It's my birthday today and I'm going to download something for myself. What should I get?
Was thinking about The Keep.
Why not look at their past games to decide
Nifflas (Knytt Underground, NightSky) and KnapNok Games (Spin the Bottle: Bumpie's Party)
Dajana Dimovska, CEO of KnapNok Games, has said the following.
Setting a price has been tricky for us. There is a lot of great games on the eShop selling for around $15, but they are either ports from other platforms, or games that could be easily ported to other platforms at a later date. Affordable Space Adventures is uniquely designed specifically for the Wii U system and the GamePad, we have to earn all our revenue in the eShop.
There is such a great community surrounding the Wii U and people are super excited whenever a good game is coming to the platform; I am sure that people are willing to pay a few extra bucks to get a game that has been tailor made for the hardware.
We are pretty certain that this game will not see a price drop or a discount at least until after the summer. We totally understand that some people have a limited budget for games. If these people are willing to wait and buy the game in the fall, to save some dollars, we are cool with that. I just can't promise anything about when or how much. The only thing I can promise is that the game will stay full price during this spring and summer.
Just as a reminder.
I don't know what their past games are.
Don't know either of those companies, and never played any of those games.
Let you google that for me
(Today, 01:18 PM)
Perfect tag moment.![]()
I mean, I've tried to search around for videos of Affordable Space Adventures, but the only one I've found of a decent length is that terrible NintendoLife one.
If you have other recommendations of videos to check out showing a decent amount of the gameplay, let me know.
Does the master have also other desires?
I'll take $10k myself!
For Smash Bros. Everyone should totally vote The Red Ship!
With awesome moves such as.. umm, err, kamikaze into enemy! It's super effective!
I'd complain about ASA's $20 price too, but I wasn't going to buy it anyway, so I'll just say that I find the name to be FALSE ADVERTISING!
I find it weird that - in this thread of all places - we have to fight and justify the value and now apparently even the name of this amazing exclusive Wii U game with seemingly great production values and which also happens to present one of the best showcases for asymmetric gameplay in both singleplayer and three-player co-op for the Wii U GamePad. Like, what the hell, guys?
I find it weird that - in this thread of all places - we have to fight and justify the value and now apparently even the name of this amazing exclusive Wii U game with seemingly great production values and which also happens to present one of the best showcases for asymmetric gameplay in both singleplayer and three-player co-op for the Wii U GamePad. Like, what the hell, guys?
I find it weird that - in this thread of all places - we have to fight and justify the value and now apparently even the name of this amazing exclusive Wii U game with seemingly great production values and which also happens to present one of the best showcases for asymmetric gameplay in both singleplayer and three-player co-op for the Wii U GamePad. Like, what the hell, guys?
The name comes from the plot of the game. You are tempted to go on an affordable space adventure only to find out that the spaceship that you got is barely functioning. And this is your starting point, with a cheap, good for (almost) nothing ship.
But you along the way you manage to improve it and get access to more technology.
I'm positively LOADED with ba-bling-ba-bling
Pokémon Rumble World
I'm in for Pokemon Rumble. I know some might hated the RNG aspect of the last F2P Pokemon game, but it really didn't bother me. I'll be in, and I'm sure my kids will enjoy as well.
Oh Rumble World is coming already? Bring it on. I wonder how another F2P pokemon game will feel.
Yoshi Touch & Go isn't actually going to cost $9.99, is it? I'd happily buy it if it were half the price. It's one of the only first party DS titles I no longer have.
Yoshi Touch & Go isn't actually going to cost $9.99, is it? I'd happily buy it if it were half the price. It's one of the only first party DS titles I no longer have.
Nintendo gonna charge you 10 bucks and you'll like it!
I could have sworn they said DS was 6.99 to 9.99
CeeCee andrewburke20 4 hours ago
Outside of what we've already released...Fairly sure we're done with GB and SNES -- I believe Graham also noted Nintendo has taken all the games they want on the podcast.
My path to success was sucking French cock for a decade.
Should I be excited for Pokemon Rumble World? I'm excited for Pokemon Rumble World.
Affordable Space Adventures would be a must-have if I still regularly had couch co-op gaming. Sadly it's too rare that that ever happens and I'm not sure about the game when playing all by your lonesome. Like, yeah, you can, but the multi is the main draw, right?
Well there won't be an N64 or Wii title in today's PR, that's for sure. We already know of upcoming releases and they are later than this week. So I wonder if we'll see some square shaped SNES titles...
ASA started as a single player game actually. Only later in development they realized that they can split the responsibilities in a asymmetrical local MP.