I'm warming up this game every day I see it, especially after recently playing NGS. I'm ok with it not being NGB 2.0, and I think I'll just judge it on its own merits.
Now if only you could do this for DmC.
"I don't wanna die"
"I don't wanna die"
"I don't wanna die"
Now if only you could do this for DmC.
Go away
Go away
the absolute worst thing about this game, and the reason I might have to turn it to Japanese dialog
Sounds like it's more NG2 than NG1, in terms of the battle system. Are there more enemies on screen at once than NGS2?
I must say that the impressions from people who have the game have been encouraging. 3rd person action is probably my favorite genre, and I don't have a rabid attachment to the NG series, so I might just dig this.
Keep the impressions coming, they've been great so far.
Does anyone have impressions of how the game plays on hard?
I've been watching some videos, seems it's pretty challenging as it is on normal too.
2 days left![]()
this game is just a travesty.![]()
"I don't wanna die"
"I don't wanna die"
"I don't wanna die"
Is this old?
Ninja Gaiden 3 - Claw Gameplay
The moves seem a bit slower than NG2 ?
Plus, I have interest in this game. I have every right to be in this thread.
NG1 is slower than NG2. Doesn't mean much.
shouldn't 3 be faster than 2?
so as not to go backwards and make the gameplay disappointing.
so as not to go backwards and make the gameplay disappointing.
NG1 is better than NG2, imo. Speed has nothing to do with how good the game will be.
2 felt rushed and incomplete to me. Like the developer didn't put as much effort into it as they did the first game.
Overall though, I prefered the combat in the sequel but the first game felt a more cohesive and complete package.
Now I want to know if NG3 has any focus or coherent philosophy behind its gameplay.
NG1 is better than NG2, imo, and most NG fans including Thoughtsofspeaking (according to his posts). Speed has nothing to do with how good the game will be.
I was pretty negative toward the game, but recent vids and impressions have me looking forward to it. I'm not a hardcore fan (I beat NGB on every difficulty, but only played through NGS2 twice), and the core gameplay still looks plenty sweet.
Plus, doc_zaius and I have similar taste in games, and I trust his opinion.
Hype train was late in arriving, but it's here now!
Ok let me be clear on this. I believe NG1 even vanilla was a much more focused and polished game than NG2.
However on pure combat level, disregarding the things that held NG2 back in other areas, I think they are both equal, just different sides of the same coin.
NG3 in my view is a different coin entirely and old and rusty one at that.
By saying that I was not impressed didn't just relate to speed, it relates to fluidity, something that I think is sorely missing in this game. Even without SOB, it's just not...smooth.
You can argue that due to the player, but from what I have played, movement and combat feels jerky and undispisplined compared to previous titles. In all honesty, it felt like a more GOW-esque "flail at anything and hope you hit something" than the controlled, rock paper sissors of NG1 or the tight focused extreme brutality of NG2.
It's something that I feel will creep up on you while your playing, and is something that doesn't readily relate itself to words very well.
There is nothing wrong with being hyped, but for me, the new video is just more of the same, with a different weapon.
Plus, doc_zaius and I have similar taste in games, and I trust his opinion.
Hype train was late in arriving, but it's here now!
Honestly, I don't know if this is a clear cut "you'll like it or not" game. I think this title will be polarizing for a lot of action game fans. When I sent you that PSN message about not feeling the game, that was based on the lacking first level (the whole beginning is kind of a wtf). It also definitely makes a couple attempts at appealing by incorporating elements from other games (GoW-esque and even Uncharted-esque feelings) which some will see as the original games focus being diluted.
But the game really started to grow on me. Of course there's things I don't like which have been reiterated a bunch in the topic already, and maybe they'll be fixed for sigma.
But I have had some very satisfying combat sequences so far (like when floe beats a boshy boss satisfying), so I can't complain about that at all. The DLC weapons are annoying definitely and I don't blame anyone for waiting for price to drop or for the content to be released before getting into the game.
I've yet to also try the coop and vs online modes as well, but I'm skeptical.
NG1 is slower than NG2. Doesn't mean much.
Means a lot to me. Instead of holding that guard button like an old man I could be MAD ATTACKING.
But of course, NG1 is PERFECT. yup, JUST PERFECT to you folks.
Yes, I am mad here lol.
NG2's combat is much more versatile and deeper than NG1, regardless of being based more on offense. There is no equality between the two. Take away the defense approach in NG1, you still end up with a slower and more limited combat system.
I think NG2's battle system is better
I don't think it being limited is a bad thing, since the game is designed around Hayabusa's limitations. I look at this as I do fighting games. Just because I can FADC and do supers in SF4 doesn't mean my limited tool set (in comparison) in ST is any worse.
I find the combat gets boring as hell after having played 2 because you're move set and amount of things you can do isn't as vast. I wouldn't say the combat was designed around Hayabusa's limitations as opposed to what they were only capable of doing on the Xbox.
After having played NG1 over and over, including NG1, Black, Sigma, and the mission modes, the combat really starts to wear thin, especially after experiencing NG2.
i watched a stream of a boss fight..i like the character designs in this, part of what turned me off about the other NG's was the garish boss and enemy designs, the arm growing boss alone looks better than any boss in the other game..but this game looks hard as balls..if there's a ninja puppy mode i might bite though.
The Regent of the Mask fights exactly like Genshin. His patterns are almost the same.