What in the world---
This is practically a megaton for me. So awesome and completely random. It will all depend, obviously, on how the games look and play and how the whole thing comes together. If this is really based on the Wii VC as people have mentioned, that would be fantastic, but the Wii U VC NES games are kind of shameful.
I wish I had known about this a month ago - I just recently spent 20 bux on Mario 2 and 3, Mega Man 2, and Punch-Out for the Wii VC, thinking that the Wii Channel Shop would probably close pretty soon and that I wanted to make sure I had a little NES collection of classics. But this adds so many other games - Startropics! Zelda 1 and 2! Final Fantasy! Castlevania! - in such a cool little package that I'll eat the damage and get it. If there were any way to add additional games (though it seems there isn't), that would be heavenly. A hidden gems pack with Blaster Master, Bionic Commando, Metal Storm, Guardian Legend, and Shatterhand? Yes.