Good shit yall. Stat you missed out on some deep life conversations me and viz had. Real talk, it was legit
Lots of fun. Good to get to know you a bit more though. Looking forward to some future games too!
Good shit yall. Stat you missed out on some deep life conversations me and viz had. Real talk, it was legit
Nhl and maybe some destiny tonight?
So Viz and I both are hugely pro Horizon Zero Dawn fans. If you guys haven't played it yet, what is up with your life?
Destiny though tomorrow?!
Destiny isnt out until Wed. Ill def be playing and we will have to see if I have a spot open as I now seem to have a lot of people interested in playing it now.
I just finished Horizon Zero Dawn yesterday which is why Stat brought it up out if the blue. It was one of my favorite games of all-time and I especially loved how they handled the story and how unique it was and echo Stat's advice to play the game if you get a chance.
I blame my friend who was like "we'll play some of it tomorrow". What a liar. If you have a spot, let me know. Im still torn on a character class but if it doesn't matter, I'll pick one at random
Welp, back in Florida after my trip to NY. B/c of the impending hurricane all stores are out of water and there is a gas shortage down here. Awesome. I wish I was able to stay in NY instead of coming back to this shit.
So youre swimming with the fishies....and trash? Bet the 2nd part is not far from most villages in the US so shoyldnt be a problem.. rofl. I joke i joke!
Must really suck tho.
Yep it does. It's getting scary. Can't find water or gas. Not sure what I'm going to do other than keep trying. I've only got half a tank.
Also b/c of the hurricane my boss' flight this weekend was canceled and re-scheduled for next Friday. Guess who can't have off for NHL next Friday, this guy. (Not like that is my biggest concern as of right now anyway).
Yah try to survive bud.. who cares about nhl at this point. Especially with the hurricane coming your way... cant even imagine...
Worse ive gotten was freezing rain which caused so much damage, no electricity for 21 days. But luckily, with parents owning a company, we had dibs on generators. Had to live in close quarters with the whole family though.. we were about 30 in a 2000sqr ft house.
What he said.
Make sure you get the F out if there well before that thing is supposed to hit, everything else is secondary at this point. Dont wait until the last minute like idiots do.
Yah try to survive bud.. who cares about nhl at this point. Especially with the hurricane coming your way... cant even imagine...
What he said.
Make sure you get the F out if there well before that thing is supposed to hit, everything else is secondary at this point. Dont wait until the last minute like idiots do.
Yep. Don't be a hero. Stay safe and all that.
And we'll play NHL for more than one night so even if you're not there for the first week, don't feel like you are missing out.
Appreciate all this. They have not called for my area to be evacuated yet, but further south, like the Miami area were told to leave.
I'll keep an eye on the news.
Delryk, this made me think of (its in spoilers b/c the image is kinda big)