wow, stole 2 pts there.
kings :lol
kings :lol
Kings suck. They had the longest off-season ever, so the "Cup Hangover" is no excuse.
The Kings are frauds. Only reason they won is due to Duncan Keith.
The Kings are frauds. Only reason they won is due to Duncan Keith.
Jebus Christ STFU Tabris.
Now it can be told.
Last Monday, I got a phone call from Bar Refaeli.
Hey, how did you like my Super Bowl commercial? the famous super model asked.
Hey, she added, Ive rented a beachfront cottage in Aruba for the beginning of May. Why dont you come down and hang out?
Bring your friends Pat Hickey and Dave Stubbs. Ill get another couple girls from the Sports Illustrated swimsuit shoot and well party.
Thanks for the invite, Bar, I replied. But the Montreal Canadiens are 6-2 on the season.
Hickey, Stubbs and I are going to be covering the playoffs in May.
Oh my.
I suppose if you get to whale on Howard enough he'd eventually let one in.
Tie game
Fucking wings...
Lidstrom would have cleared that
Nice, always love when a team ties with the extra attacker - as long as I don't have a rooting interest. And the Kings were due
Poor Howard...
OOOOOOH SHIT! Wings gonna win it!
This game!
Hahahaha even better
FUCK YES!!!!!!
lol kings
That has to sting
Fuck you, Detroit.
Fuck. You.
Lol Quick.
That is all on Quick. Wow
Queens blow.
Grabovski isn't going to be penalized. The NHL is just calling him in so they can sit down and laugh at the 911 calls.
wow, stole 2 pts there.
kings :lol
Huge win for Detroit. They were exhausted from the opening whistle of the 2nd period. Glad to see them playing better.
Kings suck. They had the longest off-season ever, so the "Cup Hangover" is no excuse.
Bish please tag every single person in this topic besides Tabris so he can't pull the special snowflake shit like this anymore.
Or just take his. Yeah. I like this one.
Everyone not Tabris becomes "Better than Tabris", or Tabris becomes "Worse than Member". I'm okay with that, too. (His current tag is already supposed to work, but it's clearly not working)
What happened in the Detroit game? Was it a crummy goal or did Detroit clutch it?
At #Canucks super skills, Ryan Kesler says he "can see the light at the end of the tunnel" and that his return is "just around the corner"
canucks are sloooooooooooooooooow skaters
canucks are sloooooooooooooooooow skaters
Canucks Super Skills is streaming if any of Canucks gaf want to watch. I'm really only interested in hardest shot now that Salo is gone. Edler or Garrison?
Obligatory when is the best dive competition? And will there be an indoor pool?
This comment in combination with your avatar makes no sense to me.
A joke is something spoken, written, or done with humorous intention.[1] Jokes may have many different forms, e.g., a single word (Tabris) or a gesture (considered in a particular context), a question-answer, or a whole short story. The word "joke" has a number of synonyms, including wisecrack, gag, prank, quip, jape and jest.[1]
To achieve their end, jokes may employ irony, sarcasm, word play and other devices. Jokes may have a punch line, i.e. an ending to make it humorous.
Obligatory when is the best dive competition? And will there be an indoor pool?
We seemed to skate past you guys for 5 goals last game![]()
So a PIT/NJD game yesterday and another PIT/NJD today?
Never seen that before, they play each other back to back.
I'll be out to watch the game and won't be posting so someone will have to pick up the slack if one of the Gallys score.