It's at 100, under the JP name.Shirobako made it on, I'm happy
No Tatami Galaxy reeeeeeally grates my nerves though. Such a fantastic body of work![]()
You my fellow gaffer have spectacular taste in anine
How the fuck is Dragonball not even on the list!? Goku is a freaking Japanese icon!
The manga is ten times better. And DBZ had tons of pacing problem.^^
Dont matter. It's still better than freaking Pokemon Diamond & Pearl: Giratina to Sora no Hanataba Sheimi"
i always see gundam seed on these top 100 list they should really just make another show or a movie.
Evangelion - 14
Utena - 30
Bebop - 34
I'm not sure if I'm surprised they are so low or so high.