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NHL Off-Season 2016 |OT2| I Want off Marc Bergevin's Wild Ride.


come in my shame circle
this gif is going to come in handy someday


Hmm I'll do my best to live up to this gif.


Quick, I now have ads for blue suits on my Tumblr dash because of you, lol.

Get a blue power suit, Kat. Strut around like Hillary Clinton. lol

Got involved with a girl I met on there. Got toxic, VERY toxic, very quickly. All I'd done was tell her I wanted to be friends (because she lived in Brisbane and I lived in Melbourne and I didn't want things to get more deeply emotional). She went off the rails and spread a whole series of vicious lies to garner sympathy from Australian Feminist Clique Twitter.

It's all a whole bunch of bs.

Sorry to hear Dastardly.

I might actually end up close to Brisbane on that trip I mentioned, so if you want, I'll give her a Good Canadian talking to.

But for real, it's tough to hear/see shit being said about you, regardless of facts. I was accused by a friend of something that legitimately hurt me, and it still bothers me today. It's been months, but it randomly pops into my mind and it sucks.


At work today, but know I'm being a bit standoff-ish. Really don't want to deal with anyone today.

Hope you feel better man. We all have shitty days, or sometimes shitty weeks, or shitty months. God knows I've spilled my guts here with you guys probably more than a lot of people.

If you have your own office, just close the door. At least people know not to bother you unless it's important.

I was in a wedding party two years ago and the guys were supposed to wear fedoras. I flat out refused.

M'bride and M'groom.


I didn't even buy the tux for my own wedding. When did people start doing this?

I haven't been to any weddings recently, but all the photos I'm seeing from other people haven't involved tuxedos...yet.

Just super shitty color combos that didn't go well. Orange and black, the other was this cream color with grey, looked like shit.

Just give me the classic black and white or blue and white and we good homes.

Black suits...eugh.

The way I see it (and maybe I'm wrong), if you're going to go for a colour scheme or co-ordinate outfits as part of your wedding party, might as well have the suits be useful after the wedding. Blue, navy, charcoal, grey, anything else that isn't gaudy. Black is almost a useless colour suit for anything outside of a wedding (and it's already stretching) and funeral.


Shanny on the AvsWings rivalry:

What’s your take on the Wings-Avs rivalry? How did the guys really feel about each other and what was going through your head when you made that flying tackle on Patrick Roy?

We had a lot of respect for them, but we also felt a lot of animosity. I can tell you, it was very real. There were enough hotheaded people in both lineups for there to be some real dirtiness on the ice.

When I look back on that rivalry, I think about all the stuff that was said or done that was never caught on camera or by the referees. Just the stuff said between the benches and the coaches. Yeah, it was real. It was very real.

As far as the dive tackle, it all happened pretty quickly. I was locked up with Adam Foote, and I was watching Darren go after Lemieux. And then, all of the sudden, I saw that Roy was skating full speed at Darren. He was gunning it. I managed to shake off Foote, and then I took off. The only thing I was thinking was, I got to get to him before he gets to Darren. And then, what’s funny is that I think Roy saw me coming and realized I would get to him before he could get to the scrum. I don’t know how I knew it, but I could tell he was going to jump. I just knew it. So we both just kind of coiled and jumped in the air at the same time.

It was weird. I don’t know why we jumped or how we knew the other guy was going to jump. But … it just happened.

It’s funny, the following year at the Olympics we were both playing for Team Canada, and Patrick (who I’ve really come to like and respect) told me that he had hurt his shoulder on that jump and that it hadn’t been the same since. I expressed my sympathy, but in my head what I was really thinking was, Good.

Like I said, it was very real.


Shanny on the AvsWings rivalry:

I just finished reading it. Pretty general questions or questions that I've seen asked a million times, but Shanahan really lays things out.

I like this one:

What is the worst attempt at chirping/trash talking you’ve seen on the ice? — u/DrCoconutsss

I remember when I was in Detroit, Sean Avery stood up as Joe Sakic was skating by our bench. Sean was a young, enthusiastic hockey player who was well liked by us old guys, and as you might know, was known for trash talking. But when he stood up and yelled, “Hey Sakic!” Brett Hull grabbed him by the back of his sweater and yanked him down on the bench. Then he said, and I’ll never forget this, “You are not allowed to speak to Mr. Sakic.” And then Sean looked down the bench at the rest of the boys and we all just sort of nodded.

Lmao this guy here.


Daaaaaamnnnnn son

Oookay this wasn't the response I was expecting. I didn't mean Simon Belmont would've been friendzoned, I don't know him well enough to riff on him and he's a good poster. I mean the groom, who is a fan of fedoras, would be.

I just need to clarify that. Like, are we on the same page here? Or have I miscommunicated?

Sorry to hear Dastardly.

I might actually end up close to Brisbane on that trip I mentioned, so if you want, I'll give her a Good Canadian talking to.

But for real, it's tough to hear/see shit being said about you, regardless of facts. I was accused by a friend of something that legitimately hurt me, and it still bothers me today. It's been months, but it randomly pops into my mind and it sucks.

Oh god man, I appreciate that, but for your health please never ever have the person play any part in your life.

I've put a lot of stock into the "those that matter don't mind, and those that mind don't matter". And funny enough, two people I know from Twitter who I hold dearest don't believe her and have even lost a lot of respect for her. They're the ones who told me in the first place that she was doing what she was doing. I wasn't even watching Twitter when she went off on a sympathy farming tirade.


^ Yep, that's a Blues logo alright.

Curious to see what the Blues show off for jerseys. Their jersey history isn't all too diverse, so maybe an original/faux vintage design is something they'll do.

^ Yep, that's a Blues logo alright.

Curious to see what the Blues show off for jerseys. Their jersey history isn't all too diverse, so maybe an original/faux vintage design is something they'll do.


I'm thinking what they do is either do the Hull-era jerseys from the early 1990's, or they go for the 1984-85 ones in the image below as they give the most amount of change compared to the others.

Of course for the lulz we can go with this:



Oh god man, I appreciate that, but for your health please never ever have the person play any part in your life.

I've put a lot of stock into the "those that matter don't mind, and those that mind don't matter". And funny enough, two people I know from Twitter who I hold dearest don't believe her and have even lost a lot of respect for her. They're the ones who told me in the first place that she was doing what she was doing. I wasn't even watching Twitter when she went off on a sympathy farming tirade.

It's very complicated, and the accusation was done in anger on her end, since she was going through some stuff.

On that note, I definitely disagree with her accusation. But at the same time, I don't want to come off as some MRA guy and just disregard her accusation, which is why anytime the thought pops up, I try to dissect the situation and see where it all went wrong and how I could fix it.


I'm kind of surprised the Blues haven't attempted to bring back that red colour scheme from 95-96 to any alternate jerseys.

Red, blue, gold is a sweet combo.
I'm kind of surprised the Blues haven't attempted to bring back that red colour scheme from 95-96 to any alternate jerseys.

Red, blue, gold is a sweet combo.

Probably because people like the jersey setup they have now.

But if there's a time to do it, it's the Winter Classic. It's the odds on favorite for their jersey tbh.
It's very complicated, and the accusation was done in anger on her end, since she was going through some stuff.

On that note, I definitely disagree with her accusation. But at the same time, I don't want to come off as some MRA guy and just disregard her accusation, which is why anytime the thought pops up, I try to dissect the situation and see where it all went wrong and how I could fix it.

I wouldn't expect any less from any other person. The gaslighting involved in the "crazy ex" stories that people throw around are goddamn lethal. In most cases, both people involved are just as bad as each other. Gone Girl to the max.

To detail what went on:
Firstly she went on a "you don't fuck with me, how dare you" anger spree simply because I *wanted to remain friends* and was nothing but polite when I said it to her. Then it was "I eat alphas for breakfast so when a beta fucks with me it's personally insulting". Then it was "I've seen your type you feminist ally wannabe Greens fuccbois". Which is like... OK, I've never called myself a feminist *ever* (couldn't even tell you the first thing about what feminism is) and I have political motivations because I CARE ABOUT POLITICS. So to suggest any part of my identity was fake or forced simply to *attract women* is fucked up. Women are like, #3 on my priorities list and my history with meth abuse means sober sex is actually A LOT less appealing than drug-induced sex. Ergo, I'm less likely to put more effort into attaining it. So the whole idea was just downright insulting.

After that initial display, I removed her from Facebook. The next spree of tweets were "You fucking snake, you coward, you say you wanna be friends and then you remove me from Facebook. You better have deleted my nudes you piece of shit liar.". Friends alerted me to the tweets, so I told her how I'd deleted her nudes because I wouldn't want to voluntarily see her face again and that after her initial display I wanted nothing to do with her.

I get a series of texts apologising for "the way things ended". I told her she has a right to be angry, and to feel emotions. But she has no right to talk about me the way she did and I wouldn't have a bar of it and that her behaviour was disgusting. "I'm glad I met you, I'm glad we could be friends. I'm so close to a nervous breakdown and this is the only way I know how to be. I'm sorry, I won't message you again".

I said if her self defense mechanism was to lash out at people, then she should help herself immediately for other peoples sake.

We left it at that, she went back on Twitter and sympathised with all the Australian Feminist Clique Twitter "oooh fuccbois will say anything to get in our pants" "kill all men" etc etc.

After the whole scenario, I think I'd rather just never ever get involved with another person ever again and happily fill my time with shit I like doing, with close friends who treat each other as how we want to be treated, and can communicate openly and honestly and with kindness.


God damn I hate anime

Watched Cyber City Oedo 808 this past weekend. It's the shit.

Anime was best in the economic bubble when random entrepreneurs just threw money at animators without caring about the end product and we got all kinds of rad, profane shit. That kind of anime is eternally awesome. But those days are long gone.



I wouldn't expect any less from any other person. The gaslighting involved in the "crazy ex" stories that people throw around are goddamn lethal. In most cases, both people involved are just as bad as each other. Gone Girl to the max.

To detail what went on: snip

After the whole scenario, I think I'd rather just never ever get involved with another person ever again and happily fill my time with shit I like doing, with close friends who treat each other as how we want to be treated, and can communicate openly and honestly and with kindness.

She called me up in the middle of the night to accuse me, and I tried to defend myself a little, but she just went on and I basically shut up, both from just shock and I didn't want to come close to gaslighting. Anything more I would've said that night would've made it worse. Saying nothing might have done just the same. But I probably made the right decision in shutting up.

In the end, as you say, it's best to surround yourself with close friends. I'm lucky to have a good group. NHL-GAF are good people too.
Watched Cyber City Oedo 808 this past weekend. It's the shit.

Anime was best in the economic bubble when random entrepreneurs just threw money at animators without caring about the end product and we got all kinds of rad, profane shit. That kind of anime is eternally awesome. But those days are long gone.

I dont watch much anime since I hate japanese voice acting so unless it gets dubbed I won't bother, but Steins;Gate is one of my absolute favorite things ever. There wasnt exactly a bubble in 09 (11 or 12 for the anime)
Interesting AHL News:

The Lake Erie Monsters are now called the Cleveland Monsters.

New Jersey's too.

Makes sense. They've been playing in Cleveland for so long, you might as well make the jump.

Still, a good year for Cleveland sports. NBA Finals, Calder Cup, maybe a World Series pennant to cap off the treble?

I dont watch much anime since I hate japanese voice acting so unless it gets dubbed I won't bother, but Steins;Gate is one of my absolute favorite things ever. There wasnt exactly a bubble in 09

aren't you a heretic

but yeah I don't like Japanese voice acting either, would much rather play with dubs.
She called me up in the middle of the night to accuse me, and I tried to defend myself a little, but she just went on and I basically shut up, both from just shock and I didn't want to come close to gaslighting. Anything more I would've said that night would've made it worse. Saying nothing might have done just the same. But I probably made the right decision in shutting up.

In the end, as you say, it's best to surround yourself with close friends. I'm lucky to have a good group. NHL-GAF are good people too.

Christ dude.

At some point, you have to just say "enough, no more, I won't be treated like this" and just hang up, shut up and refuse to talk to them. If they need to pin unwarranted blame on you to make themselves feel better, then that's awful.

Good people only zone+++

Or at least just Not Shitcunts.
She called me up in the middle of the night to accuse me, and I tried to defend myself a little, but she just went on and I basically shut up, both from just shock and I didn't want to come close to gaslighting. Anything more I would've said that night would've made it worse. Saying nothing might have done just the same. But I probably made the right decision in shutting up.

In the end, as you say, it's best to surround yourself with close friends. I'm lucky to have a good group. NHL-GAF are good people too.

Christ dude.

At some point, you have to just say "enough, no more, I won't be treated like this" and just hang up, shut up and refuse to talk to them. If they need to pin unwarranted blame on you to make themselves feel better, then that's awful.

Good people only zone+++

Or at least just Not Shitcunts.

If y'all need a crew at a moments notice I have a spatula and am ready to spaz out on some fools.
Ultimately, when it comes to anime avatars and the alt-right, generally I only have a problem with them when they come out in socially charged topics. IE, BLM, feminism threads, or anything having to do with Gamergate or social justice. Then it becomes painfully obvious, another notch in the pattern so to say.


Ultimately, when it comes to anime avatars and the alt-right, generally I only have a problem with them when they come out in socially charged topics. IE, BLM, feminism threads, or anything having to do with Gamergate or social justice. Then it becomes painfully obvious, another notch in the pattern so to say.

The Joseph McCarthy of anime avatars


Watched Cyber City Oedo 808 this past weekend. It's the shit.

Anime was best in the economic bubble when random entrepreneurs just threw money at animators without caring about the end product and we got all kinds of rad, profane shit. That kind of anime is eternally awesome. But those days are long gone.

There is still some good anime made nowadays.

Although most of it is shit, any other medium.
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