That's not nit picking. Is there not a massive difference between spearing and pushing?
1) His hands weren't tied up.
2) He probably could breathe - assuming he can't is silly.
3) His head was not being twisted backwards.
4) He didn't look panicked, he looked rabid.
People in the Toronto media (that I've seen) aren't even going to the lengths that some of you are. They agree, like reasonable people would, that biting is not an option. But they're claiming that there's no evidence and maybe it didn't happen -- really?
1) from the angle I saw, it looked like he was wrestling with someone else, then got one hand up to try to pry Patches' hands away, no?
2) Again, I don't see why there would be a panic to his actions if he could breathe.
3) His head was being twisted to the right where Patches' hand was coming from.
4) I read it more as panic and I know quite a few people in the media in no way related to Toronto have said the same.
All you care about is trolling people and becoming a worst poster then Tabris at this point. I didn't get into your argument becuase it's full of shit, and you had no part in this anyways. Socrege's did a fine job of dismantling your points, but you don't seem interested in addressing his points which is understandable.
You're right, my four points that I backed up are full of shit because you (a Habs fan) say so. Excuse me for jumping into a conversation without getting Lord Red_Man's approval. I'll be sure to get it next time before voicing my opinion.
Please forgive me.
Socreges had his post made while I was busy. I had your post pulled up in the news room and got distracted by a story, then finished the post after I was free again, hence the late reply to your post. My apologies for paying more attention to my IRL job. I'll be sure to have the reporters wait until I finish my GAF post next time before I help them out.