Thanks! Not really into Stocks, but I guess that's as good as any place.
Send me your money, I will put it into good uses.*Do we seriously not have an investment/finance-gaf or am I just too blind to find it?
Do we seriously not have an investment/finance-gaf or am I just too blind to find it?
It's nowhere near as bad as the Luongo deal but if Crawford stumbles then that extension is going to be trouble.I guess it isn't too bad since there weren't exactly a lot of good goalies available. That's not a bad price for a dependable goalie though. Better than overpaying and having a ridiculous term and then getting stuck with a goalie you can't trade.
Send me your money, I will put it into good uses.*
My wallet.
USA is 8:1 to win Sochi 2014 right now. Good odds.
"I'll suck your dick for your last rock man"
Dudes, Dredd is on Netflix. If you haven't seen it yet, now's the time. DREDD BITCHES
Cersei was great in it. So was Karl Urban's jaw.Dudes, Dredd is on Netflix. If you haven't seen it yet, now's the time. DREDD BITCHES
Dudes, Dredd is on Netflix. If you haven't seen it yet, now's the time. DREDD BITCHES
Also I might've been the last one to figure out Robin Thicke is Alan Thicke's son.
Growing Pains indeed.
Dudes, Dredd is on Netflix. If you haven't seen it yet, now's the time. DREDD BITCHES
Haha and you wonder why women might be a bit offended by that song/video.of course Thicke is a douche, it is known. But still, tits.
I'm sorry you didn't like Dredd. While I don't agree with what you say, I'll defend to the death your right to say it.
Haha and you wonder why women might be a bit offended by that song/video.
I liked parts of it, but the Ma-Ma stuff felt so... flat.
I hate to say this, but the next Dredd project, if there ever is one, needs a guy like Zack Snyder at the helm. He'd nail the aesthetics and stay (mostly) faithful to the source material.
Snyder fucking sucks. He somehow managed to put Watchmen on screen almost scene for scene following the graphic novel and still made a boring movie.I liked parts of it, but the Ma-Ma stuff felt so... flat.
I hate to say this, but the next Dredd project, if there ever is one, needs a guy like Zack Snyder at the helm. He'd nail the aesthetics and stay (mostly) faithful to the source material.
Snyder fucking sucks. He somehow managed to put Watchmen on screen almost scene for scene following the graphic novel and still made a boring movie.
Snyder fucking sucks. He somehow managed to put Watchmen on screen almost scene for scene following the graphic novel and still made a boring movie.
Now, call me crazy, but Snyder seems to be taking all the "blame" for Man of Steel when the main problems with it (to me at least) were script related. Why is no one mad at Goyer? Maybe I'm not reading the right threads.
And I bet Snyder would make an awesome Dredd movie.
I actually think, for a post-TDK superhero film, MoS is pretty good. And definitely it's problems have to do with the script itself.
Acid, you're right, but Snyder showed us all that Watchmen is a massively boring piece of work that's aged as well as a cat turd.
The internet is full of misogynistic male assholes and modern feminism is a joke within itself.
Get humanity and launch it into a shuttle to the sun.
It's pretty fkn easy to be a decent person. Don't discriminate, don't hate, be fair and be considerate. How hard is it?
Pretty much. Thanks modern social media. It's pretty fkn easy to be a decent person. Don't discriminate, don't hate, be fair and be considerate. How hard is it?
Meanwhile Australia is just about to elect an absolute selfish, bigoted, snake of a disrespectful and cunt-like being for a PM.
Then again, Canada has had Harper for some time now and everyone there is still alive.
BRB laughing at bronies
Eh, you got understand how Canadians work. We're very much a status quo and don't rock the boat. Many of Harper's policies are stupid but not outright stupid shit that piss people off and there hasn't been a big enough scandal to get rid of him.Pretty much. Thanks modern social media. It's pretty fkn easy to be a decent person. Don't discriminate, don't hate, be fair and be considerate. How hard is it?
Meanwhile Australia is just about to elect an absolute selfish, bigoted, snake of a disrespectful and cunt-like being for a PM.
Then again, Canada has had Harper for some time now and everyone there is still alive.
Eh, you got understand how Canadians work. We're very much a status quo and don't rock the boat.
Dudes, Dredd is on Netflix. If you haven't seen it yet, now's the time. DREDD BITCHES
Eh, you got understand how Canadians work. We're very much a status quo and don't rock the boat. Many of Harper's policies are stupid but not outright stupid shit that piss people off and there hasn't been a big enough scandal to get rid of him.
Besides, the Liberals are in shamanism les and don't have any balls or leadership to speak of. The NDP lack a real vision and reason for me to vote for them. The rest are fringe parties. The PC, unfortunately, are the only party who somewhat have their shit together.
I'm no fan of Harper, but anyone who thinks things would be better with the NDP or the Liberals is crazy.
What's with the complacency?
I'm no fan of Harper, but anyone who thinks things would be better with the NDP or the Liberals is crazy.
I can see myself hanging with one of these two guys having a beer and a doobie, the other guy I wouldn't trust to sell me a car.
Karl Urban was Eomer, damnStill hoping Affleck pulls out of being Batman for some reason and their next choice is Karl Urban.