Shitty half assed version of what they should have released. I mean does it honestly use wired controllers? Give me a fucking break. I mean it's cute but there's no reason they couldn't have done a Virtual Console streaming stick with internal storage that runs all the old games and also works with NNID. It should have just come with a voucher for the eShop with some credit, I don't want to rebuy games I already own on VC and I already own most of the games on that list and the ones I don't I give zero fucks about. It'll make a great holiday gift though!
That would render the sale of individual VC titles useless and unprofitable.
This console (if we can even call it that in the traditional sense) isn't meant for enthusiasts. It's for everyone else. It gives you the bare bones essential to relive/rediscover what made the NES great. And if you like what you played, you're encouraged to pick up a Wii or Wii U for more.
This will be the equivalent of a previously hip parent playing their kids their record collections and the kids have a look saying 'OK, thanks Dad' before walking off to play an endless running game on their iPad.
I might get one tho - being from the UK I didn't do the NES, and for AUD$100 it might be worth picking up.
Don't need it, still want it, especially when I imagine it sitting atop my full-size original. The controllers look to be a steal at $10, too.
I just notice how much likes this thing got on Twitter. Is that a good reception? Looks like it I think, seems abnormally huge
I hope it's not going to be a pain in the ass to get my hand on one of these.
It seemed like every friend I have on Facebook posted the news today, many of whom are not gamers.
if this is successful I hope they consider doing the same for the OG gameboy.
How would they do that though? A TV is a TV, but making Game Boy screens in the 2010s is unrealistic and if it's to play the games blown up on a TV, I don't think Nintendo would find that to be an experience that meets their current quality standards.
I wish it were possible though.
Is there a link to Amazon UKs listing? Can't seem to find itAmazon UK have dropped the price back to £49.99.
It's missing Contra, Castlevania III and about five Mega Man games, 9/10 will buy anyway.
Shitty half assed version of what they should have released. I mean does it honestly use wired controllers? Give me a fucking break. I mean it's cute but there's no reason they couldn't have done a Virtual Console streaming stick with internal storage that runs all the old games and also works with NNID. It should have just come with a voucher for the eShop with some credit, I don't want to rebuy games I already own on VC and I already own most of the games on that list and the ones I don't I give zero fucks about. It'll make a great holiday gift though!
Shitty half assed version of what they should have released. I mean does it honestly use wired controllers? Give me a fucking break. I mean it's cute but there's no reason they couldn't have done a Virtual Console streaming stick with internal storage that runs all the old games and also works with NNID. It should have just come with a voucher for the eShop with some credit, I don't want to rebuy games I already own on VC and I already own most of the games on that list and the ones I don't I give zero fucks about. It'll make a great holiday gift though!
Just preordered on Amazon. Are there any details about the retail price of the ac adapter (since the package says there is none included)?
Just preordered on Amazon. Are there any details about the retail price of the ac adapter (since the package says there is none included)?
I don't think they'll even sell an "official" adapter for this. If your TV has USB just use that. Otherwise I'm sure you can use every phone/tablet adapter on the planet.
You can get them for less than 1 EUR.
Shitty half assed version of what they should have released. I mean does it honestly use wired controllers? Give me a fucking break. I mean it's cute but there's no reason they couldn't have done a Virtual Console streaming stick with internal storage that runs all the old games and also works with NNID. It should have just come with a voucher for the eShop with some credit, I don't want to rebuy games I already own on VC and I already own most of the games on that list and the ones I don't I give zero fucks about. It'll make a great holiday gift though!
I will buy this just to own it but what I really want is a SNES.
Not up yet on
I hope the games will all be 60hz, considering the console is hdmi only they have no excuses.
Super C is Contra though