-_-Still no Amazon preorder.
-_-Still no Amazon preorder.
I've been on the fence about it as well.. I already own most games digitally on the Wii U and have a NES so I don't see much benefit in buying something I'll rarely ever play and the NES controller uses the Wii port which might be obsolete with the NX, I wish it had been USB.
It won't "shit on it" unless its emulators are far more accurate.8bitdo + Rasberry Pi 3 will shit on this. I am done caring without pre-orders.
It won't "shit on it" unless its emulators are far more accurate.
It actually doesn't exist. Or only exists for the wizarding world. Just like Pokémon GO+.What the fuck is the hold up with not only Amazon but GameStop and Best Buy too 0_o
From what we have seen from the "wonderful" Wii U emulator, it will.
What the fuck is the hold up with not only Amazon but GameStop and Best Buy too 0_o
From what we have seen from the "wonderful" Wii U emulator, it will.
What the fuck is the hold up with not only Amazon but GameStop and Best Buy too 0_o
Beats me. At this point I went from a must buy to I don't give a fuck. If I ever see it then I'll buy it cheap. If not oh well Nintendo had their chance.
I'm not sure if I understand this correctly, but you can pre-order on Nintendo's shop? Is there something else I'm missing as why people can't find a pre-order?
I think that was a NoE store thing and that you can't in the US. At least, I hadn't been able to find it when I would periodically search the store before, and I couldn't find it there just now.
Unless I really suck at searching or something...
From what we have seen from the "wonderful" Wii U emulator, it will.
how is there no Contra 1 in this? Growing up everyone had and played Contra - I only had 1 friend who had Super C and no one talked about or played that one.
Beats me. At this point I went from a must buy to I don't give a fuck. If I ever see it then I'll buy it cheap. If not oh well Nintendo had their chance.
It's weird contra has never been on virtual console either. Just Super C
This mentality is crazy to me, especially since we don't actually know if it's Nintendo that's holding back preorders. Nintendo announced a date, so how is it not Amazon's or BB's decision when to open preorders?
Ahh right that explains it, UK here. Weird that you can't pre-order from the US :\ I've had mine pre-ordered on announcement from Amazon but just seen you can get a keychain from the Nintendo store for a £1 more, might change my order.
I'm sure more will show up before release, I remember the Arkham Knight collectors edition being out of stock until the week before release and then it never went out of stock again.
the hw has literally zero to do with the Wii U emulation scene.
Anyway, i'm going to buy 3 day 1.
NES controllers barely have any buttons, they wouldn't serve you well at all on your computer. Wii plug was a good decision for at least SOME utility.
It has zero to do with the NES emulator Nintendo programmed for the Wii U that has low quality dark output and pretty terrible/featureless, other than the fact that Nintendo programmed it of course... ...what?
You do realize: there are completely different ways to make hardware and emulators correct?
What are the sales projections for this? Does it seem like its going to be a smash hit?
Sorry, but I just don't see NERD leapfrogging FCEUX's 12+ years of work. It would be something if it was even 100% new code, as I am sure at least some of the Wii/U source was used as a base. It sure as hell isn't FPGA so it's an uphill battle to get an accurate base for this stocking stuffer.
That said, even if it equals FCEUX there is the whole 30 games thing it has working against it. See: previous posts for Contra port begging.
This machine is produced by Nintendo. You might have heard of them...they're the company that created the Nintendo Entertainment System. If there's any singe entity that I would trust to know about the hardware and what makes it tick, it would be the company that created the original system.
The "whole 30 games thing"? You mean offering people the ability to quickly, easily, and legally obtain 30 games in one shot? You sure have a strange definition of "working against it", that's for sure.
I wouldn't rule NERD out, their DS emulator on Wii is stellar and one of the few highpoints for the system's generally disspointing VC. Hackers have even discovered NERD included doubled resolution options (but they were disabled due to stability issues). NES Classic Mini is in good hands at least.Sorry, but I just don't see NERD leapfrogging FCEUX's 12+ years of work. It would be something if it was even 100% new code, as I am sure at least some of the Wii/U source was used as a base. It sure as hell isn't FPGA so it's an uphill battle to get an accurate base for this stocking stuffer.
That said, even if it equals FCEUX there is the whole 30 games thing it has working against it. See: previous posts for Contra port begging.
So will pre-orders just miraculously be allowed some day or do we have to wait for a direct?
MyEpitomeCliché;219343901 said:Gamestop will not be taking in store preorders for these. First come, first serve. Allotments per store will be known closer to November 11th. Dunno about other retailers, aside from the brief window that already happened with Toys R Us and Target.
Surely not, right? It seems like it should be simple and cheap enough to mass produce. Maybe they just aren't sure what kind of demand there will be for the product outside of their fanbase, so they don't know how much to produceReally starting to sound like this is going to be ridiculously hard to find come November
I'm worried that this thing's print run might be more limited than I was expecting.. :S
Surely not, right? It seems like it should be simple and cheap enough to mass produce. Maybe they just aren't sure what kind of demand there will be for the product outside of their fanbase, so they don't know how much to produce
I've already come to terms with the fact that we're all going to be camped outside of our local brick and mortar retailers on the night of November 10th. We'll make an event out of it.Damn! US-GAF still can't pre-order this?!
I feel there might be a shortage come launch, I had 2 units pre-ordered from Amazon UK the moment they started taking pre-orders but they cancelled one of them a few weeks ago!![]()
I'm worried that this thing's print run might be more limited than I was expecting.. :S
Pretty stupid that this is a month away and US preorders never opened.