and who said EA wasn't supporting WiiU? We're getting one ancient port!
Oh god, all this Nintendo Points (from Wii U eShop games) will go directly to MOnster HUnter 3 Ultimate.
One more purchase and will get a $50 usd activation code!
Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate / March 19th (my birthday! fcyea!)
Don't you dare hate Shibata!That President of Europe guy has to be the most boring presenter to have. He's soooo dull!
My b day is the 20thHope to see you online there partner!
This is painful right. The Wii U has nothing.
Just me, or does Most Wanted look like shit? So much pop-in.
Don't you dare hate Shibata!
DKC:R with no waggle controls. The definitive version?
The Wii U section is disgusting. Where the fuck are the first party games??