Slightly bummed there is no stretch/16:9 mode.
Your TV should have the ability to do it if you really want it.
Slightly bummed there is no stretch/16:9 mode.
To give you an idea of real-world use, here's the NES Classic hooked up to a (32", I think) TV using all of the included cables. I'm powering it off of the TV's USB plug, to show best-case distance (as in, not having to have the power cable reach to an outlet in another location):
can you recreate this?
To give you an idea of real-world use, here's the NES Classic hooked up to a (32", I think) TV using all of the included cables. I'm powering it off of the TV's USB plug, to show best-case distance (as in, not having to have the power cable reach to an outlet in another location):
Won't be buying with a 3 foot cord. I'm sick of Nintendo putting out systems that are structurally flawed(No Ethernet, no hard drive, no length to a cord).
That roughly gets me to comfortably holding the controller six feet from the TV, but not accounting for the power plug being in a different location like that image.
This practically ruins the system. Unless you have it hooked up at a desk that you sit at, you're either going to have the console on the floor or extension cords for the controller or a long hdmi cable. It'll be a trip hazard no matter what you do if you have multiple people around plus it'll look like shit. Totally unacceptable by Nintendo here.
What makes it worse is that everything else about this is really cool from the idea to the look to replicating the controller to the price. But the cord issue just messes it all up. There was feedback and worry about this before the system was released and they just chose to ignore it. Good old Nintendo.
To give you an idea of real-world use, here's the NES Classic hooked up to a (32", I think) TV using all of the included cables. I'm powering it off of the TV's USB plug, to show best-case distance (as in, not having to have the power cable reach to an outlet in another location).
Best-case scenario I think is either going to be playing at a desk, or putting the unit on a coffee table between you and the TV if things are all close enough. Or, you know, getting longer cables / cable extenders. Of course, extending the controller cord's length makes it harder to use the Reset button, which you may be using quite a bit.
Poorly designed, or designed to be cheap. Who would have been interested in this box at twice the price?
Poorly designed, or designed to be cheap. Who would have been interested in this box at twice the price?
Nobody. Scalpers will get burned if they try to hoard this thing. It's not worth it at $60, so I doubt many would pay more than that.
Slightly bummed there is no stretch/16:9 mode.
Why? That would ruin the look of the games.
Nobody. Scalpers will get burned if they try to hoard this thing. It's not worth it at $60, so I doubt many would pay more than that.
It's more than 50% off the Virtual Console counterparts, and in HD.Nobody. Scalpers will get burned if they try to hoard this thing. It's not worth it at $60, so I doubt many would pay more than that.
Dat Neo Geo X.To give you an idea of real-world use, here's the NES Classic hooked up to a (32", I think) TV using all of the included cables. I'm powering it off of the TV's USB plug, to show best-case distance (as in, not having to have the power cable reach to an outlet in another location).
Best-case scenario I think is either going to be playing at a desk, or putting the unit on a coffee table between you and the TV if things are all close enough. Or, you know, getting longer cables / cable extenders. Of course, extending the controller cord's length makes it harder to use the Reset button, which you may be using quite a bit.
It's more than 50% off the Virtual Console counterparts, and in HD.
The normal price is worth it. But not going out of your eay to get one.
Please tell me someone is making an extension cable that will let me plug the controller into a real NES.
To give you an idea of real-world use, here's the NES Classic hooked up to a (32", I think) TV using all of the included cables. I'm powering it off of the TV's USB plug, to show best-case distance (as in, not having to have the power cable reach to an outlet in another location).
Best-case scenario I think is either going to be playing at a desk, or putting the unit on a coffee table between you and the TV if things are all close enough. Or, you know, getting longer cables / cable extenders. Of course, extending the controller cord's length makes it harder to use the Reset button, which you may be using quite a bit.
All the games I'd want to play on this thing, I already have on my WiiU and Wii VC. And I barely paid anything for them. They were all pretty much gotten with promotions and Club Nintendo coins and stuff.
Great. Your personal valuation of this device has nothing to do with whether or not the market perceives this product as a worthwhile purchase at $60.
And to be fair, the fact that this device represents a significant savings over buying the games individually on the Virtual Console doesn't mean all that much either, as the consumer the NES Classic is intended for probably doesn't even know the VC exists.
What's with the defensive attitude? Does it bother you that much, that maybe this thing may not be the hot holiday product people in this thread are making it out to be?
I mean people are acting like this is a new console launch, instead of the Switch next year.
😆To give you an idea of real-world use, here's the NES Classic hooked up to a (32", I think) TV using all of the included cables. I'm powering it off of the TV's USB plug, to show best-case distance (as in, not having to have the power cable reach to an outlet in another location).
or you could buy a cheap cord extension
Here's a link for this specific cord in case anyone is interested.
$10, 6-ft long, sold by Gamestop starting on 11/10 so you won't have to wait until December like if you were to buy this one off Amazon. Gives you 8.5 ft of cord length in all.
Well that's good but still unacceptable that Nintendo would release this with such a short cord, im not 10 yrs old anymore sitting in my beanbag chair a couple feet away from my 25 inch TV
Take the picture again with a black light. There's at least 6 unsolved crimes on that carpet.
Now that Nintendo has said they aren't doing preorders for the mini, have no doubt this *WILL* be the *HOT* "toy" this Christmas. If you see one in the wild, I'd grab it.
Ouch at that cord length
What a bummer
Oh Nintendo
Hopefully I can just go into a GameStop next Friday right at opening to pick one up, I'm not camping for this shit
So then I should not plan on something at Amazon?
Apparently some GameStop stores are doing "reserve lists" so you might want to call yours in advance to see if they are or if you can just walk in at opening.
All the games I'd want to play on this thing, I already have on my WiiU and Wii VC. And I barely paid anything for them. They were all pretty much gotten with promotions and Club Nintendo coins and stuff.
Won't be buying with a 3 foot cord. I'm sick of Nintendo putting out systems that are structurally flawed(No Ethernet, no hard drive, no length to a cord).
Hmmm that's really random but I was wondering how it'd be handled with no pre orders
Thanks for the heads up
Maybe it's just me, but I kinda like it... reminds me of the tiny 13" TVs my friends and I used to play this and the Master System on back in the '80s. Composite if we were lucky, too... I think a lot of TVs back then still required RF switches.I just watched the Ars video. Is the CRT filter seriously emulating dot crawl? It looks like a damn composite filter. If that was an accurate representation it's incredibly unfortunate.
Since it's technically a Wii classic controller, you could buy this NES plug that can receive Wiimote wirelessly. No wires except the short one in your lap to the wiimote, which is why I like how short it is.Please tell me someone is making an extension cable that will let me plug the controller into a real NES.