Most of the reviews are being held back because the game has an online pass that doesn't work until launch day
Itagaki hasn't been involved with a game worth a damn since NGB.
Edit: Wait, DoA2U came out after black.
Itagaki hasn't been involved with a game worth a damn since DoA2U.
Its not only one weapon its one type of weapon, the game has a bow as well.I read a review on this game and it was stated the only weapon in the game is the Dragon Sword? Is this true? If so, that's a total purchase killer for me. Part of what made the other games so great was the weapon varity... I can't understand who would fucking thought it would be a good idea to offer only one weapon for the player.
Its not only one weapon its one type of weapon, the game has a bow as well.
2 weapons are coming as free DLC.
The best thing about it is this new structure. It's super linear and you don't have to upgrade weapons with currency you can grind for. It's like an arcade game! Which explains why an incorrect person would call it "archaic". More like "arcadic". (raises eyebrow really high)
I read a review on this game and it was stated the only weapon in the game is the Dragon Sword? Is this true? If so, that's a total purchase killer for me. Part of what made the other games so great was the weapon varity... I can't understand who would fucking thought it would be a good idea to offer only one weapon for the player.
when I was a youngun all we had were swords and throwin stars, you whippersnappers are too spoiled with your scythes and staffs and shit.
He says that the enemies are harmless and nothing in Ninja Gaiden 3 is difficult, but where does he even address the difficulty levels? Why is "killing enemies in a locked arena and repeating" structurally a bad thing? He even calls it "archaic"! Ridiculous. And what is wrong with bosses regenerating body parts?
It's a lame, vague review. The game may suck, but I'm not going to take that guy's word for it.
I'm 35, and still would rather have the weapon variety and move-sets of the previous two games, as opposed to what we had in the originals on the NES.
I would too. I was obviously joking, at least somewhat. I don't think it's a "game-killer" for me though.
Looks like Ninja Gaiden fans finally have their DMC2.
I wonder if more of a DmC though, well time will tell.
I wouldn't even compare the two series. They obviously have very different focus.
Getting rid of weapons in NG3 is a big wtf?
Lots of people dont agree it seems.I'm not, I'm talking in regards to their black sheeps.
And at the other guy, Ninja Gaiden 2 is awesome, quit trolling.
Amazing how Hayashi made the DOA series better than ever, and Maybe he should stick with fighting games![]()
I'm not, I'm talking in regards to their black sheeps.
And at the other guy, Ninja Gaiden 2 is awesome, quit trolling.
I feel there should be a thread for people who are actually interested in this game as opposed to just bashing it.
In the end, I'm sure Master Ninja and Ultimate ninja modes will be hard enough.
The gameplay will still be fun because it's NG.
People seem to forget that there are mission mode and online, which add a lot of replay and value to the game.
Also having a story that doesn't cater towards 10 year olds will be a plus.
Most of you will play and enjoy this game anyway, despite all your bitching.
Hayashi is just the producer on DoA5 right?
if the enemies are harmless, I'm assuming that means the game is easier.
He says that the enemies are harmless and nothing in Ninja Gaiden 3 is difficult, but where does he even address the difficulty levels? Why is "killing enemies in a locked arena and repeating" structurally a bad thing? He even calls it "archaic"! Ridiculous. And what is wrong with bosses regenerating body parts?
It's a lame, vague review. The game may suck, but I'm not going to take that guy's word for it.
DOA5 director is Yohei Shimbori, he was part of Team NINJA Kunoichi (DOA2U, DOAX, DOAX2, DOA4).
I'm surprised people are so welcoming of the more cinematic direction shift of that series and not this one.
Every review said that the story was crap. And game reviewers usually don't have very high standards when it comes to stories. I'd like to know more about multiplayer too. No one played it yet, right?
I'm no DOA player but 5 looks really bad to me.
I don't like the new look. I know hur hur love dolls. but I prefer the old look over realism for a similar reason to why I like VF5 clay people and would hate for them to go in the same direction in their next game. The classic aesthetics are what I picture when I think "3D Arcade Fighter"
and the environment stuff looks really stupid. Like Steel on Bone intrusive mechanic stupid.
Don't want to derail the thread but since people are talking about it....
It just always surprised me how well received the cinematic focus of that series has been, considering how NG3 was received early on for doing the same thing
Crap story is a series staple, I just want a blood bath and limbs and heads flying every-fucking-where while looking like the most fucking badass ninja fucking ever.
NG1 and 2 stories were indeed crap but, they never got in the player's way.
Opinions, how do they work?
Totally. That's what I loved about NG2. The story was basically, "Monsters are taking over the world. KILL EVERYTHING."
And that's all you need for these games. Would I opposed to having a good (it'd have to be pretty great) narrative for it? Absolutely not. But if choosing to have a story included that gets in the way and strips essential gameplay elements down to a bare minimum to get a "theme" across, then I pass.
That is my dilemma with NG3.
And I'm out of this thread.
Well maybe you should stop pushing your opinion as a fact.
Facts, how do they work?
Personally I think it would have been better with gameplay similar to NG1 and 2, but story similar to the NES entries, complete with random ancient demons from the amazon, FBI agents and whatnot. The stories werent great, but were nice to have.
NG3 looked to be similar to that, and then they apparently botched up the gameplay? I'm definitely going to have to rent this.
Yeah, I don't have any problem with scores and their opinions, but I'm curious to know if they've tried changing the difficulty settings since it seems to be a big issue for them along with the AIs, and that the game offers the ability for the player to change it anywhere.
Wait, I never heard of this. Does the game allow the player to change the difficulty level at any time? That would imply that the game uses the same enemy sets for all difficulties, which would be a total dealbreaker for me.
Or can the player just change difficulty levels between deaths or when loading the game?
I'm absolutely desperate for some detail on how varied these difficulty levels are, lol.
Wait, I never heard of this. Does the game allow the player to change the difficulty level at any time? That would imply that the game uses the same enemy sets for all difficulties, which would be a total dealbreaker for me.
Or can the player just change difficulty levels between deaths or when loading the game?
I'm absolutely desperate for some detail on how varied these difficulty levels are, lol.
I would love a return to Jacquio and demon statues.
Wait, I never heard of this. Does the game allow the player to change the difficulty level at any time? That would imply that the game uses the same enemy sets for all difficulties, which would be a total dealbreaker for me.
Or can the player just change difficulty levels between deaths or when loading the game?
I'm absolutely desperate for some detail on how varied these difficulty levels are, lol. (FR) : 12/20