I'm getting flashbacks of seeing this exact same glitch happening on the 360- version, 4 years ago.Finally, a funny glitch:
He was stuck in that pose until I actually hit him.
It's funny how some things just live on.
I'm getting flashbacks of seeing this exact same glitch happening on the 360- version, 4 years ago.Finally, a funny glitch:
He was stuck in that pose until I actually hit him.
Changing the camera speed has no affect on performance. If people are seeing improvements it's only because they want to.
I haven't been able to figure out what's causing the slowdown though and funnily enough the stairs section was nowhere near as bad as it was in NG2 and actually performs really well. If the game can be patched to improve the slowdown this will easily be the best games available for Vita, and after seeing just how good the game can look I'm really looking forward to seeing what they've done with DoA.
Do we know if DoA is 60fps? Was the 3DS game 60fps?
Changing the camera speed has no affect on performance. If people are seeing improvements it's only because they want to.
I haven't been able to figure out what's causing the slowdown though and funnily enough the stairs section was nowhere near as bad as it was in NG2 and actually performs really well. If the game can be patched to improve the slowdown this will easily be the best games available for Vita, and after seeing just how good the game can look I'm really looking forward to seeing what they've done with DoA.
Do we know if DoA is 60fps? Was the 3DS game 60fps?
No, changing the camera to fastest really does improve the frame rate as does turning gore off. Both me and a friend tested it out. Done in mentor mode.
I don't buy it and there's no reason for it.
I'm half way through my second play through - much of my first was with gore on and the camera speed on normal but I adjusted the camera speed to max around chapter 13 or 14 and saw no difference. I've switched gore off for my second playthrough and have been alternating between minimum and maximum camera speeds for the past couple of hours. Gore definitely makes a difference, but I can't see any difference when switching between camera speeds.
It doesn't even make sense that it would change anything. They removed gore from Sigma 2 to address the framerate issues in the original game, why would it be any different here?
So reviews are coming in, and unsurprisingly they're not rating the game too high.
I'll update the OP with a few choice quotes in a bit.
It's a pretty mediocre port. Still having a blast with it.
Can't tell you, but my version runs like a turd with camera on normal settings. I know massive input delay and lag when I see it and it was dimished by just changing the camera speed.
Still, there are some folks who just love Ninja Gaiden 2, but sadly, even they'll have a few axes to grind with Sigma 2 Plus. The first, and most obvious is the framerate, which clocks in at 30 frames per second, half of the original's 60. This might be expected given that the Vita lacks the raw firepower of the PS3, but the bigger issue is that it can't keep that framerate locked in. When things get hectic (as being a ninja often does) it dips further, occasionally flirting with unplayability. At times, anti-aliasing seems to turn off completely to keep performance from tanking, resulting in short bouts of extreme jaggies on every edge. Given how stable and sharp the original Sigma Plus was on Vita, I expected a lot more from this port.
What chapter do I get to play as the other characters?
Any tips for getting Master Ninja on the chapter challenges like cheesiest weapon/ninpo to use? I want that Momiji DW costume.
If there are essence orbs around the area, Ryu or the girls can absorb them and perform instant UTs.Hmm. this is funny. Sometimes I can use ultimate attack even without charging. Why is that? It seems completely random.
So reviews say framerate takes hit and anti aliasing is disabled in those situations. Is that the case?
I just finished the game, but I don't see a New Game +
Am I missing something?
There is no New Game + in NGS2 or NGS2+.
That is what the Chapter Challenges are for.
what camera tweaks are you talking about?
And in the same vein; any other adjustments you guys know of/recommend that would make my playthrough more pleasurable?
Any word on people beating the Ultimate ninja tag missions?
No problem - it is possible (I read on GameFAQs) that it's 30 total missions (mix of Normal and Turbo) to get the DoA costume (I had done 20 missions prior to unlocking Turbo and doing 10 of those).
2 Ninja Races gets you Ryu's Dynasty Warriors costume.
All the other costume unlocks seem to be the same as NGS2 (minus the pre-orders of course).
EDIT: For the Races, the BoTA seems to be the weapon that disposes of eveyone the fastest.
OT's get the 7 second green essence orbs - don't waste your time with ID's and only UT if you have the time to do so (some OT animations can eat 4+ seconds).
Ouch, never had that happened to me.
ninja dog pls
It's pretty obvious the game was outsourced. Team Ninja isn't big enough to have juggled NGS2+, NG3:RE (all three ports) and DOA5+ simultaneously while still gearing up for whatever next-gen stuff they're planning.
DOA5+ got a couple tads more attention, I suspect.
So you use the Kusari-Gama's attack to go through this wall.
Allowing you to reach the boundary of the water physics...
...check out the area where the opening cutscene took place...
...check it out more thoroughly...
...maybe TOO thoroughly.
How about checking out the inside of the colosseum?
Eh, rather empty.
Ryu discovers the abilty to float!
...slowly backwards against walls.
Speaking of floating...
Naruto walks on water, Ryu walks on air.
lol I'm inside the temple that has the chest in front of it
I'm still playing it, didn't finish it yet, unlocked DOA costume few days ago by playing some turbo tag missions.
I've hit that point where I've done all I'm prepared to do - grinding for trophies is kinda useless (given the plat is next to impossible to get) - the game becomes unplayable on Master Ninja (in my experience at least) and the tag missions starting on Mentor and higher suffer from some of the worst slowdowns in recent memory.
I've gotten all the costumes and beaten it three times now (acolyte, warrior and mentor) and have the last ninja race left (tips anyone? I'm having a bitch of a time getting from markers 2 to 4 with a decent amount of time to do the staircase)....if a patch comes to address the framerate slowdown (wishful thinking) I might go back to this but for now Chap Challenge is really all I'm doing and at that I think I've touched it once in the last week, which is a shame as it is my fav NG game (1 is better overall and RE is mired due to inconsistent levels, shit boss fights and Ryu's reaction time sucks badly - but NGS2 hits that sweet spot for me with enemy variety and amazing visceral combat) on my now go to system, the Vita.
EDIT: more wishful thinking but man I would love to see Kasumi patched into the game and made playable on all levels - she was literally the best part of NG3:RE.
Haven't touched this game in a few weeks. Got Senran Kagura and NG2S+ went back in the case.
Will pick it up again later.