Fuck you all in this ass with a salt-dipped banana.
Have you reached Tabris level of sleeping with your cardboard cutouts of Gally yet?
Fuck you all in this ass with a salt-dipped banana.
Fuck the bolts, flat land hillbillies
Fuck the Canes- Pro diving hillbillies
Fuck the Caps- Entitled ass cunts
Fuck the Thrashers- Fat ass displaced hillbillies
All hail the Cats, all hail HUBERDEAU.
Also, crazy how Isles coach Capuano missed the OT winner getting stitched up after being hit with a puck late in the 3rd.
And to cover all the things I didn't get a chance to post last night during the game: Islanders PK is still solid as Iraq, going 5 for 5. And John Tavares is sexy, no one denies this.
Truncated season be damned, I enjoy seeing my team in 1st place on Feb 1 for the first time in a very long time.
Now I wear a full cage. It's a bit awkward, but no one challenges me on headers anymore.
So Redden missed last's night game with "the flu". Take from that what you will.
That he had the flu and didn't feel well.
What a Sabres/Bruins game.
Finally got to watch the Scott/Thorton fight as I was working and Thorton didn't land a single punch. I don't think he even threw one.
Thornton got a concussion from his fight with John Scott. Out 7-10 days
you can do that?
Thornton got a concussion from his fight with John Scott. Out 7-10 days
John Scott is a fucking goon who shouldn't be in the league.
Coming from a Boston fan...
I'm just trying to get ready for tonight
Also still waiting for bish to free us from our blue balls.
John Scott is a fucking goon who shouldn't be in the league.
John Scott is a fucking goon who shouldn't be in the league.
Yeah! He should totally be kicked out of the league because Shawn Thornton is a fucking idiot!
John Scott is a fucking goon who shouldn't be in the league.
I didnt say he should be kicked out, he just doesn't deserve a roster spot on any team.
Thornton isn't an idiot, it was a calculated move to take a bullet for his teammates.
Upshall proves he is made of glass, out 2-4 weeks with an ankle injury.
John Scott is a fucking goon who shouldn't be in the league.
Canucks need more Saturday games.
Meanwhile ours is 17 for 17 after the past couple games! Thanks for the coaches, shitbird! And fuck Jersey.Still a 0 in the loss column
Our PK needs work tho
nopeAnd I see Fortunateson got banned...typica. As soon as Reimer is doing well he goes and runs off. I'm sure he'll be back the second he loses a game.
and for the record FortunateSon, stating that it's okay not to like being around mexicans because some people don't like being around the quebecois is like pounding nails into my dick of logic
fuck the Leafs
and for the record FortunateSon, stating that it's okay not to like being around mexicans because some people don't like being around the quebecois is like pounding nails into my dick of logic
fuck the Leafs
Nah, sorry. Was jk since all the hockey players were talking about wearing cages and the idea of a guy running around with a metal cage and winning headers is pretty funny to can do that?
So it's ok to be racist... because other people are racist? Lawd.nope
and for the record FortunateSon, stating that it's okay not to like being around mexicans because some people don't like being around the quebecois is like pounding nails into my dick of logic
fuck the Leafs
So it's ok to be racist... because other people are racist? Lawd.
don't let it get to you, seems like the only insult Ducks fans have for the Kings is to call them the Queens. shit's gettin' old
This is an awesome idea.
Hell, I'd be down. Used to do a sports podcast before.
Think we'd all be able to contribute something resembling a coherent exchange of thoughts and idea's. Or failing that, seeing who can say "fuck you" the loudest.
Skype podcasts wherein fans of teams playing on a given night talk immense amounts of shit during the game. I'd tune in to that.
I'd be absolutely down for that.
I thought you were joking at first......What the fuck Therrien? What a joke, fans love that shit.Apparently Therrien told Subban there is to be no more triple low fives with Price after a win. No fun allowed.
It's ok to be racist against Mexicans because they're Mexicans!?
I don't know what world he's living in (though he claims to be in the same world)