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NFL Week 13 |OT| My Favorite Things

Gruden and Tirico just sound excited that they actually get to call an actual game this week. Considering most of the shit the MNF crew usually has to call.

41 seconds and three timeouts for Eli.
Gooster said:
RGIII is 6-of-6 on play-action today, compared with 1-of-6 when not using play action.

Boley has been responsible for at least two of them from what I've seen. Biting hard on the run.

EDIT: WTF with these commercials.
I like the ease of which Eli runs that 2-minute offense.

Easy like Monday morning...


Ha man I detached myself so much from this garbage team that I just now read that Reid fired Washburn.

And the worst part? Apparently Washburn used to publicly in front of players call Juan names like Juanita to belittle him. He used question his ideas and schemes in front of players. This isn't just some "rumors" but confirmed by the PR guy who runs the message boards for the Eagles.

So Reid allowed Washburn sabotage his close friend Juan, who Reid himself put in a terrible situation, and let it go on for almost 2 seasons? And then of the two, let Juan go first? WTF?

And I don't know what to read into these moves now. Reid should be all but confirmed to be fired at the end of this season. The coaches he put together. His roster. His team. He is the VP of personnel moves.

And now he is taking care of business as if he has some assurances for next season. This better not mean they are going to blame the season on Vick, OLINE injuries, and chaos over on the defensive side to bring Reid back.

Or he is just being a good guy and cleaning up the mess he himself created regardless of who is coaching next season.

EDIT: Also Washburn was apparently pissed that they released Babin and Reid had the audacity to do so without consulting Washburn. My hate for Reid aside, fuck you Washburn. If you wanted to be the big man and run your scheme, make roster moves, and get the credit you should have accepted the DC job when Reid offered it to you before he hired Juan. But no you wanted to be "just" the DLINE coach but also have your scheme be the scheme of the whole defense. You wanted to belittle Juan and now dare claim Reid should have you consulted you before releasing a player? Didn't have the courage to be DC so you could be accountable for the whole defense. Fuck off.

Pretty sure he ends up with the Rams next season.
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