And I'm sure nintendo wants to risk legal action because little jimmy burnt his house down trying to plug in the european plug they supplied
it's perfectly safe, but it's OK, I'm used to english people not knowing how things in their country work.
And I'm sure nintendo wants to risk legal action because little jimmy burnt his house down trying to plug in the european plug they supplied
it's perfectly safe, but it's OK, I'm used to english people not knowing how things in their country work.
And the Republic of Ireland and malta
Where is the US preorder!?
I've noticed that there are adult gamers that do the exact same thing that their parents did to them with sports or music or whatever.
The healthiest option is to provide your child with the resources so that they can decide what they like or dislike. Introduce sports, gaming, whatever, organically and encourage them to explore whatever resonates with them.
Don't force your kid to play NES or watch Star Wars, have it on around them and see how they react.
German-GAF can pre-order it here btw:
It certainly was harder to find than it should've been. When you search "Nintendo Classic Mini" you'll mostly find those Game Boy shaped Game & Watch keychain thingies. Many of them, actually.
My bet is:I really, really want to read the bottom of that box! I just know it explains the asterisk beside "pre-installed" on the cover!I don't know that.
Cucurbitacée;210064362 said:My bet is:
*No, you cannot add more games, stop dreaming!
Cucurbitacée;210053334 said:
Hardware is Raspberry ?
Please do the same for the SNES Nintendo....
no dragon warrior![]()
This is what I always pictured when people used to say they bought DS/3DS's to give away as gifts.
Super C is a great game, but the original Contra is one of the staples of the NES. It's really unfortunate that it's not included here. I wonder what the deal is with Konami and that game. It hasn't been released on the VC in North America for Wii, 3DS, or Wii U and it's not a part of this package. Really odd.
I'm one of the folks who say that the list is terribly incomplete without either Dragon Quest 1 or 3, though.
no dragon warrior![]()
They really shoulda got Dragon Warrior on this as well and River City Ransom.
So this is a pretty cool idea I just find the amount of games pretty lacking. Have they mentioned any plans or is it even possible for them to add an existing one in the future?
With all the Konami stuff I'm surprised they didn't toss in Bomberman Nes.
I bet Nintendo loves and misses the guy.Save him from Konami someday please.
Heh, I'm with you guys. I was thinking about it this morning while I was getting ready for work. I was like "Man! To have the first Final Fantasy AND the first Dragon Warrior on this thing would be amazing!" It is what it is. Truth be told, everyone will be letdown in some way. The NES had a lot of great games and, well, when selecting 30 titles from a catalog of 700+, it would be impossible to compose a dream collection that would unanimously please everyone. Having said that, the 30 titles included with the NES Mini is a very good selection of games that should satisfy everyone to some degree.![]()
Nope, can't expand it and it doesn't read carts. More likely than not, this is going to be a series if the first one sells well. I'd expect 2-3 (the realistic amount of games they'll be able to get the rights to and run well) and then maybe go into SNES from there.
The inclusion of Mega Man 2 and Double Dragon 2 (and not the first games in these series) shows that whoever put this list together knew what they were doing.
The inclusion of Castlevania II: Simon's Quest shows that this person drinks during work hours.
I am excited to see the UI when this boots up. I hope they go the extra mile like Rare did with Rare Replay.
I could see this as well!
Version 2 could be the top loader, and Version 3 the Famicom!
Though hopefully they'll include some nice physical NES style instruction booklets in the box as well...
Simon's Quest is not only a classic, but an underated one as well. They knew what they were doing.
Though hopefully they'll include some nice physical NES style instruction booklets in the box as well...
Should be interesting one way or the other... If it's a hardware clone, then the menu is going to be very limited... If it's just emulated the menu could be a lot more robust and maybe have software manuals/walkthroughs.
Castlevania II doesn't deserve the hate it gets. It has some of the best music in the series and day/night mechanic is actually pretty cool (at the time mind-blowing). It is really obtuse and combat is clunky but it's still pretty fun.
It still isn't better than CVIII though which is the best Castlevania game ever made.
It still isn't better than CVIII though which is the best Castlevania game ever made.
Maybe it's just me, but I would replace FF1 with Rad Racer any day; I can play better versions of FF1 anywhere.
Definitely not. This is an official licensed Nintendo product, not some random person on Craigslist.
Though hopefully they'll include some nice physical NES style instruction booklets in the box as well...
This is gonna get hacked and the fun will begin
But isn't that true for pretty much every game in this collection?
I don't think people are buying this for the best versions of anything so much as for faux-authenticity. There's something masochistic about playing the first FF as it was when it released, but also something that feels pure about it too.
What what I liked the first FF on my NES
It needs to have an RPG and FF1 is probably the most iconic on the system. The music is still great today and a lot of folks have nostalgia for it (The players guide shipped as Nintendo Power was really taking off) DQ1 could arguably be there instead, but it's hard to go back to the NES version.Maybe it's just me, but I would replace FF1 with Rad Racer any day; I can play better versions of FF1 anywhere.
Though hopefully they'll include some nice physical NES style instruction booklets in the box as well...