Not pre-patch Uncharted 3! The fact that managed to get patched and set off so many people definitely shows why it sucks to hinder full analog in games we expect it.Most certainly does. Not only can you tell when you play just about any game, but you can demonstrate the precision by popping in a first or third person shooter and using the right stick to move your targeting reticule. You are not bound to eight directions.
I honestly doubt that, or rather I doubt that's the full story. Nintendo debuted Analog and was their big rival, so either it was A reason to bring out the analog controller and they used NiGHTS as the game to finetune and get it right... or NiGHTS was possibly designed FOR that controller. Then again there's probably enough documentation and whatnot out there on the net I need to consult, but at a minimum I see someone on the NiGHTS staff pointing at Nintendo and Super Mario 64 going "See? We need this!" and getting authorization that way. I'd point out Sony, but I'm pretty sure their analog was the last to be revealed.yeah but the guy said sega designed a controller specifically for the game. that was then. there was no analog. now that there is it shouldnt need a special controller.
If the PS2 controls were not like this, it has to be a deliberate change to help you fly straight. Once you're unstuck from UDLR, it's analog until it sticks again.
Are you saying the Saturn 3D controller was more analogue and sensitive than modern controllers? And that's why the stick controls are not ported 1:1 with the original.The Saturn analog controller really was something. It was actually utter shit but it had an analog stick like none other. Super sensitive, almost useless for any game that wasn't Nights. The reason Nights worked was because that game lives off rotations and not calculated jumps and 3d platform gameplay. I always had a hard time playing Burning Rangers with the stick, harder than it should have been with a Dual shock or N64 controller i'm sure.
I believe some of it's there... buried under awful, unskippable cutscenes and a bunch of bullshit events you need to clear in order to get more to the meat that this game consisted of.okay so now i've a ranked every level, is the sequel worth checking out. i know it's not meant to be as good but does it have any of the same magic?
okay so now i've a ranked every level, is the sequel worth checking out. i know it's not meant to be as good but does it have any of the same magic?
I'd argue the effect was far worse too, even if the quality's probably roughly the same. Sonic 2006 was in a long line of games, with plenty of 2D games and Sonic Adventure 1 & 2 at least being fairly solid for their game, but NiGHTS was just... NiGHTS. It's like if we jumped from Sonic 2 or Sonic 3 & Knuckles straight to Sonic 2006. And never ever saw a new Sonic game afterwards, I certainly don't see us getting a Sonic Colors or Sonic Generation equivalent for NiGHTS. Then again, I guess if they decided to go the Sonic 4 route but better executed we'd be fine.I personally feel Journey of Dreams is to NiGHTS what Sonic 2006 was to Sonic, though I guess JoD isn't really terribly buggy.
What the FUCK!!!!! the damn roller coaster section in stick canyon is absolute proof that the control is completely broken. You can't even control the coaster to grab the orbs! Did whoever ok this shit even bother playing the Saturn version? Or sit down with someone that knew how to play it? GAD DAMN IT. I seriously want my fucking money back. Geez.
Sorry to break it to you man but the sled is as controllable as its always been. It's always been difficult to maneuver.
Actually, on a very similar note:On the plus side, USB 3D pad + SSF + original Nights disc is a pretty flawless experience, widescreen and all.
I just hit 6th on Frozen Bell. FeelsgoodmanI finally broke the top 20 on Frozen Bell a few minutes ago.
I just hit 6th on Frozen Bell. Feelsgoodman
It's seriously one of my favorite stages in any game ever. NiGHTS was particularly good when it came to "show, don't tell."the last level is such a beautiful thing. the opening where you jump off the cliff and then the music kicks in omg.
In all my years of playing NiGHTS I've never experienced this before. Ellis was wearing a witches costume in Mystic Forest and NiGHTS was dressed differently as well. I remember Christmas Nights having stuff unlock near Christmas and New Year's eve but nothing about Halloween. It was kind of neat to see this Easter egg. I think I woke up my neighbors when I got all excited seeing this...
I took a shot of it with my crummy smartphone camera...
7th on Frozen Bell, helped by x2.0 from Jackle.I just hit 6th on Frozen Bell. Feelsgoodman
Hehe, yeah, that's not in the original one nor in Christmas NiGHTS.
It was added to the PS2 version and since HD is a port of that, it's the same here.
The Halloween ones only show up in Mystic Forest. Claris is a which and Elliot is dressed as Dracula.![]()
Hehe, yeah, that's not in the original one nor in Christmas NiGHTS.
It was added to the PS2 version and since HD is a port of that, it's the same here.
The Halloween ones only show up in Mystic Forest. Claris is a which and Elliot is dressed as Dracula.![]()
In all my years of playing NiGHTS I've never experienced this before. Ellis was wearing a witches costume in Mystic Forest and NiGHTS was dressed differently as well. I remember Christmas Nights having stuff unlock near Christmas and New Year's eve but nothing about Halloween. It was kind of neat to see this Easter egg. I think I woke up my neighbors when I got all excited seeing this...
I took a shot of it with my crummy smartphone camera...
In all my years of playing NiGHTS I've never experienced this before. Ellis was wearing a witches costume in Mystic Forest and NiGHTS was dressed differently as well. I remember Christmas Nights having stuff unlock near Christmas and New Year's eve but nothing about Halloween. It was kind of neat to see this Easter egg. I think I woke up my neighbors when I got all excited seeing this...
I took a shot of it with my crummy smartphone camera...
Do you need all A-scores for this to appear? I completed the game (all levels) but Mystic forest is still the same for me.It's only on Mystic Forest. I saw it in the XBLA version.
Do you need all A-scores for this to appear? I completed the game (all levels) but Mystic forest is still the same for me.
Please reconsider. It's a bargain at this price, and even if you don't play it, if the game is a success Sega will be more inclined to listen. If this doesn't sell, NiGHTS as a franchise might very well be over.Thanks so much everyone for the information.
I will hold off until the PC version in hopes that controls get fixed! I really want to support this game, but as I to have the Sega Saturn Version and the PS2 version (which I too notice a difference that only Hard-core nights fans would notice it was close) and will just play Nights using an upscaled PS2 emulator for now.
Thanks everyone, for convincing me to hold off. I would be extremely frustrated if the analog stick controller was mapped like a D-pad.
Besides not seeing the witch costume, I also don't know how I can set the system date on an XBox360 when the game requires me to login to Live (which automatically sets the system date). I'd have to create a separate account, but I'd rather keep all my progress on one account.Not sure, but I'd finished it with A before I noticed the Halloween stuff. It's not there in the Saturn mode.
Please reconsider. It's a bargain at this price, and even if you don't play it, if the game is a success Sega will be more inclined to listen. If this doesn't sell, NiGHTS as a franchise might very well be over.
I made a video showing the difference in controls between the Saturn, PS2 and HD version:
Any of you out there with the PS3 version of NiGHTS HD experiencing the weird control issues so many other people have noticed?
Yup. Haven't played the 360 version to compare, but NiGHTS kind of "locks" to a direction and doesn't really move as freely. Playable, but it's been throwing off my combos.
Please reconsider. It's a bargain at this price, and even if you don't play it, if the game is a success Sega will be more inclined to listen. If this doesn't sell, NiGHTS as a franchise might very well be over.
Am I the only one who thought that JoD was pretty good minus the controls and story? I thought it was rather fun. The music was fantastic.
Am I the only one who thought that JoD was pretty good minus the controls and story? I thought it was rather fun. The music was fantastic.