World SkiFree
I managed to snag two today (TRU and Frys in store pickup). One is for me and the other is an xmas gift. Many thanks to the gaffers who shared these links and helped me get these in the wee hours of the morning!
How did you get it at Fry's? I wasn't able to find it on their site last night or this morning (or now for that matter).
I followed some of those preorder leads from a few pages ago and was able to order through TRU and Frys during the early morning (US). I had also planned on running by Wal-Mart heading to work. TRU cancelled my preorder after the store opened, WM had sold out their 12 units much earlier but Frys confirmed my preorder later by email and I picked it up at lunch.Someone posted a direct link earlier. It wasn't up for long as I don't think they intended to allow for in store pickup.
Appreciated all of the leads from GAF, hope others get the console soon. As some folks have said, don't fall for scalper variety. I love the NES but an emu machine is not worth that much trouble and money.
As for the machine, I have some concerns about input lag but probably related to my janky Vizio. Having played so much "real" NES, not sure I can deal with any lag. But probably user error. Hope to add more comments in the OT when I get chance to play more.
Also got the hardcover book (arrived from Amazon today). Like the Mini, great nostalgia but I expected a bit more outside of Prima Guide variety. Hope to take a deeper dive on that this weekend, too.