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Nick Cage: Hayden Christensen's Star Wars performance was "Edgy, dark & Soulful".

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Nah, even with a shitty script he was still terrible. Palpatine and obi had shitty scripts too, but still managed a much better performance.


wants to fuck an Asian grill.
Hayden was great in the prequels.

Would Daniel Day Lewis do a better job of talking about sand? Maybe a little, but not by much.
Hayden takes way, way too much flack for Georgie-boy's fantastically shitactular directing and fanfic level fedora inspired dialogue. Besides, any good director can coach a great performance out of a rock. Many pure as shit actors *cough* Sharon Stone, Courtney Love* have turned out great performances under great directors such as Coppola , Tarantino, Kubrick and so on and so on.

To quote Harrison Ford on George's writing "You can type this shit, but you can't say it."


Lol, love Nick Cage. To be far to Hayden, what the fuck was he supposed to do with the script he was given? The dialogue in the prequels is downright awful. I really like Revenge of The SIth though, so entertaining.
I'm just going to keep posting this in every Nic Cage thread until someone somewhere actually watches the movie:

His acting in general is already ~meh~ but the writing really did drop him another several levels.

And while we're on the subject of scenes that ruin his acting even more:

"Anakin, I wanna have our baby our Naboo ..."
"You are so ... beautiful."
"It's only because I'm so in love."
"No, it's because I'm so in love with you."
"So love has blinded you?"
"That's not exactly what I meant."
"But it's probably true."
[end scene]

Like why.


Not exactly right, but what a great line anyway.

Christensen, beyond the lines he was saying, had such a goddamn bizarre way of delivering those lines. Great stuff though.

This exactly. His casual, eerie way of delivering his lines is in my opinion what made him so good at the role. I mean he is playing a once good, brainwashed, conflicted man. There has to be something "off" about him. And I think Hayden delivered brilliantly in regards to this.


Hayden was great in the prequels.

Would Daniel Day Lewis do a better job of talking about sand? Maybe a little, but not by much.

I really disagree. The lines about hating sand could have been delivered in many different ways. Rather than legitimately sounding depressed about the things sand reminds him of, Anakin whines about it.


To be fair, Daniel day Lewis couldn't have made those lines not sound stilted and awkward. I hate sand? Come on
I think we get too caught up in the bad dialogue before judging his performance.

Personally, I think he was just fine in Episode III. Episode II is a different story.
I could really feel anakin's emotion and love for padame (sp*) when he was talking about coarse-grained ortho-silicate.


He must not like sand.

Why? Because it's course and rough... And it gets everywhere?

He must hate going to the beach...

...Anakin's totally an indoors type, it would seem, a shut in perhaps...

...almost predestined to spend the rest of his future cooped up in a box.


This explains Nick Cage's acting if he perceived Christensen's acting as great in those film.

It's hard to remember these days, however Cage is actually a fantastic actor. He even won an oscar and was nominated for another.

If I recall he had some sort of tax problem which in part explains his choice of recent movies. His acting style in recent movies I honestly wonder if it's just him trying to have as much fun with a role as he can.

The Boat

There were a few moments in Ep III where he kinda sold the idea of being torn and conflicted, but that's probably because he always looks like that.
When I watched Shattered Glass, I still thought he acted like Anakin Skywalker. I was suprised as everybody writes that it was this film that showed he could act.


To be fair to Hayden, George is known for not being generous on second takes. If the actors can say the line, then cut, print.

If Hayden delivers his lines awkwardly, he probably wasn't given a second chance to make it better.

As for Nic Cage, he was starting to make a comeback in 2013. Frozen Ground, Joe, The Croods, it was a great year for him.

Joe is fantastic by the way and Frozen Ground is good. Haven't seen The Croods.

Then he kind of throws it away with left behind in 2014.


When I watched Shattered Glass, I still thought he acted like Anakin Skywalker. I was suprised as everybody writes that it was this film that showed he could act.

Like Ami said:

Hayden Chrisensen's role as Stephen Glass in the movie Shattered Glass is still his best work, and it's telling he's most effective when he's "pretending" to be a whining, shrill and pathetic manchild who ruins a lucrative career for the quick satisfaction of being the center of attention for his peers.

It's a well-casted part, which isn't the same as well-acted.

boiled goose

good with gravy
The writing is what sucks the most.
"I hate you"
"From my perspective the Jedi are evil"

Or w.e
Can't do much with that.
Then he kind of throws it away with left behind in 2014.

I had to look that up.
The budget for that bomb was only $16 million. If Nic could say he got even a 1/4 of that, it'd be brag-worthy.
At this point he's probably just in it because A) he'll never get his finances in order and B) he can't imagine a life where he isn't constantly acting. Dude has to be one of the busiest guys in Hollywood.

The Croods is great btw.
I had to look that up.
The budget for that bomb was only $16 million. If Nic could say he got even a 1/4 of that, it'd be brag-worthy.
At this point he's probably just in it because A) he'll never get his finances in order and B) he can't imagine a life where he isn't constantly acting. Dude has to be one of the busiest guys in Hollywood.

The Croods is great btw.

Agreed. I wasn't expecting much from the Croods, but I ended up really enjoying it.

I think by Revenge of the Sith he'd actually started to get his performance in the right direction. But like others have said, you can't out act a Lucas script.


With the roles he's been in since, he hasn't given the most convincing argument about it being solely on Lucas' hands that his performance was so bad in those films. I know, I know: blah blah blah Shattered Glass, but that struck me as more of a well-casted part than a well-acted one, since it played to his limitations.

I'm thinking more that Star Wars killed any chance he could have had for good movies. He delivered his most praised performance - Shattered Glass and Life is a House - before any casting director saw Episode II.
This is Cage shilling for his movie with Hayden.

Also, Cage putting up the "Cast me in one of the new Star Wars movies, Disney!" signal.


Should probably not trust the 7-11 security cameras quite so much
It certainly would have been interesting to see what a decent script and director could have got out of him.

Personally I think he is a very meek actor who didn't have one decent line reading in either film, but then Lucas sapped the life out off everyone, it's hard to know for sure. Certainly his performances in Star Wars destroyed his career.
I'm inclined to think whilst Hayden was not the best actor, even the worlds greatest actor couldn't have done much with Lucas' hammy terrible scripts and directing


at last, for christ's sake
awful actor says awful performance is good, shocking

and to think Nicolas was good once. Like here


I'm just going to keep posting this in every Nic Cage thread until someone somewhere actually watches the movie:

I don't like Nicolas Cage as an actor if I'm honest, but I loved him in Joe and Adaptation.

Gary Poulter might've outdone Cage in Joe but still!
I actually really enjoyed his performance in Revenge of the Sith. Sadly, with a bad Director and a terrible script, he had to make do with what he had.
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