm-up for the rest of the game. So good.
That was back in the days when everyone (hardcore and wannabe hipster gamers included) loved COD.
What do you guys think were the best game devs this gen?
I would have to go with Naughty Dog, Rockstar and Bethesda in no particular order, with an honorable mention for ThatGameCompany.
It's because 4 is so amazing that the series gets shit on today. They've literally done nothing to progress the formula. Every COD since is nothing but the same gameplay scenarios in 4 reskinned. Watching some footage of Ghost - it's literally the same fucking game. With a dog now.COD is getting shit on nowadays (and rightfully so sometimes), but it makes people forget how amazing 4 was.
It's because 4 is so amazing that the series gets shit on today. They've literally done nothing to progress the formula. Every COD since is nothing but the same gameplay scenarios in 4 reskinned. Watching some footage of Ghost - it's literally the same fucking game. With a dog now.
It's so fun to score a goal in FIFA. Nothing in Madden compares to that sure it is but i'd rather play a mediocre football game than a great soccer game
It's because 4 is so amazing that the series gets shit on today. They've literally done nothing to progress the formula. Every COD since is nothing but the same gameplay scenarios in 4 reskinned. Watching some footage of Ghost - it's literally the same fucking game. With a dog now.
i'm not being sarcastic at all. most people commenting on what MS is doing are going back and forth on it. look at major nelson commenting on stuff but saying "well i'm not exactly sure though, i'll get back to you!" i don't trust anything they say at this point.
and when did i diss on connectivity? i love online connectivity and i think every console should have a robust online system, i just don't think it should be forced on users to check in with papa every 24 hours. i dont like having to get permission to sell my games (still not sure how this is going to work and it doesn't sound like MS is either).
if you want to see how connectivity SHOULD be done, then check out what sony is doing with ps4
releasing the piece of trash that is Skyrim on PS3, lying about its performance, taking forever to "fix" the issue, etc.Why the hate?
4 was really fun, and it was a nice change of pace at the time... until its popularity started influencing every gameCOD is getting shit on nowadays (and rightfully so sometimes), but it makes people forget how amazing 4 was.
Another moment that blew me away in the SP was, and I'm just gonna spoiler it just in case,
The moment when you're flying away in the chopper and the nuke goes off. I didn't expect them to actually kill off the character like that. I was in shock when that happened.
October would be awesome, if they can pull that off I will personally mate with all (female) Sony employees (it's a burden I'm willing to bear). Just don't tell my wife shhhh![]()
Paging eznark...Anyone have experience shipping handgun ammo? Specifically 9mm. What is your experience?
Father in law in Maine is paying through the nose and it is much cheaper here.
Paging eznark...
Battlefield 4 looks pretty awful.