I watch EPL but I'm neutral. Eff Man U though.
Alright, you're good in my book
Liverpool <3
I watch EPL but I'm neutral. Eff Man U though.
I watch EPL but I'm neutral. Eff Man U though.
Alright, you're good in my book
Liverpool <3
My external hard drive on my WiiU is not working right, I can play games off it but I cant save anything to it or move date between WiiU and HD
My question is, if I buy a new hard drive, can I copy the data from that hard drive onto my computer and then put it on my new hard drive?
has a lucid diegesis
That sounds bad.
I hope they can get that taken care of.
I don't think a PC can detect a drive formatted for Wii U. However you should be able to connect both drives to your Wii U and transfer the data that way.
I thought that kind of verbiage impressed you, terry!
The problem is when I try to access the drive while its connected to the WiiU I get an error message, I can only play games off it, but I cant add anything new or take anything off that hard drive with out getting an error and its not even close to full.
that doesn't sound good
umm I'm not sure but maybe you can make a disk image of the hard drive? I don't know if that's possible without the PC recognizing the file system... but otherwise I got nothin'
The good thing is I only have a bunch of eshop games I dont play anymore on there, all my other saves are on my WiiU drive, only thing that sucks is my stealth inc data and Monster Hunter WiiU data is on there.
I just heard there are issues. I think a few people here lost their DLs this way and all their saves before.
But, I've never tried it. I've just used a regular HDD.
I'm debating doing this myself. The whole issue with USB sticks is games write and rewrite so often they wear them out, but the Wii games are basically just ISO files, so I don't think that would apply.
I can't say anything about the wii u version since i played a bit on my cousins xbox. It really is mediocre at best. Don't really like the pacman design but that comes down to taste, but what ruins it for me is the camera. It tracks slowly so if you turned around a corner it will take the camera another 2 seconds to follow you behind the corner. or if you attack ghost facing the camera it won't turn and the pacing is also really slow. While i haven't completed the game just had about an hour with it so i can't judge the full game. In the end i don't think its worth the 9,99 to be honest.
edit: I like design 3 the best.
Random: I just discovered/realized that Tolkir is a Malaga supporter.
I wonder if we have any other Football fans in here (since I'm far too lazy to check everyone :þ)
Hey guys, a quick question about the Wii U regarding game updates:
is it possible to download a software update for a title you don't own yet?
A friend of mine will bring over MK8 and I thought it would be great if I could download the current update before then. On the eshop, only the DLC is listed, though.
Is there any way to download the update beforehand?
No, you cannot. You can buy and download DLC without owning/having the game on hand, though. But not software updates.
Why you're asking this in a screenshot thread is beyond me, though.
And I'm pretty sure I posted this in the Downloads thread, don't you think?![]()
Thanks, I was thinking about it because the shortage of the genre and the sale.
True.Btw, Luis Alberto is slow as a turtle. Next time loans us Coutinho.
Hopefully we get Donkey Kong Country Returns and the entire Rare DKC trilogy next week.
If you guys didn't make every new week about anticipating those specific games you're dying for and instead let yourself be positively surprised when they finally do show up, it would be way less painful I bet.
Besides, no one really cares about DKC. It's all about Metroid:Zero Mission.
Besides, no one really cares about DKC. It's all about Metroid:Zero Mission.
If you guys didn't make every new week about anticipating those specific games you're dying for and instead let yourself be positively surprised when they finally do show up, it would be way less painful I bet.
True.Btw, Luis Alberto is slow as a turtle. Next time loans us Coutinho.
If you guys didn't make every new week about anticipating those specific games you're dying for and instead let yourself be positively surprised when they finally do show up, it would be way less painful I bet.