I liked the vid. I'm glad this one is an all new quest (least it looks that way from the vid b/c I didn't recognized any locations from Saphirre). It should do much better than Yellow/Crystal.
I haven't touched a Pokemon game since Gold, so if this comes out here I'll likely give it a whirl, especially since I have no intention of moving on to a new platform during the next few years. GBA will remain my rock.
Ah yeah, I was watching this earlier. Looks pretty nifty and some how looks different from Ru/Sa. Just my imagination though, besides the animations there's not much difference graphically.
I'm interested in the other stuff anounced about it though. Moves before battle and what not.
Man that looks like there is a ton of new locations over Ru/Sa.. and all that animation. I'm definitely buying this when it comes out now and I had no intent to before. Dammit!
Are we to assume that this might be the GBA Game to make a direct link to a possible DS Stadium title? If there was to be a game that would link directly, you'd think this would be the one.
Are we to assume that this might be the GBA Game to make a direct link to a possible DS Stadium title? If there was to be a game that would link directly, you'd think this would be the one.