NoE Twitter account just confirmed that HarmoKnight's releasing on March 28th, with a demo next Thursday.
NoE Twitter account just confirmed that HarmoKnight's releasing on March 28th, with a demo next Thursday.
NoE Twitter account just confirmed that HarmoKnight's releasing on March 28th, with a demo next Thursday.
Np. I'm a big fan of the game, so the idea that a fellow gaffer might be on the production team got me.No blu, sorry; I was just thanking the poster for saying that it was up since I had just been asking about it.
Why put a demo out a different week if they're releasing the same day in America and Europe!? Oh well, shouldn't complain. What I'd like is a European price.
Usually $=€ so expect €15
Same day as the US? Or actually a bit before due to the time difference! Unprecedented! Why the hell wouldn't they tell us soomer?!
NO!! I hate hearing this...
Were you able to play the other 2 NES megaman games on the 3DS, or is it just the sliding mechanic that is hard to do on the 3DS dpad?
I replayed MM1 and MM2 on 3DS and was looking forward to replaying MM3.
Has Bit Trip Runner 2 come out on Wii U yet in Europe?
Oh wow, Little Inferno is on sale for $4.99
Has Bit Trip Runner 2 come out on Wii U yet in Europe?
I've transferred my digital Wii games over to the Wii U, but I'd like to buy a WiiWare game on the Wii so I can get the Club Nintendo coins, then transfer again.
Is the Wii still linked to my CN account, or do I have to enter any info?
still linked. I do this dance every month or so just for the coins. That pikmin transfer screen is awesome though.
If you're paranoid though check the Wii Shop's account info screen.
HarmoKnight demo still not up. Did Nintendo hire Grace Chen while I wasn't looking?
Well whenever it shows up, I'm gonna make a demo thread.
EDIT: okay, it's up. 459 blocks.
Might help if you tell us the name of the HDD. There is a thread for HDD support on NeoGAF. I forget where it is though
Ok you guys, here's the deal.
Yacht Club Games are ex-WayForward guys.
Shovel Knight is their first game and it's on Kickstarter.
Jake "Virt" Kaufman is working on the soundtrack. He did the music for Contra 4, Shantae, Mighty Switch Force and Double Dragon Neon.
It's currently PC only but they have stated plans to release it on 3DS and Wii U next.
It's actually been confirmed that it's going to be on both Nintendo systems, officially. By that Nintendo site that you Go to.
Shovel Knight is their first game and it's on Kickstarter.
They hope to bring it to 3DS and Wii U, nothing is confirmed. This is why that site is banned.
SD Card Menu, my friend.It irritates me to no end that Wii space is limited on the Wii U. I have 16 GB free, but I can't download Last Blade 2 or King of Fighters '98 because I don't have any space.
SD Card Menu, my friend.
But yeah, I'm glad that Wii and DSi digital content was transferable (LOL PS4), but it's done in such a sloppy, crappy way.
Oops. Well, I personally consider it enough of a lock to not worry about it, but what can you do.
How many DSiWare games do you have?I don't personally find anything wrong with DSi content on the 3DS (XL).
Yeah, we know that you have your own special way with wordsI'll hold you personally responsible if the simultaneous release for GBA games or the unified account system doesn't happen.
How many DSiWare games do you have?
It's actually been confirmed that it's going to be on both Nintendo systems, officially. By that Nintendo site that you Go to.
They hope to bring it to 3DS and Wii U, nothing is confirmed. This is why that site is banned.
They didn't confirm anything of the sort on that site.
Bought a cheap hard drive for the Wii U, and having some problems. I was able to download and install the Chasing Aurora demo just fine, I transferred Might Switch Force HD over to the HDD(as a test) just fine, but I've tried to install the Monster Hunter demo twice now, and both times it gets to about 30% progress, and stops.
The Wii U isn't locked up, the blue circle is continuing to spin, but the progress bar refuses to move, and the estimated time remaining just continues to climb up about 2 minutes, every minute. I'm going to try and download it directly into the Wii U memory later and see what happens, but anyone have this problem?
They actually did.
unless I misunderstood you. In that case, I apologize.
Is it a self powered hdd or y cable?
I see that they have, however they had originally posted much the same as Nintendolife. I can only assume that they have now received confirmation as the post reads "Well that didn't take long! Last night we weren't sure Shovel Knight was coming our way, but we had a good reason to think they'd make their way over. Today we have confirmation that the title is heading to 3DS and Wii U."
Y Cable. Only had an issue with the MH demo so far.
I had errors downloading the demo too, I believe. Pretty sure it was my crappy connection though. It would stop and there'd be a big red X and an error message.
Instead of deleting and starting again, I think I just exited Download Management and went back in and it eventually resumed. Had to do that a couple times.
What kind of game is HarmoKnight anyway and why should I be excited? Demo's not out here, damn.
Is it published by Nintendo but who are the devs?
What kind of game is HarmoKnight anyway and why should I be excited? Demo's not out here, damn.
Is it published by Nintendo but who are the devs?
It's a rhythm platformer game sort of like Bit.Trip Runner. It's developed by GameFreak who make Pokemon.
Oh wow, Little Inferno is on sale for $4.99