Anybody know what's the best extra controller? I know the cord is really short so I was going to go check out and see if there was a better controller to buy to go along with my order :/
BTW, the OT is live:
not sure if he linked it here or not (I didn't see it, lol)
I missed where we had access to retailers' original PO's.
I missed where we had access to retailers' original PO's.
it was on last page, but this is the displair place..
we here die a little with each minute before the sale on amazon and then sob together when cannot get one
I have no idea what you are talking about.When I click on the link, I get this: A bunch of Mini NESs that gold sold a couple of minutes ago. When I scroll down, 90% of the listed items are Mini NES consoles.
I'm a retail buyer and I can tell you the stores I supply received 7% of the units I ordered from Nintendo back in August.
After a million site crashes and refreshes, i THINK my order went through and I got a confirmation email.
So I either got zero, one, or fifty.
Hate me GAF!
Nintendo's brand power is so insane.
People released new Genesis, Atari and Intellivision for the last 10-15 years and no one ever gave a shit.
Fuck! This is way lower that the worst scenario Id imagine.I'm a retail buyer and I can tell you the stores I supply received 7% of the units I ordered from Nintendo back in August.
What's the URL for the controller?
How about I go ahead and call them incompetent. They could monitor demand through preorders. What a novel concept! But we can't even preorder for a future shipment, so instead they are going to make a tiny amount and throw them into the wild on a whim.But then again, it is just easier to assume that Nintendo is either incompetent or don't want your money. Either way, you're going to have to wait as more reach the market.
Nintendo's brand power is so insane.
People released new Genesis, Atari and Intellivision for the last 10-15 years and no one ever gave a shit.
Pee-Wee Herman's Talking Doll was a top ten seller? That's funny. I also feel bad for those kids who got an Atari 7800 as a Christmas present over a NES. In all honesty, the 7800 wasn't that bad, but it was really dated hardware by the time it was released. The Sega Master System didn't even chart. Pretty cool to see a sales chart from the '80s.
I just got a second one completely by chance. I stopped by the Marine Corps Exchange to grab some uniform items and they had a bunch just sitting around.
So if you have military friends, have them check their military exchanges. They seem to be well supplied.
Ya, same here. I have an AVS so I'm all set. I'd like one for collector's purposes and like you said, it's adorable.As long as they reprint these I don't care about an initial shortage. I just want it because it's adorable.
I can still play the games in the meantime.
Not that I saw. They put a bunch of Wii controllers by them instead.Any controllers?
This morning I saw 1150 NES classic's on sale on ebay, as of right now there are 3500 and growing every second. There were 1500 completed (sold) auctions, thats gone up to 2800 in 4 hours. So its definitely selling but maybe not quite as fast as new auctions are going up.
It is sad how many people are getting ripped off paying 100-200% markup from MSRP, but I guess if you are super busy paying an extra $100-200 and not have to watch web sites like a hawk is worth it. Fucking Nintendo though, they could have easily let retailers make pre orders a few months ago and would have had a good idea of demand.
I just hope the Switch isn't the same kind of fiasco, although I fully expect it to be at this point.
For the amount of money people are paying on ebay, are they not aware of the AVS and Everdrives? Crazy.
Agreed. They come out with that Ultimate Mega Drive Collection built by Sega in a mini Mega Drive and while it may not do as well as a mini NES, it'll do alright.To be fair, the genesis emulation on those machines aren't perfect, keep getting re-released constantly.
The people this thing is targeted to doesn't even know what NeoGAF is.For the amount of money people are paying on ebay, are they not aware of the AVS and Everdrives? Crazy.
I waited 13 hours in the freezing cold to get my Wii back in 2006 (and I worked at IGN at the time). I anticipate that I'll need to do something similar if I want a Switch at launch (and I most certainly do). I do not expect that there will be much in the way of preorders for this console, but I am happy to be proven wrong!
That was me :'-(
I dunno man, the Wii U was easily obtainable at practically every retailer at its release.
I dunno man, the Wii U was easily obtainable at practically every retailer at its release.
I dunno man, the Wii U was easily obtainable at practically every retailer at its release.
Really? It was widely available everywhere, scalpers started to return them rapidly when they realized they weren't going to make any money on them lol.That's not how I remember it. System sold well during the holiday period and then scalpers returned them in January.