Thinks he should have been the one to kill Batman's parents.
It looks better, but still a step back from the SP.
Lost Weekend said:Hopefully we'll get the Platinum and some metallic colors. That would be nice (Especially a nice metallic banana yellow!)
COCKLES said:Looking good. But a bit too silver, like it needs another colour like black to break the colour scheme up a bit. And the space above the speakers looks a little barren - like there should be something there - perhaps Nintendo will ship it with stickers so you can customise it.
TheGreenGiant said:I'll be the first to say it but I now think the DS looks better than PSP. visually
As for specs+usability
clam shell +1
power/battery life +1
The DS owns the little PSP bitch
DjangoReinhardt said:It looks better, but still a step back from the SP.
Nintendo has stated that the focus of NDS is 2D.
Red Dolphin said:Outside of the GBASP and NDS I'd have to say the N64 was Nintendo's best designed piece of hardware. Certainly the best designed home console they ever made. The PAL SNES was good for it's time I suppose too.
...Huh? All games require you to use both hands, what kind of brain damage-induced lefthandedness are we talking about here?Mama Smurf said:As I've said (many, many) times before, you can't just put one analogue stick in. The system has to be symmetrical because of the touchscreen, to cater for lefthanded players too. So they'd have to put two in, or none.
Clealry they've gone for none. I wish they were there, but maybe it's a cost thing, I dunno.
Agreed.Mama Smurf said:As I've said (many, many) times before, you can't just put one analogue stick in. The system has to be symmetrical because of the touchscreen, to cater for lefthanded players too. So they'd have to put two in, or none.
Clealry they've gone for none. I wish they were there, but maybe it's a cost thing, I dunno.
Dice said:...Huh? All games require you to use both hands, what kind of brain damage-induced lefthandedness are we talking about here?
I'm sure that will be just great to make fast minor adjustments of direction and speed in Mario 64, or take turns just right in racers, oh and all the tapping in that Metroid game... yes, those all sound so immersive and fun.And anyway, the stilus is intended to act as an analogue stick in a sense.
I don't think any of those games need you to use the controls and stylus at the same time.Mama Smurf said:Yes, it is. It doesn't matter if you're right handed or left handed, you just have to switch the side of the analogue stick to your weaker one.
We've already seen a game where you have to draw a Pac-Man relatively clearly, a game where you have to precisely slice fruit as it flies across your screen, where you have to draw clouds quickly before Mario hits enemies maybe your right hand is far better than my left, but no way in hell would I want to have to use my left to do any of those things.
Marconelly said:Obviously, this is much better. The only problem with the DS physical design (old and new) is that it's screens cover so little of the unit's surface that it has an inescapably toy-like look. I also want to see real photos of the unit, or even actual real units to judge the plastic/build quality. I know I was really put off by the look & feel of plastic used for SP, after I saw the initial promo pictures which made it look all sexy and expensive.
robertsan21 said:i fixed some stuff on this new design.
i dont like the edges and i DO not like it that there aint no analog!!!!