Fuck Thornton!
They didn't have Roy and no Kesler for I think two of those. Would be a different beast.
I can only speak for myself, and Desibabu, but we'd have a better chance against the Sharks than the Blues.
Gg stars :[
Super upset
sigh, they had a good run. Hopefully next year the Stars finally make the playoffs.
Woot Choo Choo the Hitman train!
Hitmen up 2-1 in series.
Fun game, awesome crowd.
7000 Hitmen fans > 19000 Flames fans.
And my boy TJ scores one tonight. Cevenka with two. Nice.
Zedge no one cares about your nhl team. why would they care about them?
Zedge no one cares about your nhl team. why would they care about them?
At least we have a cup.
That was before ______ It doesn't count.
Dont be mean, I care.
Its a very different crowd at a hitmen game. Tickets are cheap, lots of kids, and people having fun. Probably like watching an NHL team in the US.
Calgary has an NHL team?
At least we have a cup.
Point stands.
So... If Columbus gets a point, this nightmare in Phoenix is over right?
Oh man, I didn't even think about that. ANOTHER reason to cheer for the Blue Jackets!
As if the Red Wings missing the playoffs wasn't reason enough.
Point stands.
So... If Columbus gets a point, this nightmare in Phoenix is over right?
So, as long as we don't catch SJ in points the next two games, we're more than likely looking at 6th.
If LA loses their next two, things start looking REALLY interesting.
There has been little talk of the Phoenix situation this season because the Leafs and Habs and Sens are all going to the playoffs, Sportsnet and TSN radio actually have relevant shit to talk about
Nothing is going on with the Coyotes anyway.
No leaks is surprising
Was about to blame Pickles for ruining this game, But we saved it. WOOOOO!!!
What a game. Insane amount of glorious chances.
Need two stars wins a kings win tomorrow and a predators win Saturday! I believe!
Why is Harvey in a meditative pose while being handed a European-style Olympic torch?