DAMN. I remember hearing for years they couldn't get it on the Wii VC because of technical issues or something.
Least Wii U VC will go out with a sort-of bang.
DAMN. I remember hearing for years they couldn't get it on the Wii VC because of technical issues or something.
DAMN. I remember hearing for years they couldn't get it on the Wii VC because of technical issues or something.
Least Wii U VC will go out with a sort-of bang.
Same exact thing happened in the waning days of the original Wii VC, a bunch of crazy titles hit.
So they're seriously going to just let the Wii U VC die without releasing Smash Bros 64?
You're basing this assumption on ...?
There only being a few weeks left of Wii U VC releases and no Smash 64 in sight
Unless they keep doing Wii U VC releases after the Switch is out. But otherwise, this week would be HM64, and then that just leaves next week.
How long did Wii VC releases continue after the Wii U was released?
It's coming to NA later this week too according to CeeCee.
I would assume the darkness filter is still there, but I've seen comments say it's less pronounced in more recent games.
If your tv has adjustable brightness settings I would say go for it.
Probably be playing in on the gamepad more often than not. I think I'll wait for impressions. Need something to tide me over until the 3rd.
Are the N64 games on Wii U still mega dark? So tempted by HM64.
Does the GamePad have brightness settings? I thought it did. And for GBA games, FWIW, those were artificially brightened to begin with to make up for the lack of a backlit screen on GBA, so those shouldn't be as bad with the dark filter as the N64 ones. Hope that helps.
This is the first Wii U-exclusive N64 VC game (aside from DK64)!
If Wii U VC is really coming to an end, they need to put the GOAT in there for an absolute megaton finish:
Excitebike 64 also didn't release on Wii, if I remember correctly.
Are you kidding me with the HM64? I would've bought it on VC at any point in the last decade, but they wait a) two days after I bought Stardew Valley and b) a week before I buy new Nintendo hardware that probably won't play my VC games for a good long while.
Does the GamePad have brightness settings? I thought it did. And for GBA games, FWIW, those were artificially brightened to begin with to make up for the lack of a backlit screen on GBA, so those shouldn't be as bad with the dark filter as the N64 ones. Hope that helps.
Nothing changed there.
Yes, GamePad brightness settings to max (heh) removes any darkness issues in Off-TV for N64 VC.
Ta very much. I'll keep an open mind then. Love me some HM and haven't played one for ages.
Ta very much. I'll keep an open mind then. Love me some HM and haven't played one for ages.
REDMOND, Wash.--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- This weeks Nintendo Download includes the following featured content:
Virtual Console on Wii U
Harvest Moon 64 Hard work is rewarded as you struggle to bring prosperity back to a neglected farm. Raise cows, chickens and sheep in this classic Nintendo 64 simulation RPG. Celebrate seasonal festivals with nearby townsfolk. Work the land, pick up odd jobs and get to know the neighbors. One of the towns residents may even prove to be the love of your characters life!
Nintendo eShop sales:
Nintendo eShop on Wii U and Nintendo 3DS
Celebrate the upcoming launch of Shovel Knight: Treasure Trove and Shovel Knight: Specter of Torment on Nintendo Switch with this great discount on Shovel Knight for Wii U and Nintendo 3DS.
Defend the innocent with courtroom hero Phoenix Wright! Purchase Ace Attorney games at up to 60 percent off until 8:59 a.m. PT on March 1. Click here for more details.
Also new this week:
Go! Go! Kokopolo 3D (Nintendo eShop on Nintendo 3DS)
forma.8 (Nintendo eShop on Wii U)
Ghost Blade HD (Nintendo eShop on Wii U)
Maze Break (Nintendo eShop on Wii U)
Placards (Nintendo eShop on Wii U)
Vaccine (Nintendo eShop on Wii U)
You know something I don't? There is still one more Thursday before Switch launch. Also no Nintendo system has launched with the VC besides the Wii, so I don't expect it will be available at launch either.no VC at launch, Nintendoooooooooooooo!!!!
they actually confirmed it won't be at launch. ;_;You know something I don't? There is still one more Thursday before Switch launch. Also no Nintendo system has launched with the VC besides the Wii, so I don't expect it will be available at launch either.
Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - Spirit of Justice
$17.99 (ordinarily $29.99)
Nintendo 3DS
Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney Trilogy
$14.99 (ordinarily $29.99)
Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - Dual Destinies
$11.99 (ordinarily $29.99)
Trilogy is down to match the previous low price. Not sure on the others, but Dual Destiny looks like a steal at that price.
they're not doing Zelda BotW preload on Wii U at all? man, they're gonna crash those servers hard next week. might be better to get up and go to the store to buy the game physically.
Thanks. I guess I wouldn't get to play DD for a couple years at the earliest. Eventually it'll presumably get even cheaper, would we think? Maybe AA Trilogy #2?
AA Trilogy 2 would include the DS #4 + the two 3DS games. Doubt they'd put that on 3DS. Maybe whatever system they start emulating 3DS games on, though. Next handheld? Looks like to play #4 (Apollo Justice) would need a system to play DS game (DS, 3DS, or VC) or smartphone. Don't know how the smartphone versions play, though.