Yep. This.Yep, Target twitter just stated they're out. Meh, could've gone to bed an hour ago.
Yep. This.Yep, Target twitter just stated they're out. Meh, could've gone to bed an hour ago.
At least they shipped yours.
Fuck AmazonUK.
West Coast here. Just got to gamestop, first one in line. I've got a long wait ahead of me ☕️
West Coast here. Just got to gamestop, first one in line. I've got a long wait ahead of me ☕️
I mean, 6-40 per store is much more than amiibo per store. I think Nintendo genuenly played it safe and didn't expect them to sold out as stupid fast as they did.
Amazon DE
Console shipped - Arriving next But ok
Controller not shipped yet.
Got to the credit card screen on Gamestop and just stopped there :/
California Central Coast, it's nice and quiet so it's not so bad out hereWhere on the west coast?
My Console isn't due for shipment until December 14th, and my controller order was cancelled by Amazon because of limited Stock.
Picking a console up at Media Markt in person today.
If anyone just wants a quick buck, shoot me a PM and I'll pay $100/shipped for one. I'm too old for this 1:34am F5 life. If not, good luck to all of you guys; but I'll bow out for a $60 emulator that we alll already kind of have.
Target back in stock, just got one.
Target back in stock, just got one.
That's exactly how this feels right now.This is the same thing that happened with amiibo. Take it from me, you either refresh nonstop even when they tell you to stop or you wont get one. I've seen some shit from amiibo
My bro said that it'll be a planned shortage to create hype and this will be flooded come Black Friday and all of December
At the moment he's right
Nintendo got us again
Now to Reggie
The NES Classic will be the best selling piece of gaming hardware this holiday.
The only thing Nintendo learned from amiibo is how well it worked creating demand and getting people to line up. They have shown off this thing for awhile now, created the hype and put out nothing. It really makes me sick. I legit had to refresh amiibo reddit all day/nonstop to get them all. Scalpers feed off this strategy and make the profit.
Well, I'm first in line. Only 6 hours to go 😣
fffffffffuuuuuuu was streaming while controller was in stock D:
guess i'll just have to commit... sacrilege
Well, I'm first in line. Only 6 hours to go 😣
There's a book?Down to just the system/controller/book bundle on Gamestop if paying 45 for a book that is 27 on Amazon doesn't bother you too much.
well even if they do have them for Black friday again it will be the same thing. No pre-orders , first come first serve. Hell maybe even in-store only.
AmazonUK order changed to "dispatching now" and due today still...
I really don't think this is "artificial scarcity" -- folks seem to think Nintendo makes piles off cash by NOT selling items, for some odd reason.
Whoosh. How are you planning to pass the time?
You sure your store has stock?
And that it didn't sold online for pick-up?