For the life of me I have never understood the fashion choice of some guys to wear pants so loose that they fall down their ass to show their boxers. These guys are often wearing belts with said pants.
I have been seeing this since high school and every time I think the same thing. Pull up your pants.
Teenage me wants to fight you!
Actually I never wore my pants that terrible, my pants were baggy but not to that stupid degree. Plus I had a baggy shirt to wear on top.
Looking back I want to vomit thinking about the fashion I used to rock, ugh.
$499 as well.
Teenage me wants to fight you!
Actually I never wore my pants that terrible, my pants were baggy but not to that stupid degree. Plus I had a baggy shirt to wear on top.
Looking back I want to vomit thinking about the fashion I used to rock, ugh.
RIP PS Vita 2
that was the sony console I actually wanted :'(
PES 2017 demoIs that PES or FIFA?
Ok, Maybe you guys can help me out. I'm looking for a new Desktop Computer. I need something that can run games good,but the desktop has to be around the $400-700 range.
This is a Christmas present for the family basically. Don't worry about the other stuff, I already have a good monitor.
Is that PES or FIFA?
Ok, Maybe you guys can help me out. I'm looking for a new Desktop Computer. I need something that can run games good,but the desktop has to be around the $400-700 range.
This is a Christmas present for the family basically. Don't worry about the other stuff, I already have a good monitor.
$499 as well.
Isn't it $399 or even cheaper than that?
Fool me once, shame on you.
Fool me twice, shame on me.
I bought a PSP second gen and it sort of lived up to what I think it could be in terms of games library, but a lot of it ended up being half-assed (with some exceptions). Games like GTA Liberty City Stories/Vice City Stories, God of War, Star Wars Battlefront 2 were the types of games I was looking for (played each one except God of War).
I bought a Vita with the same hopes and it seemed like they were really getting there (Uncharted: GA, planned Bioshock Vita game, Killzone, COD even), but it seems big western games aren't meant to be on the Vita.
And I'm really not into the Japanese games for either PSP or Vita.
Your son will love it!
Really sucks they gave it so little love.Fool me once, shame on you.
Fool me twice, shame on me.
I bought a PSP second gen and it sort of lived up to what I think it could be in terms of games library, but a lot of it ended up being half-assed (with some exceptions). Games like GTA Liberty City Stories/Vice City Stories, God of War, Star Wars Battlefront 2 were the types of games I was looking for (played each one except God of War).
I bought a Vita with the same hopes and it seemed like they were really getting there (Uncharted: GA, planned Bioshock Vita game, Killzone, COD even), but it seems big western games aren't meant to be on the Vita.
And I'm really not into the Japanese games for either PSP or Vita.
Isn't it $399 or even cheaper than that?
i don't play western AAA games at all, so yeah... lol
the PSV was pretty disappointing but since I prefer to play games on handhelds whenever possible, it ended up being pretty good for ports (especially indie ports). If there were a PSV2 that got ports of PS4 games I'd be really happy with that.
Really sucks they gave it so little love.
Ok, Maybe you guys can help me out. I'm looking for a new Desktop Computer. I need something that can run games good,but the desktop has to be around the $400-700 range.
This is a Christmas present for the family basically. Don't worry about the other stuff, I already have a good monitor.
PC Part Picker is a good website
I'm gonna build a new pc sometime in the next year and that is the website I'll be using. You can filter out builds other people have done according to your budget, or build your own.
How does the Pro not play 4K Blu Rays, lol
We just need Heretic to throw in nowPS4 pro doesn't even have a UHD Blu-Ray drive? lol
you had one job sony
This too. And I know NCIX can assemble a PC for you based on the parts you pick, but that's an extra charge for the labour.
My PC is almost 4 years old now, and it still handles everything I throw at it. When I bought it I picked low-to-mid range components as well.
This too. And I know NCIX can assemble a PC for you based on the parts you pick, but that's an extra charge for the labour.
Frank Seravalli Verified account ‏@frank_seravalli
#Canucks have hired Manny Malhotra as a player development coach
This Devin Setoguchi article is a real eye-opener
Suspected it already but it's real unfortunate that he had to go through it. Probably many more current players in the same boat.
I held off on buying a PS4 because all the games I want were pushed back to 2017 anyway.
We just need Heretic to throw in now
One of these days before I die I'm gonna play through P4G on the vita. One of these days.......
We just need Heretic to throw in now
How much is the XB1 model with a 4K blu-ray player?
$499 as well.
What? $299 lol
Canadian dollar dude. $399 CAD for the 500GB.
.........people still use physical media to watch movies?
.........people still use physical media to watch movies?