I want a Master System version of this - filled with classic Master System games that I never played because I had an NES as a kid. I know I could just emulate, but this is a great collection of a lot of the true classics for NES, a good introduction to what people love about the old NES, and I would love to get the Sega version of that experience (that wasn't just another played-out Genesis collection).
I want a Master System version of this - filled with classic Master System games that I never played because I had an NES as a kid. I know I could just emulate, but this is a great collection of a lot of the true classics for NES, a good introduction to what people love about the old NES, and I would love to get the Sega version of that experience (that wasn't just another played-out Genesis collection).
I wouldn't be surprised if this sells more units than the Wii U.joking...? Maybe not.
sorry if it's been asked already, but is Mario 2 the "lost levels"-kind or the "doki doki panic"-version?
Why the NES and not the SNES? The graphics are really really bad and the original NES players are turning 40. The SNES games are much more aesthetically pleasing and are gaming classics.
Why the NES and not the SNES? The graphics are really really bad and the original NES players are turning 40. The SNES games are much more aesthetically pleasing and are gaming classics.
I'm stunned this thread has over 1200 responses so soon. I thought it would die off quickly.
HDMI only... i think.How does it connect A/V wise?
They release new ips all the time but people still fall back to this. I don't get it. Hell, one of the biggest games of last year was a new Nintendo IP.It's going to be one of those things that people will be excited to buy, especially at a cheap $60 price-point, then they'll plug it in and start up a game and 10mins later will switch to another. 10mins after that switch to another. 5mins after that switch to another. Then turn the thing off and never turn it on again until a friend/relative comes over. Then go through the cycle of switching games without really playing them and turning it off forever.
It's surprising how Nintendo has gotten such a huge following. Let's be honest here. Every game you're wishing for from Nintendo as a whole are new installments to existing franchises they created over 20 years ago. Where's the new stuff from such an "innovative" company? Now everyone is orgasming over Nintendo releasing a console they made 30 years ago. I don't get it.
Why the NES and not the SNES? The graphics are really really bad and the original NES players are turning 40. The SNES games are much more aesthetically pleasing and are gaming classics.
Why the NES and not the SNES? The graphics are really really bad and the original NES players are turning 40. The SNES games are much more aesthetically pleasing and are gaming classics.
I imagine Doki, lost levels doesn't get referred to as SMB2 internationally.
Because while the SNES has gaming classics, the NES has the gaming classics.
Poor Sega. They released a Mega Drive version of this years ago that came with two controllers, more games and cartridge support for less money and nobody cared. https://www.amazon.co.uk/Sega-Genesis-Atgames-Classic-Console/dp/B00K2CXNPU/ref=sr_1_1?s=videogames&rps=1&ie=UTF8&qid=1468509651&sr=1-1&keywords=sega+megadrive
Still, I'm sold on this. Will probably pick one up before christmas if I can.
Is it confirmed theres no way to add additional games?
Why the NES and not the SNES? The graphics are really really bad and the original NES players are turning 40. The SNES games are much more aesthetically pleasing and are gaming classics.
Why the NES and not the SNES? The graphics are really really bad and the original NES players are turning 40. The SNES games are much more aesthetically pleasing and are gaming classics.
Does anyone know if more NES games can be added or purchased later for it? Or is this essentially a collectors item, and that's it?
People always complains...What the hell does that have to do with anything?
And you're actually saying SNES games are gaming classics but NES games aren't?
What is wrong with you?
I don't think anything is confirmed or known at this point. If this sucker comes with wifi capability, storage and the ability to download additional NES games, this will be the greatest thing ever!
People always complai...
Multiple save states in fact. Better than Virtual Console!There is a save feature.
VC games have always been horribly overpriced, though. This is much less overpriced, but still overpriced.
Poor Sega. They released a Mega Drive version of this years ago that came with two controllers, more games and cartridge support for less money and nobody cared. https://www.amazon.co.uk/Sega-Genesis-Atgames-Classic-Console/dp/B00K2CXNPU/ref=sr_1_1?s=videogames&rps=1&ie=UTF8&qid=1468509651&sr=1-1&keywords=sega+megadrive
Still, I'm sold on this. Will probably pick one up before christmas if I can.
Is it confirmed theres no way to add additional games?
Poor Sega. They released a Mega Drive version of this years ago that came with two controllers, more games and cartridge support for less money and nobody cared. https://www.amazon.co.uk/Sega-Genesis-Atgames-Classic-Console/dp/B00K2CXNPU/ref=sr_1_1?s=videogames&rps=1&ie=UTF8&qid=1468509651&sr=1-1&keywords=sega+megadrive