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Ni no Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch |OT|

There has got to be an easier way for these freaking scrolls of truth. 4 hours, only 12 honky tonkers and ZERO scrolls????? This platinum is losing its luster....


Junior Member
I got a bit burnt out on this game after 10hrs of play and feel like i have to force myself to play it again.
I'm going to return to it soon, i just defeated the boss at the Volcano.


I started playing this this week and I have just gotten
Swaine and about to board the ship

Was funny how as soon as you get out of Golden Grove and into the desert, the difficulty spikes up. I didn't die until that point. Then I got a quest to capture a Green Buncher and some other familiar. I spent so much time trying to get one and some other familiars that I gained a lot of levels. Volcano area was a cake walk. The bosses can still be a bit of a challenge but they haven't killed me since that grind. Think it's a bit of a mess up but oh well.

Still rock'n my first familiar, who I named Musashi after Brave Fencer Musashi. lol. Love'n the game, though.
Since I hear this complaint a lot, I'll say that the Lotus Bubbud has a 4% capture rate, and the normal Bubbud has an 8% capture rate.
I finally captured a second tier one in the Pig Iron Plains but man that quest gave me a hard time. I tried looking for the first form in Ding Dong Well but they don't seem to show up very often there.

Oh well, on to bigger and better things.


Keep returning to this game for post-game stuff when I'm bored. Some of those last trophies are incredibly tedious T__T but despite it all I just can't get burned out on this game!


I got grudge sucked!
So I think I broke the game a bit grinding
in that valley near Perdita
. I didn't realize those Tokotokos gave so much experience. All three characters are over level 60 and I just started the
Perdita story arc with Queen Whatsherface
So I think I broke the game a bit grinding
in that valley near Perdita
. I didn't realize those Tokotokos gave so much experience. All three characters are over level 60 and I just started the
Perdita story arc with Queen Whatsherface

Haha, I did about the same thing. I'm 57 right after that part.


Junior Member
Yeah I just fought
the queen's nightmare in Perdida
. How much of the main quest is left?

Edit: all my characters are around level 40.


Junior Member
So I think I broke the game a bit grinding
in that valley near Perdita
. I didn't realize those Tokotokos gave so much experience. All three characters are over level 60 and I just started the
Perdita story arc with Queen Whatsherface

Wait so you actually can
catch the creatures for that guy's quest in Perdida in their final forms
? On that the book isn't clear.


Okay, what the HELL with this (near end game)
Shadar battle. I barely beat his first form, so I'm thinking great, then I get his second form. I thought well, serves me right for going in unprepared, I'll just die, then his second form just sits there and lets me shoot him with Swaine while the others pound on him, so he's dead and I think surely they're yep...here's Satan in game form, luckily they give you back your MP but mornstar doesn't do much to this fellow, so it's back to the item shop for me.



that first Shaddar fight is HARD!

On the boat on the way to Hamelin? I just did that last night. I was thinking "am I supposed to be able to beat him, or am I supposed to get raped? His moves were quick and relentless.
I then turned to my book to check.
Apparently you just gotta knock out 40% of his lifebar (800HP), so with that in mind, I just went at him full force with the attacks. Beat him.


King Tom
boss is way too hard for me. Can you still grind on the world map and then come back or do I have to do this now?


Junior Member
Am I gonna have to shut down tactics for everyone? Party is now at level 63 and we finally get a chance to recruit Tokotoko, but I can't even switch to Esther before Swaine casts Rockfall.


What the heck is going on lol...I kinda thought the game was over there and didn't refill and buy stuff and all and now I fight a Boss that does his special attack every 20 seconds and he has a second form just as bad as well..damn lol...not sure I will do this stuff,I was 60 hours in and kinda expected the credits to roll hehe...awesome game.


Can anyone help me out with getting to a forest glade near the South entrace of the Golden Grove? I know where it is, but I don't know why Tengri won't land there.
Can anyone help me out with getting to a forest glade near the South entrace of the Golden Grove? I know where it is, but I don't know why Tengri won't land there.

You can't land there with him. At least i don't think you can, since i never tired it. You may have to walk to it manually.


Just beat the game.

Not gonna bother with the plot, so don't worry about spoiling anything.

I loved parts of it, and was sorta iffy on other parts.

In the ways that it was like Dragon Quest 8, I really dug it. I thought the animation was fantastic, the creature types/recruitment system was very cool, and the number of quests was pretty good. Really, I liked almost everything about the presentation. Gorgeous graphics, nice music, bright colors. We'll get to what I didn't like in a moment. Content-wise, there is plenty to do.

As for the actual gameplay, I found the combat system to be very accessible. I have always liked Level 5's simple approach to designing games. At all times, I felt like I could change familiars to keep the combat experience fresh, which is something I appreciated.

Speaking of accessibility, the ease with which you can navigate the game world is very much appreciated (not that there's a whole lot to navigate).

The monster coliseum doesn't appear nearly as well considered as DQ8's, and it lacks a connection to the main story. Also, the casino is totally pointless for anything besides buying 100 great sage secrets/sprite dew so you can cheese the final area. It seems to me that someone just said "Guys, we just HAVE to put these things in the game." Despite these two complaints, I am still glad these two things are in the game.

What I did not like was the structure of the dungeons. All the stages felt far too small for the combat system to really shine and grow on you. I thought they could have really expanded on everything. Yes you can grind in this game, but it really lacked DQ8's grandeur. You really felt like you were a part of a huge world in that game. Also, the towns are disappointingly tiny to the point where you just walk in them, activate the next cut scene, fight something, and leave. Despite all the dialog, the whole process felt very transparent and gamey.

Second, the whole heart mechanic just got on my nerves. I loved receiving rewards, don't get me wrong, but I skipped 99% of the conversations. "The butcher is beating his wife. Please restore her enthusiasm for cooking.", really pointless stuff. I would have settled for a handful of meaningful sidequests in the place of all those.

I did like Swift Solutions because it reminded me of Dragon Quest 8's recruitment system, but the actual descriptions of these quests was ridiculous "A giant turtle is ruining cargo. Go spend 15 minutes wailing on its shell so you can get 1,500 gold." It's a great way to earn money until you stop needing money, which pretty much happens the second you reach the casino and can start buying those healing items with platoon money.

Someone mentioned before that Dinoceros wrecks shit, and they weren't kidding. Way too much power for one familiar, but I didn't mind this guy in the final area.

So yeah...fun game, looks great, too big in some areas, too small in others.

Oh, and I don't care how endearing Level 5 thought he was. I wished Mr. Drippy dead the whole game. What an annoying character.
Can anyone help me out with getting to a forest glade near the South entrace of the Golden Grove? I know where it is, but I don't know why Tengri won't land there.

You have to walk to that one, and I believe it's only accessible in the postgame. Near (slightly east of) the northern entrance to Golden Grove, there's a hole in the rock you can walk through, which puts you on the path to the glade.


The accent was fine, but after the 350 millionth Bob's your Uncle, en'it, or other phrase, the whole thing felt a bit forced.

Like I said, just my opinion.
Nope you can get them all everywhere. In Glittering Grotto I had one missing for a long while.

The one that doesn't show on the map with the spell is located after going down the spiral ice into the next area, go past/through that falling ice that you stepped on to get the visible chest, then there's a hidden ice fall behind there.

This was super-helpful, thanks! Was last one for me for all post-endgame.

I haven't followed the OT in-depth but this has probably been my favorite game this year by far, really enjoyable to play (Xenoblade was probably winner last year). If I had any complaints they would be:

- I didn't have significant reason to level up familiars once I built a decent set (puss in boats seems especially overpowered with appropriate upgrades incl +atk speed, pieces like radiant sword just make it a bit ridiculous). The opportunity cost of switching them out and the benefits of over-levelling had no real balance--although it sounds like there were some better min/max strategies with Earsplitter. Eiterh way, if I hit a dozen tokotoko's near Perdida the gap between those chars and any others was just enormous, and rotating them out at the familiar retreat was too tiresome. Maybe if they let you switch at any time I'd be more amenable (and involved Form Familiar in that in some way to give them an opportunity to do asset spooling).
- Prevalence of AOE made fights a lot less strategic; I wanted movement and placement to matter but really the only skill you needed ultimately was the ability to shift out of your familiar to a healing posture. Reading some FAQs it seems like a lot of people played important fights with Oliver in a primary support role and let the AI do all damage, which I found off-putting; I always want to be part of the core battle, and I wish positioning and reactions were more involved. Limited trick slots meant that it was difficult to appropriately plan for a variety of options in combat like resistances and buffs so in the end you just power through it (and the fact that Oliver doesn't have those limits is probably one reason people gravitate towards using him as primary actor). Cost in MP and cast time also meant that experimentation in combat was frowned upon with regards to primary spell-casting. It was always more efficient to just get your melee in their pounding & interrupting.
- Instant death spells. Sinister/Queens can FOAD. Especially when you're backtracking to levels and you're vastly over powered and this still manages to kill you.
- Their shadow map sampling wasn't stable with camera movement (COME ON</gob>).

But really, it was a beautiful, wonderfully realized game. Just gliding through the endgame stuff and trying to decide if I'm going to bother to hit level 99 for Rank S (currently lvl 82 on Oliver).
I found by getting a Dracones and leveling it to morph into a Demoliceros is overkill. When you max his final form out to level 28. Once earsplitter can wipe out anyone expect bosses of course but its a grind killer for me. Makes battles go by so fast for me.


Is this one of those games thats going to get rare. I am thinking if I should buy this before it gets rare and unaffordable. I live in the UK by the way and it's £38 now.
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