So, what's the future for this series. Sales don't look great and the game is decidedly questionable.
Will they revert back to dismemberment and hardcore, skilled gameplay or are they going to go further down the casual route and have a ninja gaiden kart game?
I haven't seen any sales figures for the game. Link me?
We just have Media Create
NPD today, but we probably won't get numbers (I doubt NG3 will even chart either)
It'll still probably sell better than Ninja Gaiden 2 and take the franchise mainstream, which is what Tecmo wants. It's a win-win for them. Sales-wise, I can see this being a success. Especially since it's gonna be a launch title for the WiiU.
So...where is my free Scythe pack?
Up to day 3. Stopped at the T-rex.
Days1-2 were generally pretty decent performance wise, but man did the controls get sluggish at Abismo Island.
SoB is strange. I can generally land it after a slide tackle, and for awhile it seemed to me lol you needed to hold X/Y during a combo string. Sometimes it will give me 4-5 SoB strings using X, but other times it will just do a OT.
I did start a SoB with charging Y on Bloodied enemy (RED DAGGER GUY) and notice the move list has arrows on specific points of a combo that may or may not be points to start a SoB.
Regent of the Mask was cake. Just dodge twice when he makes his hand all glowy and he'll whiff his throws. Usually goes for 2 in a row.
Right now the game is not anywhere near a 3/10. It's performance is probably closer to Force unleashed as a action game. So probably a 6/10.
Honestly, the campaigns for each game have flaws that keep them from being perfect. Water stages, questionable platforming, camera issues. It's just that when the combat is emphasised, NG1/2 really shine. NG 3 has potential, but has performance issues (I'm guessing rocket launchers are slowing things down) and a new system that isn't explained all that well.Yeah, if we use the full 10 point scale intead of "durr a game has to be 8.5 before it's good":
Ninja Gaiden Black would be: 9 (sorry, the camera must die)
Ninja Gaiden 2 would be 8 (25 on the HAHAHA I'M A GINSU OF DEATH scale)
Ninja Gaiden 3 would be: 6 (honestly a notch above a truly average action game)
SoB when it works is pretty powerful. It's just figuring out how to do it consistently is the problem.
Scythe DESTROYS the alchemist guys simply by jumping on their + Y.
Pay and win?
Scythe can fly these fiends up in the air with the XYXXX (might even STEEL ON BONE them).
sounds like NG2, lol
Just ordered this for $43.00 new off Amazon Marketplace. Based on all the gameplay I have been watching, I actually think it looks pretty fun for what it is. But that is because I have went ahead and accepted that it is not going to be the NG that we all know and love. While that is sad, the game just does not look 3/10 bad to me at all.
man 43 bucks... I think you will resent this purchase.
haha I will be checking this thread daily. I'm so curious now haha
I played around with the Scythe this weekend, got it is so good. If this game had shipped with it I think people might have looked at it more favorably. I hope they add the Flails and the Tonfas in the next pack.
The weapons are free for sp, but if you want to use them in the co-op you have to pay. The combat is definitely fun, they just made some bad choices that make the overall experience worse then it could have been. It is a good action game, and a poor NG game.
So I'm trying to hunt some trophies out of the online games... but I'm getting a problem trying to fine and engage into a match, Am I the only one who's facing this?
Or.... no one is playing the online in this game :\ ?
It was hard getting afull room a week after release, I cant imagine there are many people left now. I had to wait awhile just to find a co-op partner this weekend. It sucks because I really like the mp and the co-op is fantastic.
These first weapons are free, correct? Anyway, when I see gameplay filled with Izuna Drops and Flying Swallows at 60 FPS, I just don't think some QTEs popping up here and there will bother me all that much. I mean, I watch shit like this:
and gameplay like this:
After which, I kind of am left scratching my head. How does this not look fun? Still looks fast and fluid with a lot of the old move-sets, and like it can be pain in the ass hard at times as well. Guess I will just have to wait and see if I end up in the minority and actually dig it. It certainly looks like a fun game from what I'm seeing.
It CAN be fun.
The big problem is that the stripped down systems rob it of some of its involvement. For example, removal of the essence drop system makes combat feel more bland at times since another layer of strategy is gone with player controlled UTs and OTs. The enemies are also more bland with less variety and less interesting scenarios for them.
The ninja trials, ironically, are more fun than the main game because they tend to have more interesting scenarios (some even use older levels and enemies from past games! Thus a lot more variety) and they have an actual scoring system in place thus encouraging more thoughtful play.
If they added in a new play mode for the campaign that included essence and scoring back, and maybe a few new enemy types, the game would improve dramatically.
As it stands it's still a "good" brawler. Just nothing like a prior NG game, or other top games in the genre.
That explains it well enough. The lack of enemy variety kind of sucks, but it ultimately still looks fun to play. As for the Trials, that was actually one of the main reasons I decided to go ahead and buy it. I saw fights against old favorites like Alma and was convinced that I would get some fun out of this.
I even think Clan Battles looks like a fun addition for multiplayer because it just looks... different. I'll take customizable ninjas running around killing each other with Izuna Drops over another frag-fest shooter any day. Sad to hear that hardly anyone is even playing it. :-/
It is a shame what happened to this game, especially due to the multiplayer. Some of the reviewers even dismissed the clan battles as random "nonsense" because they apparently didn't care to figure out how to play it.
Oddly enough, the ninja trials even have an experience system; your build-a-ninja's level and unlocks are persistent between clan battle and trials. You can just play trials to level yourself up if you like; experience from them both unlocks higher trial difficulties, and increases your ninja level. (Your level unlocks abilities, costume parts, and a few other things.)
That does, at least, mean you can have fun leveling up the custom ninja even if live multiplayer is dead![]()