Woah, there might be a couple pretty high picked japanese players in NHL draft in early 2020s
Aito Iguchi is pretty insanely skilled for his age
Pretty hai picks.
Woah, there might be a couple pretty high picked japanese players in NHL draft in early 2020s
Aito Iguchi is pretty insanely skilled for his age
Woah, did you just shape someone? What if they're a gaseous space cube?Gaseous space orbs? Posting in this thread??
Not on my watch!
Woah, did you just shape someone? What if they're a gaseous space cube?
Well, as a mother, I think that all gaseous space entities are all the same.
Nooooo. After 7000000 years of him in the NHL games, I dont want to hear him doing hockey anymore.I wish Gary Thorne would get off this Orioles broadcast and call some World Cup >_>
What team does he play for?All I know is Canada had its best result with Crosby scratched.
Hopefully they come to their senses and do Taves next
Koivu said he fully expects Lehkonen to take a spot on the team this season, and Koivu would never lie to us.
What team does he play for?
So Kesler got buried and no one came to his defense? Or did I see that wrong.
So Clinton calls 25% of Americans deplorable and hate-filled, which is accurate but unwise to say. Some Hillbots say it wasn't a mistake and in fact was smart and strategic. Clinton then apologizes. Some Hillbots insist she didn't actually apologize or, in fact, the initial comment and then retraction was part of a strategic long-game move.
There's nothing redeemable about this election cycle. Everyone's gone full retard. It's so fucking divisive that so many people, even those who should be on the 'righter' side of history, are reduced to ridiculous extremes to protect their candidate.
The election isnt about who's best for america, it's
About "us" vs "them"
Well it's both. But you choose your side and everything devolves into tribal/groupthink/believing brain bullshit.The election isnt about who's best for america, it's
About "us" vs "them"
Oh sure. But I doubt they're as deluded as some of the people in OT.I wouldn't rule out Hilary having some shills here. At least I hope so.
Yeah. Not safe for me to post my political opinions in the current climate, even though I've been posting the same political opinions for 10+ years here.
So keeps me more focused on the sports threads to your guys' chagrin.
The stars will always be a stellar organization in my book. When I was a kind12 or something I went to Texas on vacation with my family and my dad told me to write a letter and ask about tickets and how we could book a couple.Do the Stars still rock that theme song written by Pantera? If so you guys are still cool.
I'm shocked as hell that I actually talk to people who want Trump to be president.
Had people last night telling me Trump should be president because Hiliary is super sick. And when I challenged that they went to everything Trump has said is him just trying to get votes. Him wanting to build the wall, him coming off racist, it's all just a ruse to get elected he won't end up actually being like that.
Just shaking my head.
So Clinton calls 25% of Americans deplorable and hate-filled, which is accurate but unwise to say. Some Hillbots say it wasn't a mistake and in fact was smart and strategic. Clinton then apologizes. Some Hillbots insist she didn't actually apologize or, in fact, the initial comment and then retraction was part of a strategic long-game move.
There's nothing redeemable about this election cycle. Everyone's gone full retard. It's so fucking divisive that so many people, even those who should be on the 'righter' side of history, are reduced to ridiculous extremes to protect their candidate.
Yeah. Not safe for me to post my political opinions in the current climate, even though I've been posting the same political opinions for 10+ years here.
So keeps me more focused on the sports threads to your guys' chagrin.
Well it's both. But you choose your side and everything devolves into tribal/groupthink/believing brain bullshit.
There's a Mario Kart themed nail polish collection. My poor wallet.
Jhonny understands.
Oh fuck yes!! Damn that sounds awesome... but I have like no money atm![]()
No. You don't.Anyway, I think I speak for all of us when I say: "welcome back!".
What a satisfying picture.
For the record, I don't disagree. The false equivalence stuff is frustrating. There are things I don't like about Clinton, but hey she'd be an acceptable President. Whatever. She is leagues better than the horror show alternative.Deplorables people exist every election. Difference is Trump has them from the fringe to the head of his campaign. People like Bannon (CEO of Brietbart) as his campaign manager, another manager who assaulted a female journalist, another with ties to anti-American violence. Shit Rodger Ailes is advising him, the recently disgraced predator who ran Fox News. Trump embraces and gives a seat at the table to deplorable people. Honestly I'm disappointed she walked it back. We're back to coddling and worrying about the feelings of racists and bigots who's grand fear is being called out rather than having hateful views. His supporters need to made uncomfortable. Trump is already damaging this country, this election is damage control.
No Tabris those weren't opinions you had it was being completely fucking stupid and posting garbage.
There is some at the same time Trump is a different animal. He has no plan, no conviction. He has a narcissistic desire to be the strongest, toughest stance every time he speaks, which is why his policy is so fluid. He simply parrots the last person who advises him, shows no actual want to be informed. He's the chaos candidate. He is someone who has and still is defrauding people. Which is something that is actively dangerous.
Hillary while flawed I see her as more of an LBJ to Obama's JFK. The difference though in the choice is stark. At worst Hillary would be a bad one term president while with Trump (and I mean this earnestly) we'd be all be side characters in Fallout 5.
Anyway, I think I speak for all of us when I say: "welcome back!".
No. You don't.
It feels like it was a tough choice and by picking Fisher they buy themselves some time while the younger players can develop and the pick can become easier.Mike Fisher is the Preds captain? That's very Michael Peca esque if you ask me. I like the guy though so I hope he serves the team well.
That whole "Hillary is sick" bullshit was annoying but after what happened today, I'm rather disturbed. Might be something to it oO.
Oh god Trump is going to win won't be oh god
(Headline is "Hillary having a "medical episodel at 9/11 ceremony")
She didn't go to a hospital and was outside to drain the life force of a child 2hrs later.
Personally it looked like some heat exhaustion.
Either way I'd vote for her on her deathbed over Trump. Even if she were frail one of our "strongest" leaders had polio and died in office. Reagan could barely walk while serving after being shot.
People debating how 80F feels like in the Hillary thread lol
That Hillary thread is amazing, the Weekend at Bernie's photoshop killed me
I agree that it looks like dizzyness and after her coughing a few days ago she's probably running a fever fighting off something and thus overheated.
BUT this gives credence to all the conspiracy nuts and that will only help Trump.
It's also much different to elect someone frail than someone becoming frail while in office.
Wish Obams could run again or it was Biden/Sanders. ALAS the world is stuck with two shitty candidates because the system is fucked.